VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status

VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status
I stay away from this immigration debate, however out of curiosity…
Some of the tweets claim their “tax dollars” (remember to ask for a balance sheet for proof) paying for this criminal to go to college, who achieved a valedictorian status, preparing to go to college (Yale), so that she can contribute to America’s health to become a neurosurgeon.
BUT—they don’t mind having their “tax dollars” pay for the incarceration of Bernie Madoff and the Boston Marathon’s “alleged” bomber. Not mentioning rapists, murderers, you know the whole shabang?
So let me get the word “criminal” clear:
The government creates criminals when they pass a law to outlaw certain actions or products. So if alcohol was illegal during prohibition and you consumed alcohol, you was a criminal. And if you smoked weed, you were a criminal.
So let me get most of Americans clear here…..
They’d rather pay taxes to lock Bernie Madoff and Boston “alleged” bomber up in federal prison in the name of “JUSTICE”…….
But refuse to pay, and be angry towards this young lady choosing to pursue a career in medicine and contribute—-I can’t even finish this….
So there’s your Prison Industrial Complex. THERE’S your future….
Really America? Really?
TURN THAT FUCKING TV OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for those tweets that called her a criminal, I’m curious if they saw and heard the entire speech first*

*I do want to make note that I wasn’t there, so this is allegations that I believe half what I hear and see. But let’s say it’s real. Congratulations.

Yes, we are ALL humans. That does NOT dismiss my questioning everything, which leads to this…

The other half I’m questioning is if she was planted by the government to insight heated debates (which cause division among the country), and invoke emotions towards immigration, rather in a positive or negative light. Is she a distraction?

I question EVERYTHING, and don’t leave NO stone un-turned.

Regardless of the “hidden” agendas, we would never know. However, what we CAN know is having unconditional love for ourself AND all humanity so that this profitable “immigration debate” no longer matters anymore.

OH, one last thing:
Did the alleged “founding fathers” (which were undocumented immigrants from Europe) ask for citizenship from the Native Americans? Wondering.
I guess you should’ve built that wall after all Pocahontas…

Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Yep, we’re on Hillary again…


Let me ask; what’s a “Progressive?” What does that mean?

I grew up in a right-wing Republican Bible Belt environment that always blamed “liberals” for every ills of politics, the economy, etc.

Well I’m not sure if they knew how to read but I did, and I decided to find out what the word “liberal” meant (according to old Webster, and the time…late 90s). I was surprise to read that LIBERAL in Latin meant (to liberate; a political philosophy that promotes liberty).

If that’s what “liberal” means then what the heck is “conservative?”

So if that’s liberal (among most American English language), maybe its best we learn a lot of Latin so we understand what the fuck we really saying without looking stupid?

I say that because in my experience I grew up around conservative “warmongers” who was ready to blow up everything under the sun in this God-forsaken planet. Everything and everyone who weren’t “conservative Christians” was an enemy of God and had to be dealt with. Yes, I grew up around that. Oh, and the death penalty was God’s will.

Now that I got all of that off my chest, it brings us back to the title regarding “war crimes”.

Let’s read the article below to get a clear reason why Hillary is being accused of such atrocious act.


However if you’re impatient as me and realize that most of this shit is pure propaganda, you can skip all the way down to avoid insulting your intelligence.

Hillary Clinton made headlines with a speech in San Diego casting Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency due to the damage his incendiary rhetoric could cause. Simultaneously, the former Secretary of State sought to convince the California audience that she was the safer choice in foreign policy matters.

But when taking a closer look at US foreign policy under her leadership as the nation’s top diplomat, it’s obvious that Clinton could potentially be as disastrous as Trump if given the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Here are a few examples of countries where conditions are tremendously worse as a result of Hillary Clinton’s policies.

Hillary Clinton made Libya a failed state

In an April interview with Fox News, President Barack Obama, reflecting on his 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, admitted that ousting Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was the biggest mistake of his presidency. While Obama took responsibility for the failure of Libya in that interview, he relied on the input of Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State at the time.

In March of 2011, Clinton met with Mahmoud Jibril, who was leading the opposition to Gaddafi. As the New York Times reported, Clinton asked Jibril a series of questions about how his coalition planned to fill the power vacuum that would be created by Gaddafi’s ouster. And in the end, it was Clinton who convinced the White House that deposing Gaddafi was the right thing to do:

Her conviction would be critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a “51-49” decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.

The 2011 NATO-led invasion of Libya that took place after Clinton’s visit has since allowed extremist groups to seize power in an unprecedented takeover of much of the country over the last five years.

In 2014, the US State Department shut down the US embassy in Libya and issued a travel warning urging all Americans to stay away from the country. Roughly one year ago, Libya’s central bank, the last remaining institution in the failed state, was forced to flee to a city in the Eastern region of the country due to rebel forces encroaching on the bank’s facility in Tripoli, the capital. Libya is now a haven for terrorists, with thousands of ISIS soldiers using the country as a staging ground.

In an interview on CBS, Clinton laughed about Gaddafi’s slaying, proudly exclaiming, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Hillary Clinton deserves credit for poverty and instability in Haiti

In Haiti, the first state ever founded by freed black slaves, citizens are still fighting for political and economic freedom today, largely due to the influence of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In 2011, Wikileaks published US State Department cables from 2008 and 2009 confirming that State Department officials were meeting behind closed doors with Haitian business leaders, plotting on how to stop the Haitian government from implementing a 37-cent hike in the minimum wage from $0.24 an hour to $0.61 cents an hour.

While Haitian President René Préval was initially neutral on the proposal of raising the minimum wage, he went on the record opposing the wage hike after consistent efforts from within the US Embassy in Haiti and the Haitian business lobby by July of 2009. Politifact rated the claim that Clinton’s State Department tried to suppress the wage hike as half-true, since there’s no link proving that Clinton directly played a role.

A Haitian boy carries water taken from a stream. (

However, Clinton’s influence on Haiti didn’t stop there. As US Uncut previously reported, the former Secretary of State took an active role in swinging Haitian’s presidential elections in favor of corporate special interests. In the first round of Haiti’s presidential elections, thousands of citizens took to the streets demanding an annulment of election results, alleging that then-Haitian president Michel Martelly committed election fraud.

Martelly, who succeeded René Préval, is a close confidant of the Clinton family. In 2011, Martelly appointed Bill Clinton to an advisory board whose stated goal was to court foreign investors.

And in one of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails made public, Clinton’s chief of staff received an email from another staffer openly boasting about using connections within the Haitian business elite to lobby for the withdrawal of Jude Célestin, Martelly’s political rival, from an upcoming runoff election. The aide, Kenneth Merten, predicted the news of the US interfering in election results would create widespread protests, and said he had called Martelly, asking him to plead with Haitians “to not pillage.”

While Martelly is no longer in power, his hand-picked successor, Jovenel Moïse, won the most recent election. However, watchdogs are calling the results fraudulent and demanding a new election. Ricardo Seitenfus, who has served as representative of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the last eight years, admitted that Haiti’s government is essentially a puppet of US interests, saying the Haitian election schedule is “subject to the U.S. schedule.” Hillary Clinton deserves to be closely scrutinized when touting her diplomacy record, as Haiti’s political instability is a result of her policies.

Honduras’ downfall resulted from a coup Clinton supported

Mural of slain Honduran activist Berta Caceres.

In 2009, shortly after Obama took office and appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was arrested at gunpoint by the military and forced onto a plane to Costa Rica while a new government took power. While the US State Department didn’t directly oust Zelaya, it refused to call his ouster a coup, despite calls from the U.S. ambassador to Honduras and from Congress to do so. In her interview with the New York Daily News editorial board, Clinton defended her decision to keep sending aid to Honduras despite the violent overthrow of Zelaya:

I think, in retrospect, we managed a very difficult situation, without bloodshed, without a civil war, that led to a new election. And I think that was better for the Honduran people. But we have a lot of work to do to try to help stabilize that and deal with corruption, deal with the violence and the gangs and so much else.

However, the result of the coup was a massive amount of bloodshed, as gangs and drug cartels began to take more power in the absence of a stable government. In the year following the coup, Clinton’s State Department published a list of human rights abuses prevalent in Honduras:

“…unlawful killings by police and government agents, which the government took some steps to prosecute; arbitrary and summary killings committed by vigilantes and former members of the security forces; harsh prison conditions; violence against detainees; corruption and impunity within the security forces; lengthy pretrial detention and failure to provide due process of law; politicization, corruption, and institutional weakness of the judiciary; corruption in the legislative and executive branches; government restrictions on the recognition of some civil society groups; violence and discrimination against women; child prostitution and abuse; trafficking in persons; discrimination against indigenous communities; violence and discrimination against persons based on sexual orientation; ineffective enforcement of labor laws; and child labor.”

The horrific conditions in Honduras triggered a mass exodus of migrants to the US. As Telesur reported, approximately 9,000 child refugees fled Honduras in 2015. Also in 2015, Clinton defended the deportation of children back to the Central American countries they’re fleeing in order “send a message.” However, Clinton has since walked back that statement as her Democratic presidential primary battle with Bernie Sanders became more competitive.

This March, the violence in Honduras became a subject of international scrutiny when 44-year-old environmental activist Berta Caceres was assassinated in her home. Caceres had been an outspoken opponent of a proposed hydroelectric plant on indigenous land, and had recently gotten in an altercation with soldiers, police, and employees of a private power company while protesting the project just weeks before she was killed.

Clinton is responsible for the fall of Iraq and Syria (and the rise of ISIS)

In late 2011, after months of sustained anti-government protests inspired by the “Arab Spring” movement, Hillary Clinton called for the resignation of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Then, in April 2012, Clinton gave a speech in Turkey more forcefully calling specifically for regime change, saying, “Assad must go.” Those three words created the policies that led to both the rise of ISIS in Syria and the European refugee crisis of 2015.

One of Clinton’s last actions as Secretary of State was to call for the arming of Syrian rebels fighting Assad. As the London Telegraph reported, Clinton’s plan to give weapons to Assad’s enemies was backed by not only former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, but also by former CIA director David Petraeus and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While Obama initially rejected his Secretary of State’s plan, he eventually agreed to arm Syrian rebels in the goal of ousting Assad.

However, as ISIS began to get a foothold into Syria and Iraq, the “moderates” that received weapons from the US were eventually overtaken by ISIS fighters, who suddenly found themselves in the possession of military-grade weapons paid for with US tax dollars. In a study conducted by Conflict Armament Research, which tracks the movement of arms in war-torn regions, researchers found that ISIS has weapons and ammunition not just from the US, but also from coalition forces that are funded by the US government. The access to advanced weaponry was likely the reason for ISIS’ rapid expansion into Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere.

The consequences of destabilizing Syria and Iraq are apparent. Over one million refugees, largely from countries where the US intervened militarily, fled to Europe between 2015 and 2016, creating the world’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. In this chart compiled by Eurostat, the top three countries people are fleeing are Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq:

Graph of refugees' countries of origin (2015).

Yemeni blood is on Hillary Clinton’s hands

Yemeni citizens dig graves for those killed as a result of the Saudi invasion.

Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen, which started in 2015 and continues today, was made possible with arms purchased by the US government. Since Obama’s presidency, the US has sold approximately $46 billion in arms to the Saudis, with many of those weapons sales greenlighted by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. As US Uncut reported in April, Clinton was particularly focused on making sure the US came through for Saudi Arabia in a 2011 weapons deal. David Sirota of the International Business Times reported that Clinton argued the arms deal was “in the national interest.”

At press conferences in Washington to announce the department’s approval, an assistant secretary of state, Andrew Shapiro, declared that the deal had been “a top priority” for Clinton personally. Shapiro, a longtime aide to Clinton since her Senate days, added that the “U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army have excellent relationships in Saudi Arabia.”

Saudi Arabia is very likely using the weapons acquired from that 2011 exchange to wage brutal bombing campaigns in Yemen. In March, Foreign Policy magazine accused the US and its allies of complicity in war crimes by funding and arming the Saudi regime:

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in airstrikes while asleep in their homes, when going about their daily activities, or in the very places where they had sought refuge from the conflict. The United States, Britain, and others, meanwhile, have continued to supply a steady stream of weaponry and logistical support to Saudi Arabia and its coalition.

This week, the United Nations added the Saudi-led coalition to a blacklist of states and armed groups that violate children’s human rights during conflicts, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon personally slamming

Hillary Clinton is completely right that Donald Trump is woefully unprepared to take on the responsibilities of Commander-in-Chief. But voters should also be leery of Clinton, who, despite having met with more world leaders than any presidential candidate in US history, is responsible for some of the worst foreign policy blunders of the 21st century.

I mentioned before how it seems as though ISIS is the new boogeyman to watch out for. Then the masses wait for the next boogeyman to be scared of and ready to “shoot first and ask questions later”.

However, I’m going to play Hillary’s (and every political figure accused of war crimes) attorney here and ask who the REAL war crime offenders are.

According to the Constitution, and an alleged conversation Ben Franklin had with someone back in the days (“you have a republic, if you can keep it” -Ben Franklin), the American people are blessed with the power to elect certain people to lead their country (which have me questioning and wondering about this Electoral College gig).

So let’s say that the American people vote for the president to make them feel special and important. During my entire life of paying attention to politics, every election I’ve seen, a candidate that mentions blowing something, ANYTHING up was the one that end up being the nominee for that party. I mean, they have to sound all bad ass and “cowboy” like in order to get the votes, ‘we gon’ track em down, wanted dead or alive’ and the people–the PEOPLE–eat that shit up like a siesta festival! You mentioned the Constitution? Well…

Sorry Ron but War loving ‘Muricans voted Romney as their Republican nominee in 2012

But you throw out some WAR candy like a Mardi Gras confetti and…

You sell it Trump and Cruz! I need to beef up my Lockheed Martin dividend checks…

By the way, you can count on Trump to deliver on ‘blowing the shit out of em’ because it seems like “blowing up’ sounds better than ‘utterly destroy’. (Cruz dropped out)

War sales. And it continues to sell. You just need a salesman/woman to pitch it very good to the bloodthirsty crowd that knows that these countries aren’t human.

So who’s the warmonger? Oh it doesn’t just end with Republicans, with Democrats war is only barbaric, until they got their boy in the white house…

The thing is Obama didn’t lie. He’s as truthful as he can come across. No really! He’s only a reflection of most of his “followers” who already knows war and see it everyday, they just need a (D) at the end for it to be okay.

So you see Bush, it wasn’t because you was the “worst President”, you just didn’t have the (D) at the end. All you had to do was play with the alphabets a little bit, then invading Iraq and Afghanistan would’ve been okay with them too.

Now now. In the meantime give Laura Bush (D) the head’s up if you want a second run at it. 😉 CREDIT: giphy

Most of the American people NEED war because they’re at war with themselves–constantly. That’s as criminal to humanity as the accusations thrown towards Henry Kissinger. How criminal?

It’s criminal in the first degree to say “God bless America”, and fear God at the same time. That’s where the war’s at; putting love and fear in the same sentence–that’s why they’re at war, their soul is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!’

Then with the fear of this make-believe God who will punish you into eternal damnation if you don’t “love him”, you’re promoting an abusive relationship AND blackmail…

Hmmm, how does that fit in foreign policy?…no the American people aren’t going to have a policy staying neutral according to that stale document called the Constitution. They need their “leader” to do a…hmm, what did Romney (the 2012 presidential nominee) say about implementing a “regime change” that’s best for American interest?

Church: give your life to an invisible God and pay your tithe or face torment and go to hell.

American foreign policy: give your allegiance to the U.S. and we put our bases here or face an invasion and we tell the American people through our CIA-back propaganda media you’re an enemy because you’re Muslim.

Better pay your tithing Imam…

If the American people DON’T vote for the president, then who get them the votes during primaries?

All I know is this; Ron Paul and every candidate that mentioned ANYTHING regarding the Constitution was left out, while the war mongers got the vote.

If voting with your dollar count, then is it on the businesses that fund the war, or the customer that fund the businesses that creates the war?

Article source courtesy of:


IRS: No More Travel For You!

IRS: No More Travel For You!

IRS Power To Revoke Passports Signed Into Law

IRS Power To Revoke Passports Signed Into Law

While the entire nation (and world) is distracted from the mass hysteria of Donald Trump’s “alleged” (ya know, its mainstream media, didn’t hear him say it myself, I wasn’t there) comment on banning Muslims from entering the country…

The passport provision is now official, as President Obama signed the 5-year infrastructure spending Bill. It adds a new section 7345 to the Internal Revenue Code. It is part of H.R. 22 – Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, the “FAST Act.” Why are passport covered in the tax code, you might ask? The title of the new section is “Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Tax Delinquencies.” The idea goes back to 2012, when the Government Accountability Office reported on the potential for using the issuance of passports to collect taxes.

It was controversial then, but this time sailed through, slipped into the massive highway funding bill, passed here. The section on passports begins on page 1,113. The joint explanatory statement is here, beginning on page 38. The law says the State Department can revoke, deny or limit passports for anyone the IRS certifies as having a seriously delinquent tax debt in an amount in excess of $50,000. Administrative details are scant. It could mean no new passport and no renewal. It could even mean the State Department will rescind existing passports.

(Remember, the IRS is working on behalf of the American people. So a little more pages and words added to the tax code)

Taxing Passports

The State Department will evidently act when the IRS tells them, and that upsets some people. We think of passports when traveling internationally, but some people may find that passports are required for domestic travel in 2016. That could make the IRS hold even more serious. The list of affected taxpayers will be compiled by the IRS. The IRS will use a threshold of $50,000 of unpaid federal taxes. But this $50,000 figure includes penalties and interest. And as everyone knows, interest and penalties can add up fast.

Notably, if you are contesting a proposed tax bill administratively with the IRS or in court, that should not count. That is not yet a tax debt. There is also an administrative exception, allowing the State Department to issue a passport in an emergency or for humanitarian reasons. But how that will work isn’t clear, nor is the amount of time it will take to get special dispensation. You would still be able to travel if your tax debt is being paid in a timely manner, as under a signed installment agreement. The rules are not limited to criminal tax cases or where the government thinks you are fleeing a tax debt.

(Um…North Korea anyone? So you have to have permission to leave the house. You’d be grounded because you didn’t pay your protection money right?

So I’m seeing this from the helicopter view; you ban Muslims from coming to the country–a travel ban on Muslims on one side, while putting a ban on the American citizen from leaving the country who owe a tax debt on the other?

Ban Muslims from coming in/Ban American citizen from leaving out….

And build a fence on the borders…

Again, how many Americans agree with this?)

In fact, you could have your passport revoked merely because you owe more than $50,000 and the IRS has filed a notice of lien. A $50,000 tax debt including interest and penalties is common, and the IRS files tax liens routinely. It’s the IRS way of putting creditors on notice. The IRS can file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien after the IRS assesses the liability, sends a Notice and Demand for Payment, and you fail to pay in full within 10 days.

The right to travel has been recognized as fundamental, both between states and internationally. And although some restrictions have been upheld, it is not clear that this measure will pass the constitutional test if it is challenged.

(Now that’s up to the American people, if the citizens don’t, can’t, or respect the Constitution without any restrictions, how the heck do you expect their so-call representatives to do the same?)

Speaking of challenge, it is not off-topic to mention FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

FATCA penalizes foreign banks that don’t hand over American account holders. There are approximately eight million Americans living overseas, many of whom are still reeling from FATCA compliance problems.

For alerts to future tax articles, email me at This article is not legal advice.

So this continue to remind me that the IRS is truly doing their job on behalf of the American people….

“that’s a problem and those people should be held accountable….” -Keely Mullen’s interview here on Fox Business.

For some of you this is probably angering you. For some, you’re probably saying “good for them, tax those tax cheats”. Everyone is pointing fingers at each other in the name of being “patriotic” and doing financial harm to someone else and somebody must pay. Right?

We’re looking at a whole different paradigm here. Regardless of where you stand on this bill, the fact of the matter is is that most bills like this is passed either in the dead of night (NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act), during the holidays (Federal Reserve Act, federal income tax), or immediately after an event that caused mass hysteria (PATRIOT Act). We cant’ deny that.

This law was passed in a style the way most people in this country do business and earn their income–in the darkness. So could it be that the way this bill was passed was only a reflection of the majority mindset of the American people? Could it be representing how you do business and live your life?

So do you believe the IRS is doing what needs to be done?

Let us know what you think. Share it below…
