10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

It Takes One To Know One

Ever had someone say you were a lie, knowing full hand that you were telling the truth?

Or how about you revealed the truth to someone regarding what they might be involved in, but what you revealed to them was so traumatic and a shock that they called YOU a liar, or that you were lying?

It’s all based on emotions, right? Because what is true? What’s truth? And who determines what’s truth? And is it truth or true because YOU agree with it?

Ever saw or heard something that WAS true that you DISAGREED with? How many people do that? I believe that if the average person saw or heard something that they admitted was true but was unpleasant to agree with, they would see life totally different — including their own existence.

I believe the same is going on between North Korea, and western media’s depiction of North Korea. I like to play the game of “media reversal”, which means that everything they say about a noun (person, place, thing) or an idea or belief, I think the opposite. Yeah, I do totally reversal, because I believe that western media (especially in the U.S.) insults its audience intelligence by telling you what’s going on HERE but using another noun’s name to throw you off (research false flags). I’d admit that’s pure speculation on my part because I don’t work inside a media studio, however I do believe that it takes one to know one — or else there would be no place, person or thing to make fun or, insult or talk about. Right?

So let’s look in the mirror for a second and read this article and see if it reminds you of a familiar place. Now rather you’ve been to North Korea in person or not, only you can tell yourself if it’s bullshit or not. However, I’ve been trying to figure out if they had a country mistaken for a place I’m already familiar with.

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

North Korea is an isolated dictatorship, so we are told on the outside.  But what are they told on the inside?  The answer to this question may have you reeling.

From calling Kim Jong-Il a fashion icon to the entire country believing he is magical; these things can get crazy.  Fortunatley, we’ve had compiled a list of some of these outright bizarre myths that have been perpetrated around the country to keep control of the people.

Now let’s dissect some of these myths that the article claims belong to North Korea. And I’ll give you an example of how it could be related to a place I’m very familiar with.

10. The U.S. Started The Korean War

I don’t know about you, but the last time I checked in my entire existence I’ve never seen a North Korean army or military invade the United States, nor have I heard North Korea START any wars with anyone. I do remember our troops here in the U.S. heading out to be deployed in some desert country thousands of miles away. And I’ll be honest to say that the U.S. do have a reputation of starting a lot of shit — war’s one of them. Just ask Libya, Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cambodia—shall I continue?

9. Kim Jong-Il Had A Supernatural Birth

That sounds very familiar. I wasn’t there when Obama was born, however some of his followers (sound like a cult leader right? His followers lol!) truly believed he was the “anointed one”, a savior of the world, and had supernatural favors from whoever. The media did a good job changing some people’s beliefs and principles when they presented the first “alleged” black man as President.

8. Kim Jong-il Is A Fashion Icon

Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama…..who else was considered a “fashion icon”, hmmm — can you think of any President and First Lady dubbed as a Fashion Icon? Those two stuck out.

7. Kim Jong-Il Is Loved And North Korea Is Envied All Over The World

Ooooh now THIS sounds familiar. Obama is loved and America’s strength and “leader of the free world” is envied all over the world—or so the media said. So many people want to be like America, come to America. Are we the envy of the world?

Speaking of famine; what is it call when you feed your citizens crops that’s 90 percent contaminated with GMO pesticide chemicals which they consume nutrient bankrupt processed foods, thus systematically starve themselves which justifies the highest population of obesity and food related illnesses in the world?

6. Kim Jong-Il Invented The Hamburger

Maybe he did! How would you and I know? I wasn’t there when the first burger was created, so he probably did. Has nothing to do with me, it ain’t changing my feelings towards a man I never met or grabbing another quarter pounder. A burger’s a burger. But if that is so important to point out regarding some alleged “dictator”, then I see why the media here got problems.

5. Kim Jong-Il Is The Best Natural Golfer & Bowler In The World

I’d have to arrange a game with him in another life to see! I mean I ain’t gonna lie my handicap in golf isn’t that pretty so he might get me there in a landslide, however my bowling skills are pretty on point so I might have to challenge him on that one.

4. Kim Jong-Il Is Magical

I’ve heard that before regarding a head of state and celebrity. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard that from most people here regarding a particular celebrity. But remember, they’re only “magical” on the big screen, music video and on TV — that’s not counting when you see them away from it. Then again, it depends on YOUR definition of “magical”.

3. Kim Jong-Il Cured Dwarfism

Okay? And?

2. Kim Jong-Il Was Extraordinarily Gifted

I’ve heard that regarding people with powerful psychic abilities and autism so was Kim Jong-ll psychic and autistic? Depends on your definition of “extraordinary gifted”. However, I believe every human being on this planet is EXTRAORDINARILY GIFTED, they just push it down FOR society and point fingers towards those who pushed theirs UP and express their gifts — and was called crazy.

1. Internet Access Is Not Allowed To Protect The West

Article source: minds.com

This one is my favorite, because I experienced extraordinary knowledge on so many topics when the world wide web (for you 90s kids out there) came about. However, I witnessed the severe dumb down of not only my fellow citizens, but the outright common sense seeping out from my own generation. Maybe it’s because there’s only so much the government will allow on the United States Internet to show?

Is that why the world wide web is now dubbed the “dark web” because of so much WikiLeaks type of information that THEY put fear in people of going on it? Remember what I said about FEAR? Well, who’s “they” you might ask?*

That’s funny how they change the brand from “world wide web” to the “Inter-Net“. It reminds me of you traveling the entire world wide, far and in between on the cyber web (spider, eight “8” legs, connections: numerology, 8 is infinite.

*Six eyes: Six NET-works:

CBS “eye on America.

FOX “watching the hen (citizens) house”.

NBCNazional BroadCAST & Crew, CHANNELing“.

CNN “Constant Negative vibration = fear, News”.

ABC “Alphabet origin, Disney.

Univision-UNI “One” VISION: eye) and able to learn EVERYTHING — you know, kind of like going off the beaten path?

Then you take the Inter–net, Inter–transit bus to go from point A to point B WITHOUT leaving the boundaries. So you’re not able to go off the beaten path. Because instead of being world–wide, it’s now the Inter-city where you’re on a pre-determined route that was planned and predictable and already setup. You’re not able to go on other routes except on these INTER-city buses that never leave the city. And you’re conNETed via tele (porting) communication systems governed by a corporate body, where you are FEDeral your COMMUNI-cations CoMISSION.

FED, (eral=REAL): COMMUNIsm‘s, Cation: attracted to opposite electric (brain) charge, positive or negative, and vice versa (see “cations” above), COrporate MISSION.


United States of America is a corporation — with a mission.

The question is, who are the shareholders?

There’s some deep scientific shit that goes on with all this because the human biology and psychology is science. I believe this is why religion that I grew up in reinforced how science was “evil” and to stay away, because I felt like religion was an institution created to control and subdue the human race by teaching you to FEAR something, someone, or some place (negative vibration). It didn’t matter what it was, you MUST fear anything to stay away from it, and most people FEAR what they don’t understand, and fear to even understand it. If you understand mind science, then you will understand the game. That’s why it’s important that anything related to science and math is presented to you as boring and uninterested as possible.

That’s based on my own independent research, and understanding that I decided to share. But I’m not convincing you to believe it. Take that information how you want and do your own independent research — on the Internet ;-P

I have a really strong feeling that North Korea’s not what western mainstream “and alternative” media try to depict, and North Korea knows a lot more about America’s dirty little secrets that America may not want YOU to know.

And I also have a strong feeling that the United States (not America) hires certain foreign visitors to America to tell the American people all the “alleged” horrors they go through in their home country to convince Americans that what the media told you was true. You know the same studios that told you they were in one location in some other country but was really LIVE in studio in front of a green screen? You know, those media formats?)

Here you have the most powerful platform I believe to EVER present itself to humanity — the world wide web (forget the Internet), yet most of MY fellow citizens have no idea about cultures of other countries, can’t speak another languages, afraid of every “immigrant” they come across, blame “globalization” on free trade and losing their jobs, can’t name their state’s capital, or worse can’t name most of the states in America, have the most health epidemics in the world, consume more opiates than any country on Earth, and the BIGGEST OF THEM ALL — still believe that North Korea is an isolated dictatorship because of what the media says.

BUT! Try to express yourself here in this country, and get called out on social media by YOUR OWN CITIZENS for being “unpatriotic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, ant-vexxer, athiest, satanist, Bible thumper, sick —- shall I continue?

Your own citizens even call the FCC and social media to take down extremely offensive videos and content — FROM THE INTERNET OF ALL PLACES PEOPLE!!!!

This article didn’t remind me of North Korea. It didn’t even remind me of the United States government. It sure didn’t remind me of mainstream biased media. There’s nothing wrong with media being biased, it’s their job to present content that their biased audience wants to see so they can generate advertising dollars. that’s business.

This article reminded me that the government don’t need to police or dictate ANYONE. The people do a better job policing, censoring and punishing themselves. Same thing with the constitution; the government and politicians don’t have to violate it, your next door neighbor who calls child protective service on you because they disagree on how you raise your kids do a better job sicking the government on you to do that for them. So since they can’t just take your kids– they just elect politicians to kidnap them legally.

I mentioned earlier how I reverse EVERYTHING any media format throws at me. So, it told me everything that the average United States citizen do to each other, we’ll just call them Kim Jung-ll. Someone’s “magical” to the masses because the camera crew and editors did an outstanding job making your favorite celebrities “magical”, that’s their job, that’s how they sell the product. Their job is to say ‘hey, look over there!’

And God forbid if you don’t listen to it and stay focused on what’s more important in human existence and remind people to do the same, well — you’re everything named in the book if you don’t “look over there”, then there’s laws put in place by your citizens who is looking over there but is being reminded to focus on more important things by you, and here you come along and interrupt their sleep, and now they’re ready to silence you.

Oh yes, the people can silence you, you didn’t know that? They silenced Kennedy (or else we wouldn’t have an IRS or a tax code obeyed), they silenced Martin Luther King Jr. (he reminded people about unconditional love against violence and equality for the entire human race), Princess Diana (for believing in herself and her power from within), Malcolm X (for realizing that love for all humans is superior to believing white people were the devil)—-I can go on and on with how many hit-men and women were hired by the people to silence anyone reminding the masses of the truth. Because when they live in a lie, you must bully and/or silence someone (or country) that’s living in their truth.

If you have a problem with North Korea (including every so-call dictator country your media spoon fed you, that’s including AL-Queda, Taliban, ISIS, etc. that you’ve never heard of until he say, she say told you), then you might be one of those citizens that will silence anyone that present the truth to you. Hey, it might be in your name, but at least your fingerprints isn’t on the weapon. Yeah it might be conspiracy to murder, but that’s what war is for so you can get (and write) off easy. Right?

So what do you do to North Korea? Do you “hate them” because of what they say? Hate, hmm — funny how that word has been extremely profitable.

Or, do you give it a visit and see for yourself how many lies North Koreans are made to believe?

Or you can always ask Dennis Rodman…


VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status

VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status
I stay away from this immigration debate, however out of curiosity…
Some of the tweets claim their “tax dollars” (remember to ask for a balance sheet for proof) paying for this criminal to go to college, who achieved a valedictorian status, preparing to go to college (Yale), so that she can contribute to America’s health to become a neurosurgeon.
BUT—they don’t mind having their “tax dollars” pay for the incarceration of Bernie Madoff and the Boston Marathon’s “alleged” bomber. Not mentioning rapists, murderers, you know the whole shabang?
So let me get the word “criminal” clear:
The government creates criminals when they pass a law to outlaw certain actions or products. So if alcohol was illegal during prohibition and you consumed alcohol, you was a criminal. And if you smoked weed, you were a criminal.
So let me get most of Americans clear here…..
They’d rather pay taxes to lock Bernie Madoff and Boston “alleged” bomber up in federal prison in the name of “JUSTICE”…….
But refuse to pay, and be angry towards this young lady choosing to pursue a career in medicine and contribute—-I can’t even finish this….
So there’s your Prison Industrial Complex. THERE’S your future….
Really America? Really?
TURN THAT FUCKING TV OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for those tweets that called her a criminal, I’m curious if they saw and heard the entire speech first*

*I do want to make note that I wasn’t there, so this is allegations that I believe half what I hear and see. But let’s say it’s real. Congratulations.

Yes, we are ALL humans. That does NOT dismiss my questioning everything, which leads to this…

The other half I’m questioning is if she was planted by the government to insight heated debates (which cause division among the country), and invoke emotions towards immigration, rather in a positive or negative light. Is she a distraction?

I question EVERYTHING, and don’t leave NO stone un-turned.

Regardless of the “hidden” agendas, we would never know. However, what we CAN know is having unconditional love for ourself AND all humanity so that this profitable “immigration debate” no longer matters anymore.

OH, one last thing:
Did the alleged “founding fathers” (which were undocumented immigrants from Europe) ask for citizenship from the Native Americans? Wondering.
I guess you should’ve built that wall after all Pocahontas…
CREDIT: rebloggy.com

Judge Judy DESTROYS an Obama-Supporting Welfare Cheat: I’m Sending This Tape to Congress!

Judge Judy DESTROYS an Obama-Supporting Welfare Cheat: I’m Sending This Tape to Congress!

The welfare system, in theory, is supposed to be temporary and help people when they are down on their luck. But in practice, it has created an entire class of citizens who refuse to work and live off the work of others. In many minority communities, with the number of single-parent households skyrocketing, the state often takes the place of the father.

Watch (below) as Judge Judy takes a “lazy” guy to task for misspending money the government gave him for rent. Because his friend provided him housing, he pocketed the money. And in Barack Obama’s America, it’s clear he had a sense of entitlement to abuse that government program anyway he saw fit.

Judge Judy, as a taxpayer, is not pleased and explains to him where that money (allegedly) comes from(!) She explains the purpose of the program, and is so mad that she promises to send this clip to Congress.


Original article credit: American Journal Review

Not blaming Judge Judy or anyone, but I’m afraid she (along with a lot of taxpayers) might be a little uninformed.

And I’m not defending this kid’s action either.

For the record, I’m not for or against welfare. And no, I don’t have to choose one or the other. I do not have an opinion based on others perception of anything. So I consider myself neutral. You’ll see why later on.

Being “productive in society” may mean something noble to you, but NOT for the powers in government. Not blaming them, but being “productive citizens” is also part of the game and the cog wheel. And Congress is loving it. Why wouldn’t they?

You’ll see why in a minute.

With that being said, let me share THE most SHOCKING news you’ll ever hear in your entire “taxpayer versus welfare recipient” life.

I wanted you to read the paragraphs above without my two cents. However, I did highlight some key words for a reason.

  1. The word “suppose” is an assumption of an action that was designed for a particular purpose based on two or more agreements given to others. For example, tax dollars “supposed” to go towards a certain program but it’s not. Or, you “suppose” to go to work after finishing school, etc. Society put a condition on you that you’re “suppose” to do certain things based on what some politician or group told THEM about the particular action.
  2. The phrase “refuse to work and live off the work of others” is very popular among those who don’t know the game the government’s playing on them. The “refuse to work” is coined because the masses see “work” as a job you go to instead of the inner work of understanding who you are (thyself) without the labels put on you by others in society. But the BIGGEST misconceptions is “live off the work of others” myth. Others work has nothing to do with those on welfare because those who work aren’t paying for welfare recipient at all. Shocked? You’ll see why in a minute.
  3. If “lazy” is such a bad thing, why do most people like to relax in a “lazy” river? Hahaha just joking….on the serious note though, lazy is used as a weapon of words used by those who feel like they’re being financially and legally raped by the government, and throw their venom towards those who’s learning and using the system. You’ll see why in a minute.
  4. The blame game again; it’s all “Obama’s fault” right? His plan was to put as many people on welfare and food stamps right?
  5. The word “entitlement” is another favorite from the “taxpayer’s” venom. They claim that this kid is “abusing” the system by using funds “earmarked” for his rent on something else. And now get angry about it for a long time because they’re “forced” to pay something they don’t want to pay for.
  6. The last part’s my favorite. The author of this article obviously took this news personally based on the exclamation mark, and what most been told without seeing physical evidence or an audit showing how their “taxes” are used. And being “mad” about it definitely keep the fingers pointing and the “divide & conquer” game going.

Believe it or not, this stigma between taxpayers and “welfare recipients” are so profitable because it keeps America divided.

Look at it like this; it’s not the class warfare mentality that’s dividing America, it’s the assumption of where the resources coming from and where it’s going to…that keeps it going.

The best way to understand this game in a kindergarten level is to let Sherry Jackson, former IRS agent explain it to you.

Video source courtesy of bootme21 via YouTube

How you digest this information is totally up to you, it’s neither right or wrong. However the thing that stuck out to me is the division this tax code has created. It’s causing this so-call “United” states to fight among each other for who owes what to whom over SPECULATIONS…….

That word “United” has a funny lingo to it doesn’t it?

References: Grab your copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island Now. And Stop Being A Self Sabotaging PAWN.




Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Yep, we’re on Hillary again…


Let me ask; what’s a “Progressive?” What does that mean?

I grew up in a right-wing Republican Bible Belt environment that always blamed “liberals” for every ills of politics, the economy, etc.

Well I’m not sure if they knew how to read but I did, and I decided to find out what the word “liberal” meant (according to old Webster, and NetScape..at the time…late 90s). I was surprise to read that LIBERAL in Latin meant (to liberate; a political philosophy that promotes liberty).

If that’s what “liberal” means then what the heck is “conservative?”

So if that’s liberal (among most American English language), maybe its best we learn a lot of Latin so we understand what the fuck we really saying without looking stupid?

I say that because in my experience I grew up around conservative “warmongers” who was ready to blow up everything under the sun in this God-forsaken planet. Everything and everyone who weren’t “conservative Christians” was an enemy of God and had to be dealt with. Yes, I grew up around that. Oh, and the death penalty was God’s will.

Now that I got all of that off my chest, it brings us back to the title regarding “war crimes”.

Let’s read the article below to get a clear reason why Hillary is being accused of such atrocious act.


However if you’re impatient as me and realize that most of this shit is pure propaganda, you can skip all the way down to avoid insulting your intelligence.

Hillary Clinton made headlines with a speech in San Diego casting Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency due to the damage his incendiary rhetoric could cause. Simultaneously, the former Secretary of State sought to convince the California audience that she was the safer choice in foreign policy matters.

But when taking a closer look at US foreign policy under her leadership as the nation’s top diplomat, it’s obvious that Clinton could potentially be as disastrous as Trump if given the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Here are a few examples of countries where conditions are tremendously worse as a result of Hillary Clinton’s policies.

Hillary Clinton made Libya a failed state

In an April interview with Fox News, President Barack Obama, reflecting on his 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, admitted that ousting Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was the biggest mistake of his presidency. While Obama took responsibility for the failure of Libya in that interview, he relied on the input of Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State at the time.

In March of 2011, Clinton met with Mahmoud Jibril, who was leading the opposition to Gaddafi. As the New York Times reported, Clinton asked Jibril a series of questions about how his coalition planned to fill the power vacuum that would be created by Gaddafi’s ouster. And in the end, it was Clinton who convinced the White House that deposing Gaddafi was the right thing to do:

Her conviction would be critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a “51-49” decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.

The 2011 NATO-led invasion of Libya that took place after Clinton’s visit has since allowed extremist groups to seize power in an unprecedented takeover of much of the country over the last five years.

In 2014, the US State Department shut down the US embassy in Libya and issued a travel warning urging all Americans to stay away from the country. Roughly one year ago, Libya’s central bank, the last remaining institution in the failed state, was forced to flee to a city in the Eastern region of the country due to rebel forces encroaching on the bank’s facility in Tripoli, the capital. Libya is now a haven for terrorists, with thousands of ISIS soldiers using the country as a staging ground.

In an interview on CBS, Clinton laughed about Gaddafi’s slaying, proudly exclaiming, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Hillary Clinton deserves credit for poverty and instability in Haiti

In Haiti, the first state ever founded by freed black slaves, citizens are still fighting for political and economic freedom today, largely due to the influence of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In 2011, Wikileaks published US State Department cables from 2008 and 2009 confirming that State Department officials were meeting behind closed doors with Haitian business leaders, plotting on how to stop the Haitian government from implementing a 37-cent hike in the minimum wage from $0.24 an hour to $0.61 cents an hour.

While Haitian President René Préval was initially neutral on the proposal of raising the minimum wage, he went on the record opposing the wage hike after consistent efforts from within the US Embassy in Haiti and the Haitian business lobby by July of 2009. Politifact rated the claim that Clinton’s State Department tried to suppress the wage hike as half-true, since there’s no link proving that Clinton directly played a role.

A Haitian boy carries water taken from a stream. (Care.org)

However, Clinton’s influence on Haiti didn’t stop there. As US Uncut previously reported, the former Secretary of State took an active role in swinging Haitian’s presidential elections in favor of corporate special interests. In the first round of Haiti’s presidential elections, thousands of citizens took to the streets demanding an annulment of election results, alleging that then-Haitian president Michel Martelly committed election fraud.

Martelly, who succeeded René Préval, is a close confidant of the Clinton family. In 2011, Martelly appointed Bill Clinton to an advisory board whose stated goal was to court foreign investors.

And in one of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails made public, Clinton’s chief of staff received an email from another staffer openly boasting about using connections within the Haitian business elite to lobby for the withdrawal of Jude Célestin, Martelly’s political rival, from an upcoming runoff election. The aide, Kenneth Merten, predicted the news of the US interfering in election results would create widespread protests, and said he had called Martelly, asking him to plead with Haitians “to not pillage.”

While Martelly is no longer in power, his hand-picked successor, Jovenel Moïse, won the most recent election. However, watchdogs are calling the results fraudulent and demanding a new election. Ricardo Seitenfus, who has served as representative of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the last eight years, admitted that Haiti’s government is essentially a puppet of US interests, saying the Haitian election schedule is “subject to the U.S. schedule.” Hillary Clinton deserves to be closely scrutinized when touting her diplomacy record, as Haiti’s political instability is a result of her policies.

Honduras’ downfall resulted from a coup Clinton supported

Mural of slain Honduran activist Berta Caceres.

In 2009, shortly after Obama took office and appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was arrested at gunpoint by the military and forced onto a plane to Costa Rica while a new government took power. While the US State Department didn’t directly oust Zelaya, it refused to call his ouster a coup, despite calls from the U.S. ambassador to Honduras and from Congress to do so. In her interview with the New York Daily News editorial board, Clinton defended her decision to keep sending aid to Honduras despite the violent overthrow of Zelaya:

I think, in retrospect, we managed a very difficult situation, without bloodshed, without a civil war, that led to a new election. And I think that was better for the Honduran people. But we have a lot of work to do to try to help stabilize that and deal with corruption, deal with the violence and the gangs and so much else.

However, the result of the coup was a massive amount of bloodshed, as gangs and drug cartels began to take more power in the absence of a stable government. In the year following the coup, Clinton’s State Department published a list of human rights abuses prevalent in Honduras:

“…unlawful killings by police and government agents, which the government took some steps to prosecute; arbitrary and summary killings committed by vigilantes and former members of the security forces; harsh prison conditions; violence against detainees; corruption and impunity within the security forces; lengthy pretrial detention and failure to provide due process of law; politicization, corruption, and institutional weakness of the judiciary; corruption in the legislative and executive branches; government restrictions on the recognition of some civil society groups; violence and discrimination against women; child prostitution and abuse; trafficking in persons; discrimination against indigenous communities; violence and discrimination against persons based on sexual orientation; ineffective enforcement of labor laws; and child labor.”

The horrific conditions in Honduras triggered a mass exodus of migrants to the US. As Telesur reported, approximately 9,000 child refugees fled Honduras in 2015. Also in 2015, Clinton defended the deportation of children back to the Central American countries they’re fleeing in order “send a message.” However, Clinton has since walked back that statement as her Democratic presidential primary battle with Bernie Sanders became more competitive.

This March, the violence in Honduras became a subject of international scrutiny when 44-year-old environmental activist Berta Caceres was assassinated in her home. Caceres had been an outspoken opponent of a proposed hydroelectric plant on indigenous land, and had recently gotten in an altercation with soldiers, police, and employees of a private power company while protesting the project just weeks before she was killed.

Clinton is responsible for the fall of Iraq and Syria (and the rise of ISIS)

In late 2011, after months of sustained anti-government protests inspired by the “Arab Spring” movement, Hillary Clinton called for the resignation of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Then, in April 2012, Clinton gave a speech in Turkey more forcefully calling specifically for regime change, saying, “Assad must go.” Those three words created the policies that led to both the rise of ISIS in Syria and the European refugee crisis of 2015.

One of Clinton’s last actions as Secretary of State was to call for the arming of Syrian rebels fighting Assad. As the London Telegraph reported, Clinton’s plan to give weapons to Assad’s enemies was backed by not only former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, but also by former CIA director David Petraeus and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While Obama initially rejected his Secretary of State’s plan, he eventually agreed to arm Syrian rebels in the goal of ousting Assad.

However, as ISIS began to get a foothold into Syria and Iraq, the “moderates” that received weapons from the US were eventually overtaken by ISIS fighters, who suddenly found themselves in the possession of military-grade weapons paid for with US tax dollars. In a study conducted by Conflict Armament Research, which tracks the movement of arms in war-torn regions, researchers found that ISIS has weapons and ammunition not just from the US, but also from coalition forces that are funded by the US government. The access to advanced weaponry was likely the reason for ISIS’ rapid expansion into Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere.

The consequences of destabilizing Syria and Iraq are apparent. Over one million refugees, largely from countries where the US intervened militarily, fled to Europe between 2015 and 2016, creating the world’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. In this chart compiled by Eurostat, the top three countries people are fleeing are Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq:

Graph of refugees' countries of origin (2015).

Yemeni blood is on Hillary Clinton’s hands

Yemeni citizens dig graves for those killed as a result of the Saudi invasion.

Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen, which started in 2015 and continues today, was made possible with arms purchased by the US government. Since Obama’s presidency, the US has sold approximately $46 billion in arms to the Saudis, with many of those weapons sales greenlighted by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. As US Uncut reported in April, Clinton was particularly focused on making sure the US came through for Saudi Arabia in a 2011 weapons deal. David Sirota of the International Business Times reported that Clinton argued the arms deal was “in the national interest.”

At press conferences in Washington to announce the department’s approval, an assistant secretary of state, Andrew Shapiro, declared that the deal had been “a top priority” for Clinton personally. Shapiro, a longtime aide to Clinton since her Senate days, added that the “U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army have excellent relationships in Saudi Arabia.”

Saudi Arabia is very likely using the weapons acquired from that 2011 exchange to wage brutal bombing campaigns in Yemen. In March, Foreign Policy magazine accused the US and its allies of complicity in war crimes by funding and arming the Saudi regime:

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in airstrikes while asleep in their homes, when going about their daily activities, or in the very places where they had sought refuge from the conflict. The United States, Britain, and others, meanwhile, have continued to supply a steady stream of weaponry and logistical support to Saudi Arabia and its coalition.

This week, the United Nations added the Saudi-led coalition to a blacklist of states and armed groups that violate children’s human rights during conflicts, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon personally slamming

Hillary Clinton is completely right that Donald Trump is woefully unprepared to take on the responsibilities of Commander-in-Chief. But voters should also be leery of Clinton, who, despite having met with more world leaders than any presidential candidate in US history, is responsible for some of the worst foreign policy blunders of the 21st century.

I mentioned before how it seems as though ISIS is the new boogeyman to watch out for. Then the masses wait for the next boogeyman to be scared of and ready to “shoot first and ask questions later”.

However, I’m going to play Hillary’s (and every political figure accused of war crimes) attorney here and ask who the REAL war crime offenders are.

According to the Constitution, and an alleged conversation Ben Franklin had with someone back in the days (“you have a republic, if you can keep it” -Ben Franklin), the American people are blessed with the power to elect certain people to lead their country (which have me questioning and wondering about this Electoral College gig).

So let’s say that the American people vote for the president to make them feel special and important. During my entire life of paying attention to politics, every election I’ve seen, a candidate that mentions blowing something, ANYTHING up was the one that end up being the nominee for that party. I mean, they have to sound all bad ass and “cowboy” like in order to get the votes, ‘we gon’ track em down, wanted dead or alive’ and the people–the PEOPLE–eat that shit up like a siesta festival! You mentioned the Constitution? Well…

Sorry Ron but War loving ‘Muricans voted Romney as their Republican nominee in 2012

But you throw out some WAR candy like a Mardi Gras confetti and…

You sell it Trump and Cruz! I need to beef up my Lockheed Martin dividend checks…

By the way, you can count on Trump to deliver on ‘blowing the shit out of em’ because it seems like “blowing up’ sounds better than ‘utterly destroy’. (Cruz dropped out)

War sales. And it continues to sell. You just need a salesman/woman to pitch it very good to the bloodthirsty crowd that knows that these countries aren’t human.

So who’s the warmonger? Oh it doesn’t just end with Republicans, with Democrats war is only barbaric, until they got their boy in the white house…

The thing is Obama didn’t lie. He’s as truthful as he can come across. No really! He’s only a reflection of most of his “followers” who already knows war and see it everyday, they just need a (D) at the end for it to be okay.

So you see Bush, it wasn’t because you was the “worst President”, you just didn’t have the (D) at the end. All you had to do was play with the alphabets a little bit, then invading Iraq and Afghanistan would’ve been okay with them too.

Now now. In the meantime give Laura Bush (D) the head’s up if you want a second run at it. 😉 CREDIT: giphy

Most of the American people NEED war because they’re at war with themselves–constantly. That’s as criminal to humanity as the accusations thrown towards Henry Kissinger. How criminal?

It’s criminal in the first degree to say “God bless America”, and fear God at the same time. That’s where the war’s at; putting love and fear in the same sentence–that’s why they’re at war, their soul is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!’

Then with the fear of this make-believe God who will punish you into eternal damnation if you don’t “love him”, you’re promoting an abusive relationship AND blackmail…

Hmmm, how does that fit in foreign policy? No..no…no the American people aren’t going to have a policy staying neutral according to that stale document called the Constitution. They need their “leader” to do a…hmm, what did Romney (the 2012 presidential nominee) say about implementing a “regime change” that’s best for American interest?

Church: give your life to an invisible God and pay your tithe or face torment and go to hell.

American foreign policy: give your allegiance to the U.S. and we put our bases here or face an invasion and we tell the American people through our CIA-back propaganda media you’re an enemy because you’re Muslim.

Better pay your tithing Imam…

If the American people DON’T vote for the president, then who get them the votes during primaries?

All I know is this; Ron Paul and every candidate that mentioned ANYTHING regarding the Constitution was left out, while the war mongers got the vote.

If voting with your dollar count, then is it on the businesses that fund the war, or the customer that fund the businesses that creates the war?

Article source courtesy of: usuncut.com


Memorial Day; The Day TRUE Freedom Is Dismissed

Memorial Day; The Day TRUE Freedom Is Dismissed


Happy Memorial Day To…..Freedom of Speech

In The Most Contradicting Society In The World.

I honor the most controversial right that’s ever been given to humanity all over the world from their creator. I saw (and heard it) pass away on September 11, 2001.

Place of birth: Your independent mindset without fear of criticism

Place of death: The United States of America

Cause of Death: Civilian censorship

(Most civilians strictly regulate freedom of speech through threats of physical harm, death and their government parent via FCC, and Homeland Security towards anyone that presents an intelligent yet non-popular dialogs regarding everything from the Holocaust, false flags, the military and ethnic groups, to religion)

Memorial Day commemorates soldiers killed in war. We are told that the war dead died for us and our freedom. US Marine General Smedley Butler challenged this view. He said that our soldiers died for the profits of the bankers, Wall Street, Standard Oil, and the United Fruit Company. Here is an excerpt from a speech that he gave in 1933:
War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.
I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we’ll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.
I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
There isn’t a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its “finger men” to point out enemies, its “muscle men” to destroy enemies, its “brain men” to plan war preparations, and a “Big Boss” Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

Most American soldiers died fighting foes who posed no threat to the United States. Our soldiers died for secret agendas of which they knew nothing. Capitalists hid their self-interests behind the flag, and our boys died for the One Percent’s bottom line.
Jade Helm, an exercise that pits the US military against the US public, is scheduled to run July 15 through September 15. What is the secret agenda behind Jade Helm?
The Soviet Union was a partial check on capitalist looting in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. However, with the Soviet collapse capitalist looting intensified during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes.
Neoliberal Globalization is now looting its own constituent parts and the planet itself. Americans, Greeks, Irish, British, Italians, Ukrainians, Iraqis, Libyans, Argentinians, the Spanish and Portuguese are being looted of their savings, pensions, social services, and job opportunities, and the planet is being turned into a wasteland by capitalists sucking the last penny out of the environment. As Claudia von Werlhof writes, predatory capitalism is consuming the globe. http://www.globalresearch.ca/neoliberal-globalization-is-there-an-alternative-to-plundering-the-earth/24403
We need a memorial day to commemorate the victims of neoliberal globalization. All of us are its victims, and in the end the capitalists also.
Source: conspiracy-cafe.blogspot.com

One of my major pet peeves as long as I can remember is where social media posts and mainstream media ORDERS you to feel a certain way about EVERYTHING regarding man-made holidays so that you can “boo-hoo” your way in eating your barbecue ribs, fried chicken, guzzling a beer and…whatever else society tells you is “patriotic” to do.

I don’t celebrate Memorial Day because there’s nothing to remember, or anyone to honor. The biggest mistake I believe humans are taught in their lives is to believe someone else “die” for their freedom. This stain of mental illness convince the person that freedom is this society where a document gave them freedom by a bunch of white bald headed men, and have to be “preserved” by a bunch of troops violating human rights all over the world in order for you to continue eating your barbecue ribs and drinking beer in the name of “freedom”.

Then, society says you’re a “good person” for thanking the troops for their “service” for their country.

Oh, are you getting angry? Can you feel the heat rushing through your body?

I’m laughing because I’m just getting started…I haven’t turned the key on this controversial engine yet.

Memorial Day is one of the biggest jokes in America. I keep my television off, and I stay far away from Facebook on those holidays to avoid the stupefied disease most (MOST) Americans like to blow all over my independent mind to have the independent FREEDOM to criticize Memorial Day in the first place.

Check out the major contradiction; tell people on Facebook that you have no respect for the corporate troops and the military, and see if the Constitution really protect you from the mob.

The military has become a sickness that affect everyone in this country. You wanna talk about fighting for freedom? Does freedom require thinking outside the box?

Does freedom introduce you to your own demons of why you do what you do and look to someone (or something else) for your corporate sponsored “freedom?”

What is freedom to you?

When society demonize a cashier who refused to serve a military soldier, is that freedom?

Why the fuck are we in countries all over the world? Is that freedom?

Have you ever asked yourself if the military is a religion of its own?

To most veterans who fought in passed wars. I have nothing against you. I would imagine you did what you thought was right at the time. I would assume that you were told you’re fighting for your country.

I respect only a quarter of the veterans I’ve spoken to in person, because they actually believed in fighting for a greater cause, and wanted to save humanity. Then after deployment, the PTSD that kicks in comes from seeing REAL WAR in their heads that has NOTHING to do with Americans, the people they were supposed to “save”, and freedom. They saw the demonic side of the military. They felt they were lied to in order to get them away from their families and into harm’s way.

I’ve also met most veterans I personally wanted to punch right dead in the face because they were just assholes who had no respect for human life. They were a disgrace to humanity period–at that time. I felt if they were shot dead at whatever fucking place they were at, good riddance–at that time before I had unconditional love for myself, and humanity.

That made me no longer put all soldiers in the same “respect and honor” table. And I grew up in a military family who’s currently serving in the Marines, Army and Navy.

I questioned everything, and not ONE rock went un-turned, not even the soft Americans precious foot soldiers.

Most American people love war, they love to drink the bloods of “enemies” MSM and their Bible considers “evil-doers”. They always promote bombing innocent countries, civilians, women and children, and violating these countries so that they can get their cheap gas.

Ooooh, is THAT what most Americans thanking the fallen for?

All while dismissing the foreign policy laid out by the United States Constitution which calls for REMAINING NEUTRAL.

How about this. Why don’t we reverse Memorial Day.

You see, America isn’t the ONLY country where its soldiers fight for their “citizen’s freedom”. Oh no, let’s reverse this.

Before the military get deployed, they “pray” for the “mission”, if they know what the mission is. Well you see, that’s what a “jihad” is. They pray before they go on their mission as well.

So let me ask you; what’s the difference between United States soldiers going to a foreign country to kill “terrorists”, and those in other countries coming here to kill “terrorist?”

What’s the difference between soldiers kicking in the private homes of Muslims or any other human life with machine guns, and a foreign soldier busting through YOUR door at two in the morning?

For freedom of course.

After September 11, 2001 two things woke up; love, and fear. I seen it with my own eyes the filth of fear people dove into after that date, and the increase of unconditional love for all humanity. Unfortunately, fear is extremely contagious in a drama and celebrity obsessed society. That was actually a time to turn every media format off, separate from people and really reflect on your life.

Well I did that, and I had the privilege of exploring both sides of the aisle. I was totally against war period! I hated war, and I’d never wanted anything to do with it. However, a lot of brain dead scary fuckers was ready to take out Osama bin Laden minutes after the attack happened without being presented with PHYSICAL evidence.

Meanwhile missing children cases are still unsolved…

I was surrounded by blood thirsty zombies who’d rather have the corporate sponsored “troops” do the drinking for them.

Then I started to discover myself, and realized that no one knows freedom unless they know themselves from a deeper understanding.

Freedom doesn’t exist in some document, or country, or foreign intervention. It exist from someone who doesn’t fear anything–including some God.

When you have no fear, then you have freedom. But when you recognize that “terrorist” exist, then you acknowledge that you’re opened to be terrorized, and therefore trade your freedom of not living in fear, to living in fear and claim someone else fight for a freedom you never had in the first place.

Therefore, because you’ve been taught to worship the military and your troops, and the fallen soldiers, just like the civilians do in the small countries the United States invaded, and their soldiers who fought for their “homeland security” that you were taught to call “terrorist”….

Most Americans’ reaction to this post is predictable, like clock work, so…funny.

What will happen is a comment will say how dare me to “disrespect our troops, veterans, yadadada” the whole regurgitated scripted emotional rant.

The whole point of my rant is this;

To society: Don’t tell me what to think, how to feel, who to remember, who to honor, what to say, how to say it, what to think, how to think, what to write, how to express myself to fit your fake corporate sponsored feelings–DO NOT censor me because you don’t like what I said. I’m a human being with human rights to twist and turn every “sacred” feelings society has adopted based one what somebody else told you. Society itself needs to be shocked every once in awhile. Freely express yourself to criticize what I said here, but do NOT criminalize my human expression because of society’s insecurity that fail to express theirs.

Those who SHOULD be honoring the fallen troops are the major corporations that sent them there in the first place, and the shareholders saying “thank you” while pouring a thousand dollar a bottle champagne on their graves.


To all the fallen soldiers;

Monsanto, BP, ExxonMobil, Disney, Chevron, IBM, Raytheon, General Electric, General Dynamic, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, AT&T, JP Morgan Chase and all of Wall Street…

Thanks you.


The Illuminati Were Amateurs — The Facts Show These Five Families Rule the World

Before we get started, I would like to re-arrange this title….

The Illuminati Were Amatuers–The OPINIONS Show These Five Families Rule The World

Ah! There.

The word “facts” get thrown so many times, I’m starting to think it’s becoming a verbal confetti in a Mardi Gras parade of emotions that want something to defend their personal feelings towards something and call it “facts”.

I’ll tell yu what’s “facts”.

When you put your hands in water you’re getting wet. Put your hands in a flame you get burned. Jump out of a ten story building you’re going to fall to the ground below. Based on the laws of gravity, heat from the flame, and the molecules of water, the facts will show your body what facts are regardless of your feelings towards them.

Now that we got the “facts” part out of the way, let’s explore the five families “allegedly” controlling the world.

Now before we get into the nitty-gritty, this is the Court of The Diary. That means these powerful families need a defense. I’ve been curious to see what it would look like if there was someone who actually spoke on their behalf. In other words; facts don’t need explaining (you know, water don’t have to prove it’s not dry?), but accusations, conspiracies and allegations do. Just like in the court of law; the defendant lives in a nation where YOU’RE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT…if that wasn’t the case, you wouldn’t be called a defendant, for if you’re innocent first, why defend? Defend what? So all this “innocent until proven guilty” is all bullshit, and most people I come across prove that point every time I mention the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Charles Manson.

And let’s not forget Adolf Hitler, Mao and Stalin.

So here we go, and I’ll act like their attorney. Remember, they have a right to a defense and their side of the story. Right?

As you begin to understand world governments don’t have your best interests in mind — that enemies of the State could more aptly be called enemies of the globe’s corporate and banking elite — power comes sharply into focus. (Those) who actually hold the power control the world’s economies, and it’s clear the fates of over 7.4 billion souls now inhabiting the planet are, at best, the least of their concern.

I object your honor! I actually agree that governments DON’T have you best interest in mind. Because not every person has the same interest. How do the government know who’s interest is apart from the other? Your own interest has to do with your own “state” of mind. If anyone interfere with your interest, aren’t they an enemy of your state of mind? And can you please tell the court your own independent definition of the word “elite” and “enemy?”

Regarding “7.4 billion souls”. Is that a proven count of people around the globe from your own personal account? Are you trusting the source you got this information from? And have you accounted the possible millions of indigenous and “off the grid” tribes as well?

No further…

Of those at the top of food chain, so to speak, a small collection of families dictates both domestic and foreign policy — mainly through fuelling “war” and conflict for the good of the military and pharmaceutical industries, and to a greater extent, corporate and central banks.

You mentioning here domestic and foreign policies. Are you currently a member of each bodies of government here in the states as well as all over the world?

You’re accusing my clients of “dictating” these policies by fueling war including the military and pharmaceutical companies. Are you a major shareholder, or on the board of these companies affected?

What’s your personal feelings towards corporations?

In order for military to work, you need willing troops, correct? And where does these troops come from?

Do they have the independent ability to choose rather to join the military or not?

In your independent definition, what is war? And do it require a compliance from that soldier for war to happen?

You mentioned pharmaceuticals. How many people who choose to exercise homeopathic approaches to their illness prefer prescription drugs than those who choose not to?

I would assume that you know all the “facts” about these families so I assumed you would know my last question. How many people depend on the pharmaceuticals for their health treatment?

Didn’t they make a choice to spend their money on these pharmaceuticals when they get a prescription?

No further…

Five families, in particular, have made a killing off killing — from the enormously lucrative business of debt it creates to the industries feeding off the plundering of world resources — and therefore control the world.

When you say “made a killing off killing”, what do you mean by that? Can you elaborate?

My understanding you say the business of debt is lucrative. Who request debt? I’m curious because from my personal experience, people go to the bank voluntarily to get a loan, a mortgage or apply for a credit card. No one forces them to buy it they just want it, what’s the crime in that?

If the business of debt is so lucrative, why aren’t you capitalizing on it?

You alledged my clients use industries to “feed off the plundering of world resource”. Do you have any physical evidence and proof of this allegation? Did you see them create these industries?

No further…

5. Rothschild

Perhaps the most well-known among those five are the Rothschilds, whose dominance of central banks, nefarious insider trading, and nearly invisible hand in world governance — without consideration for the greater good — frequently earns the blanket description, evil.

I always say that “bad” and “evil” is within the eyes and ears of the beholder. In other words, one way is bad to one person while that same way is good to the other. Now you mentioned “well known”. By whom? Did you know Mr. Rothschild in person?

What’s the “greater good”? What does that mean to you?

And what is evil from your own personal definition?

Would it make sense to say that not everyone in this planet have the same feelings or opinions of “good”, “bad” and “evil” as you?

No further…

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s dealing in rare coins and antiques in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1760s earned a rich patronage, allowing him to broaden his focus to include banking by the 1790s. In its 2005 list of 20 of “The Most Influential Businessmen” of all time, Forbes describes Rothschild as a founding father of international finance,” who “helped invent modern banking by introducing concepts such as diversification, rapid communication, confidentiality and high volume.”

Carrying on the various aspects of the family businesses, Rothschild’s five sons “effectively formed a multinational bank.” During the Napoleonic Wars, they facilitated“loans to warring regimes and traded in cotton, arms, and wheat in defiance of Napoleon’s ban on British exports” — cementing the family’s prominence in political circles as well as influence over governmental affairs. Nathan Mayer Rothschild formed the eponymous bank in London and financed the Duke of Wellington’s interests during those wars.

Estimates of the Rothschild family’s net worth vary greatly, in part because Mayer Amschel dictated a male-only inheritance structure in his will, forcing female descendants into family marriages to maintain their grasp on wealth. Additionally, the sheer number of family members and locations of Rothschild financial and business dealings make assessing the totality of family wealth virtually impossible — though it’s rumored to be in the hundreds of billions.

Cloaked in secrecy for centuries, rumors concerning the Rothschild family run the gamut — including the widely held suspicion it maintains a degree of control over the U.S. federal reserve. One defining fact about the Rothschilds — noted by both establishment historians and so-called conspiracy theorists, alike — has been its astonishing abilities to not only maintain such a high degree of wealth and influence, but to keep numerous businesses under family control over such a long period of time.

Mergers and partnerships aid have absolutely assisted the Rothschilds’ rise to power, such as the 2012 purchase by the Rothschild Investment Trust of a 37 percent stake in Rockefeller Financial Services — which cemented the family’s financial ties to the second dynasty in this list.

I’ve actually heard this story before. The question I have for you is…


I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t there when he had his “antique coin business”, but the thing that stuck out to me was he started a business, and had clientele who voluntarily did business with him.

Where’s the crime in that?

He diversified his company’s portfolio, and someone came to him to finance some wars. Well, as a businessman would he let a good deal go cold? Is war personal, or it it just business? Can a bank control what you do with the loan they gave you when the money’s in your bank account? Is it the bank’s fault after you make the transaction?

According to the allegations, it looks to me as Rothschild is being accused of being a very well calculated and successful businessman. And, his entire descendants are being prosecuted for maintaining the family business.

So the question is this; who should be prosecuted, the one who wrote the check (Rothschild), or the one who cashed it (your politician)?

Who should be prosecuted, the bank who underwrote the mortgage, or the one’s buying the home?

No further…

4. Rockefeller

Son of a conman, John Davidson Rockefeller effectively began to solidify his American empire after buying out several partners who owned Cleveland’s largest oil refinery in 1865 — which became the foundation for the formation of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1870. By then purchasing rival refineries and distributing its oil around the world, Standard — and Rockefeller — established a staggering monopoly on the industry, cornering some 90 percent of America’s refineries and pipelines.

He made them an offer, they sold. The basics of trading. However my question is; were you there when the transaction was executed?

Rockefeller’s pursuit of the market extended to every facet of Standard’s business, and “In order to exploit economies of scale, Standard Oil did everything from build its own oil barrels to employ its own scientists to figure out new uses for petroleum by-products,”according to History.com. Simply labeling Standard Oil a monopoly not only undercuts the company’s breadth, but downplays the savage and covert tactics Rockefeller employed to maintain its control over American oil.

What does “savage” mean to you? And what do you mean by “covert”?

The word “covert” has such a dirty word-like connotation doesn’t it? Is covert another simplier way of saying ‘not letting your left hand know what your right hand’s doing’?

Thanks in part to a series of 19 articles by Ida Tarbell, published in 1902 by McClure’s Magazine, the U.S. attorney under Pres. Theodore Roosevelt sued Standard Oil of New Jersey under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Over the course of the 1908 trial, Standard Oil’s dubious practices came to light — including secret deals with railroads, corporate spies, and bribes of elected officials, among other things.

In this court, it’s not what you know or what you’ve been told, it’s what you can prove. Can you prove without a reasonable doubt that these tactics was used during Standard’s business dealings?

Rockefeller “was accused of crushing out competition, getting rich on rebates from railroads, bribing men to spy on competing companies, of making secret agreements, of coercing rivals to join the Standard Oil Company under threat of being forced out of business, building up enormous fortunes on the ruins of other men, and so on,” the New York Timessummarized in 1937.

Though the trial resulted in the fractioning of Standard Oil into 34 companies, the government permitted the original stockholders, including Rockefeller, to keep their ownership stakes while putatively acting as competitors. Thus, the monopoly effectively continued for at least another decade afterward, though it arguably lives on in the exertion of power by companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and BP — just a few of those resulting from the official destruction of the Standard Oil empire.

Now, if these companies are descendants of Standard Oil, aren’t motorists continuously buying their products? Is that a crime?

Called “history’s richest manby Forbes in 2014, at the time of John D. Rockefeller’s death in 1937, “his assets equaled 1.5% of America’s total economic output. To control an equivalent share today would require a net worth of about $340 billion, more than four times that of Bill Gates,” whom the publication listed as the world’s richest man at the time of the article.

Other estimates imagine Rockefeller’s worth closer to $400 billion, and considering his habit of shady business practices, it wouldn’t be difficult to believe some of his fortune remained secreted away from the public spotlight.

What’s “shady business practices”, what is that? What does that mean to you?

All notoriety aside, Rockefeller stands as a testament to self-education, with his only formal training being a ten-week course in accounting — though it remains a matter of conjecture what good could have been accomplished had he focused his craftiness on other pursuits.

What does “good” mean to you in this context? My understanding is my client didn’t want to do “other pursuits” that’s why he became a successful oilman. In other words; he did wat he thought was good pursuits based on his opinion of “good”. My question is; if you had the power to make him focus on “other pursuits” what would that be?

In 2015, the approximately 200 descendants comprising the Rockefeller family were conservatively estimated to have a combined net worth of $11 billion — placing the dynasty well below the top of the list of America’s richest, at #22.

Grandson David Rockefeller was, in 1954, among the founding members of the Bilderberg Group — whose highly secretive annual meetings have long been fodder for theories that ultra-elite families seek to gain or maintain control of world governments.

Couldn’t it be because Bilderberg Group is what they call a “mastermind” group?

What’s the difference between that meeting, and a family meeting you hold and require secrecy among you and your family members?

Do you think that your decisions everyday regarding your transactions is just as important and affect the world as this “Bilderburg Group?”

Do you believe that every decision you make as a collective affect the world affairs one way or another?

3. Morgan

A panic inundated the U.S. in 1893, partly resulting from fear about the flow of the country’s surplus gold to foreign nations — but John Pierpont Morgan seized the opportunity to ‘save’ the economy and restore confidence in the dollar. Morgan had followed in his father’s footsteps in the banking industry, and formed J.P. Morgan & Company in 1895 — which, in effect, rescued the gold standard.

When you say “fear”, it make people do certain things–especially when it comes to their finances is that correct?

How did my client JP Morgan save the economy?

Were people forced to have fear during this time?

It seem as though Mr. Morgan benefited from this “fear” that was going on, would you agree?

In an agreement with then-President Grover Cleveland, Morgan “led a syndicate of bankers” — which, incidentally, included Rothschild — “to sell U.S. bonds to buy back gold from foreign investors. The firm offered the bonds for sale at $112.25 and sold out the entire issue in New York within 22 minutes,”according to J.P.Morgan.com.

So there was a mutual agreement between President Grover Cleveland and Mr. Morgan regarding a transaction of U.S. bonds and gold?

Go on…

With that gold and bond exchange, Morgan controlled the U.S.’ gold supply — allowing him the flexibility to then finance the creation of U.S. Steel, after an offer to buyout Andrew Carnegie for a price in excess of the U.S. government’s entire budget. After threatening Westinghouse — which had employed Nikola Tesla’s electricity using alternating current — with a patent infringement lawsuit, Morgan gained control of the emerging electric light industry and formed General Electric.

Are you saying that General Electric was NOT founded by Thomas Edison like the history books alledged? Are you telling the court that it was JP Morgan himself that founded General Electric?

Morgan’s unethical, cutthroat business practices — the creation of monopolies by eliminating competition, maximizing profits by slashing jobs and reducing wages, and lack of workplace safety — became known as ‘morganization.’ In fact, figures like Morgan became known as ‘robber barons’ for such tactics — their uninhibited greed fueled a severe stratification of wealth and became a popular target for muckraking journalists.

You’re accusing my client of “unethical” business practices. And then you mentioned “greed”.

What’s greed to you in your own independent definition?

And what’s your feelings towards “wealth”?

And his attempts to profit while exerting influence didn’t stop there. In an investigation afterward, it was revealed America had entered World War I, not for political and policy concerns, but for the profits of the banking and munitions industries.

Now what was your answer before when I asked you about war and the military? Was it my client’s fault that those who went to war joined the military based on their own free will to join? If every soldier (back then and now) all decided not to fight another battle again, would there even be a war?

Senator Gerald P. Nye, who headed the eponymous Nye Committee, vowed at the outset, “when the Senate investigation is over, we shall see that war and preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense, but a matter of profit for the few.”

If this is true, then why do most Americans thank a soldier or a veteran that fight in a war? Shouldn’t a shareholder of a defense company honor them instead?

If war is all about profit, then do soldiers really fight for anyone’s “freedom?”

As it turned out, U.S. banks, including Morgan’s, lent over 100 times as much money to allied countries than it had to adversaries — and in order to protect those loans, the financiers urged the Wilson Administration to come to the aid of their allies by joining the war. Dubbed the “merchants of death,” arms manufacturers were again rumored to ally with the Morgans in the buildup to the second world war.

Who were the adversaries? And why were they “adversaries?”

And who told you they were adversaries?

Recent rumors have suggested a far comfortable relationship than the public would prefer, between what is now JP Morgan Chase and the Federal Reserve. Despite the U.S. abandoning the gold standard, the New York Fed still houses the country’s precious metals in a fifth sub-basement — across the street from JPM’s own fifth sub-basement-situated gold vault. As Business Insidernoted about the ZeroHedgereport, which brought the seeming less-than-coincidental locales back into the spotlight in 2013, the public at large will likely never know if a tunnel exists connecting the two gold vaults.

Unless you’re a shareholder yes? Than wouldn’t that encourage you to become one?

Closing arguments:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. It seems to me as though this plaintiff is only presenting heresy, which means none of us was there to see these events happening first hand.
Another thing that strikes me is the way all of my clients are described in this article. It looks to me more like an instruction manual to see how you can buy your own country, and politicians are ready to be sold. Just by becoming a calculated and sophisticated business person.
Is that a crime?
The plaintiff mentions my clients being part of what they call the “Illuminati”. Now according to the Latin word illuminatus, it means “enlightened” or “bearer of light” of knowing thyself despite what indoctrination is enforced by the state and religious institutions.
Rather you agree with that or not, my question to you–the jury, is this:
What is an “enemy?”
And, isn’t enemies based on preconceptions of someone else feelings or emotions towards what’s being called an enemy?
The only enemy that exist is the one that refuse to challenge those who want you to think or believe or feel a certain way. Presenting an alternative approach or argument against the popular beliefs of the masses would make YOU an enemy of the state of minds who believe everything that was spoon-fed to them from a regurgitated recycled accusation.
The plaintiff want you to believe that my clients committed crimes of providing a product that the masses wanted. The masses is what bought the oil, the prescriptions, the loans, the coin collections–the masses are the ones who agreed that my clients had the products they wanted. Is that a crime?
So my clients wanted more power. So they wanted control over their business operations. They gave the politicians what they wanted–money. The politicians took the money, and then made laws with it. Is that a crime?
My clients could never be in the position they are without the cooperation of the free market, and the politicians they voted for in office. In other words, my clients depended on a cooperative voluntary action of the buyers for their products, and they were able to capitalize on what the people wanted. Is that a crime?
However, if anyone truly have a problem with the business involvements of my clients, I recommend not doing business with them. Never mind anyone else, it starts with you. It’s none of your concern if people continue to do business with them, that’s what this whole case is about ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
But let’s say the plaintiff is correct about my clients’ business practices. Maybe it’s a good idea to be another Rothschild, Rockefeller or a Morgan.
Other than that, what is the whole point of the plaintiff? So they wanted to show you the ills of my clients and how they built their wealth. Now you know that at least they were businessmen. Now what? What do you do with that? Point out all the misery of the world’s affairs and blame it on the “elite families”? If that make them feel good then by all means…
But what do you do about this? “Informing” people about it does what? What does it do for you? Honestly, we should ask ourselves that question. Can you end the Illuminati tonight? If that’s the case, are you trying to end “knowing thyself”?
If “bearer of light” is what an Illuminati is, then based on YOUR personal beliefs, is that your version of evil?
Regardless of what I said here, you are the Honorable judge here to decide who’s guilty.
Charge: crimes against humanity.
Defendant: Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Morgan were only strategic businessmen and paying politicians to determine the policies of governments all over the world.
Plaintiff: Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Morgan are accused of “manipulating” world affairs through ruthless business tactics and bribing.
If they’re guilty, you have to think of the proper sentencing that will affect them. And every decision the consumer and political leader makes is out of their control because some unseen force is making them purchase the product and/or service and they have no common sense.
If they’re not guilty, then they’re acquitted of crimes against humanity. And it’s okay to start a business and build it to a powerful empire for yourself and your family because you’re providing a great product the consumers want, and because of your intelligence and knowledge in business, you’re able to buyout your competition and provide wealth for your family so vast it last for generations to come, you become a target for conspiracy theorists, you’re accused of being part of the Illuminati and you have haters who hate wealth and prosperity and hate you for not sharing your secret with a bunch of people who shunned wealth based on their belief system.
Okay enough playing “their lawyer”, I really wanted to show the other side of the coin as if someone was speaking on their behalf. I have no opinion regarding these families for I’ve never met them in person. The last thing I allow myself to do is to have an emotion towards a person or place based on someone else story. Regardless of who it is though, every human being in this planet deserve to have their side of the story told–or at least defended 😉

Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Read this in its entirety. Then share your thoughts below…

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, on his first visit to Cannes, is, quite literally, a duck out of water.

He couldn’t bring his favorite firearms. And he’s missing his wife Miss Kay’s cooking. “If you want to lose weight, come to Cannes,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter while sipping an espresso at the Carlton.

He is here to sell a movie titled Torchbearer. Its poster, which shows Robertson clutching a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other, leaves little ambiguity about its message, with a tagline that reads: “When man stops believing in God, he’ll believe in anything.”

“It’s a picture of spiritual warfare,” the 70-year-old reality TV star said of the image. “A gun is gonna prevent someone from robbing my household and raping my wife and there’s five of them, and if I have a weapon, I have a chance. It’s like San Bernardino, if someone just had a weapon. Or Paris. And it would have helped [if the Jews were armed in Nazi Germany].”

Torchbearer, which debuted at a special Cannes market screening on May 17, won’t likely spark bidding wars like Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman. But thanks to a full-court media press and Robertson’s lightning-rod quotes, the film is sure to generate plenty of attention. The film’s director, Stephen K. Bannon has a second film at the market as well, a new anti-Hillary Clinton movie, Clinton Cash, which he wrote and produced.

But it was guns, not deals, that were on Robertson’s mind as he held forth at the Carlton. “It took Bibles and guns in order to found America,” he said. “It did take guns to send the Brits back to where they came from. What did it take when we went up against the Nazis? Faith in God. Hitler didn’t have any faith in God. There was no Jesus with him. No Jesus with Joseph Stalin or the Shintoists who attacked us in Pearl Harbor. And now we have the current crop. No Jesus with them either. No Jesus with the communists. And no Jesus with the Muslims. They seem alike. They all want to conquer the world.”

I have to give Mr. Robertson some credit here. Now I’m not sure if every American citizen saw America being “founded”, but it sounds like Mr. Robertson was there when it happened. I’m entertained by the first encounter experience of America’s founding by almost every American I asked about regarding American history. I would also assume that Mr. Robertson saw a lot of action back in the 1700s. According to his experience and re-encounter, he saw the Brits get “sent back to where they came from” because of the Bible and guns. He was there first hand when the United States allegedly “defeated” the Nazis. He actually met Hitler himself and Hitler told him in person that he didn’t believe in his [Robertson’s] God, nor had faith in this particular God. After that damning and blasphemous conversation, Mr. Robertson declared that Hitler had “no Jesus in him” and had to be taken out. I mean why wouldn’t he? Why wouldn’t Mr, Robertson not come to that conclusion?

Oh, he also met Joseph Stalin in person too! Yeah, Joseph even told him that “Joseph Stalin” was his real name “for the record”. And the Shintoists actually called Mr. Robertson via telegraph [at the time] and told Mr. Robertson in person that ‘because they had no god or Jesus in them’, they felt like attacking Pearl Harbor just because. Mr. Robertson also lived under communism so he know first hand what he’s talking about when he said they had ‘no Jesus in them’. And the latest phenomena is the Muslims. He personally talked to Muhammad himself, and Muhammad told Mr. Robertson to be alarmed that all Muslims have ‘no Jesus in them’, and want to conquer the world through the United States military–er, I meant Jihadist.

And because of all that personal experience of “history”, the only conclusion was to know that they aren’t humans and deserve to have the bombs blow the “hell” out of them. ‘By golly we gon’ fire up the gospel in their villages until they declare that our god is Lord!’

Hey, Mr. Robertson knows what he’s talking about. You heathens better listen!

Robertson may be feeling a little vulnerable in France, though, since he sees the threat of ISIS looming. He is accompanied at all times by armed guards. It was unclear if either of his two guards were legally carrying firearms. When asked, one declined to answer. “I’m not authorized to discuss,” he said.

Well, looks like this “God-fearing” righteous bible thumper got a lot of boogeymen to run from. First it was the Taliban, then after that brand got played out, a new monster named “Al-Queda” came from the bushes. And now a new brand was invented by the media after they got played out; ISIS is now the new boogeyman. So in such a “God-fearing” society, are they starting to be afraid of their own shadow which might be the next “terrorist” after ISIS get old? You know, the war on terror is fighting against an “unseen” force.

Do you know what it’s like to be around a terrified group of people while fully armed with massive destructive weapons and shoot anything that moves instead of using rational decisions?

In other words; the popular phrase ‘shoot first, ask questions later? Or, execute millions of innocent civilians now based on fear, then find the proven evidence and say ‘OOPS’ later?

What a God.

As for Clinton Cash, it’s based on Peter Schweizer’s book of the same name, which alleges that donations to The Clinton Foundation and huge speaking fees to Bill Clinton from foreign governments and wealthy businessmen influenced Hillary Clinton’s policy decisions during her stint as secretary of state.

“To me, the Clintons have created a new precedent,” says Schweizer. “There are now mechanisms and avenues whereby foreign entities can help American figures become rich.”

Now what’s wrong with being rich? What’s wrong with wealth? Apart from the “Camel fitting through the eye of a needle”, the Clintons know how to play the game, so doesn’t televangelists. What’s the difference? Just curious.

(Yes, believe it or not some people still believe in that quote and take it literally. Don’t laugh)

Isn’t Duck Dynasty shown on a network owned by shareholders from, say, other foreign countries? Just wondering.

Pitching the movie, which is being handled by ARC Entertainment, as a film “made by right-wingers for Democrats,” Bannon says he plans to open Clinton Cash on July 24 in Philadelphia on the eve of the Democratic Convention and then take it out to five cities on Aug. 1. But he’s also in Cannes looking for both domestic and international TV sales.

Bannon isn’t concerned that fellow conservative Dinesh D’Souza also is planning to open a Hillary Clinton doc: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party on July 22. “If conservatives want to see our film, fine,” he says, “but we made this film targeted to progressives, independents. … I think Dinesh’s film is to rally the right-wing troops. They are two different markets.”

Mr. Robertson is free to believe what he wants to believe. As well as millions more that agree with him. And I have no issue or personal problem with Mr. Robertson. I do find him quiet entertaining.

My concern is regarding quoting or explaining history. Any history.

No one questions history. Whatever their “history book” says, they set in stone and repeat.

For example; Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. I’ll be the first to admit that I WASN’T THERE, I DIDN’T SEE WHAT HAPPENED, AND I NEVER MET THE GUY. However, people who’ve never left this country, let along their town, know more about Hitler based on their assumptions of what the history books said than the people who actually hung out with the guy. And even if they did talk to someone who personally knew the guy or lived under that regime, they usually point out or speak on information that conveniently fits their own biased beliefs regarding any topic.

In order to really understand what I’m saying here is to ask this key question to yourself;

What is TRUTH to you, and what does it mean?

Then after defining what truth is to you, and what it means ONLY to you, ask yourself these two important questions;

  1. Is this information true?
  2. HOW do I know this to be true?

Then after you exam those two questions. Look very closely to your answer. Then after you mentally marinate over those two answers of the questions, do this;


What that means is only you know what is inside of you and your mind. No one else. I know, you might be thinking how do psychics read your mind? Well, I don’t want to go there in this blog for that’s a whole different topic. But the only thing a person (including yourself) can talk about is everything that’s going on with you.

In other words; it’s like when someone calls you “racist”. The reason why they call you that is because deep in their mind, they have an issue with themselves being a human. Because that’s the only race that exist.

That’s why I’m basically making fun of this article regarding what Mr. Phil Robertson’s “allegedly” said at this event.

Remember; I wasn’t there to hear him say it personally.

I use the word “alleged” because history itself is usually based on assumptions and allegations. Which means that the person who’s explaining history  most likely weren’t there to personally experience it. Their account of the event, or person, or group is only based on what they’ve read or heard. Then you have to ask the motive behind the person who wrote or told the story to them based on biased beliefs.

For example; a hardcore “born-again Christian” most likely won’t challenge the history of Jesus Christ or his crucifixion, or the stories in the Bible and account the scientific side of the stories (trust me I tried with someone, it didn’t go to well).

So the rational question I usually ask the person who’s trying to explain history is;


Now the automatic answers most likely will prove to you that they’re getting their information from a biased source. Usually either the media, some conspiracy theory documentary, or even the church or religious institution itself (which believers even admitted the Bible was translated multiple times but failed to know where the original transcript was or even said. For if they really knew, they would question their beliefs more often) to support their argument. Then, based on scientific mental response, they experience a mild panic which resort into “fight or flight” mode. That’s where they can’t explain their beliefs in a rational way, therefore name calling, insults, “rebukes” and sometimes physical attacks occur. Knowing all this, you prepare yourself for that to happen when you’re able to control your own mind while asking questions to those who choose not to, and depend on an outside source (or some God in the sky) to fight their battles for them, instead of responding intelligently and say ‘you know, that’s a good question. Thank you for the challenging insight”.

So let’s go back to Mr. Robertson here and his beliefs, and understand that there are millions just like him that believe the same way. I know, I grew up around them–and they are LOUD AND PROUD OF IT.

Which goes to understanding self-sabotage. And my curiosity of the justification behind why the “god-fearing” society of the United States engage in more aggressive warfare and invasions in “communist” and Muslim-dominated countries than any other country on earth.

And they want to talk about peace.

Speaking on communism. I’ve been curious regarding communism. We’ve been taught in psychological warfare-controlled government mandated (K-12) propaganda mills called the public school system, as well as through the media to believe how evil and corrupt communists nations were. I just find it weird that based on the “alleged” history and records of the CIA (central intelligence agency), THEY would spend millions if not billions of dollars, technology, and manpower combined, to convince the American people that communism is a threat—hmm. I wonder why?

Not saying communism is good or bad, for good and bad is only in the mind of the beholder. However, I’ve been curious of why they would want to convince the American people how great capitalism was apart from communism. It’s just me, but for some odd reason I think that communism looks a lot similar to “community”. It’s just me, but I like to look deeper into the “American” English language a lot deeper since discovering (DIS-cover=uncover) that the word MORTGAGE is actually two words with MORT comes from the Latin word (MORTIS) meaning “death”, and GAGE meaning “pledge”, or someone mentioned it meaning “grip”. So putting two words together in a raw translation it would mean “death grip, or death pledge”.

Rather that’s true or not, it had me question almost every big “English” word. Not trying to go to deep in the subject here, but that was in my mind regarding communism.

We will touch more deeper in this subject regarding communism on a later blog. There’s something else I want to share with you that I came across a few weeks ago that could literally shake up your beliefs and thoughts regarding the financial well being of you, your family, and the United States altogether. What I have in store could shake up everything you thought about money and the government.

Trust me. It’s far from what you’ve heard before.

What’s your thoughts on this?