KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

© AP Photo/Andrew Harnik Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets members of the audience after speaking at a rally at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Ga., Monday, Feb. 29, 2016.

Before we say ANYTHING, keep in mind that we’re not endorsing ANY candidate of this election. We are aware that there are diverse perceptions regarding politics and almost everything you read on touchy subjects. We do however condone talking about things society considers “controversial” and tell you NOT to talk about. Well we do here because you’re intelligent enough to hear the other side of the argument, agree to disagree, yet respect each others opinions and points of views. This is nothing to do with being “American”, this is EVERYTHING to do with being human on this planet with ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that you take to heart while allowing others to do the same.

So we wanted to play with this a little bit and give us your thoughts after;

Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump’s campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out.

It is called the Crusader — and it is one of the most prominent newspapers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Under the banner “Make America Great Again,” the entire front page of the paper’s current issue is devoted to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement.

“‘Make America Great Again!’ It is a slogan that has been repeatedly used by Donald Trump in his campaign for the presidency,” Pastor Thomas Robb wrote in the Crusader. “You can see it on the shirts, buttons, posters and ball caps such as the one being worn here by Trump speaking at a recent rally. … But can it happen? Can America really be great again? This is what we will soon find out!”

“While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, ‘What made America great in the first place?'” the article continues. “The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did — but because of who our forefathers were.

“America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great.”

The Trump campaign sharply and swiftly criticized the article. “Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form,” the campaign said in a statement Tuesday evening. “This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign.”

What we’re wondering is what’s so hateful about the word “white”, let along “white Christian Republic”?

We can see white in many ways; white snow, white crayons, white sand, white sugar, white flour, white doves, white teeth, white paper, white—out. And if people are referring to “white people”, the last time we saw them they were all dead; blood and fluids drained out. So white people from every ethnicity (including black, Asian, Natives, etc) can’t technically be offended by anything because they’re in the morgue if not already buried or cremated.

Now if you consider “Christian” being hateful, it depends on how you see it. Hell sounds like a very “hateful” place you’re doomed to go if you’re not “Christian” and be punished by God. And almost every war in the world started based on different religious beliefs including Christianity (sometimes called “Crusaders for Christ). According to historical data, you either converted to this religion, confessed you believed in it, or was tortured and/or killed (just ask Joan of Arc and the Salem Witches in the 1690s).

“Republic” sounds like some form of religion in politics. It has differen meanings according to those who claim they live in one; (DPRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Islamic Republic of Iran, USSR, The People’s Republic of China, The United States of America), I can go on and on. Are these countries “hateful”?

Reached by phone, Robb told The Washington Post that while the Crusader wasn’t officially endorsing Trump, his article signaled the publication’s enthusiastic support for the Republican billionaire’s candidacy.

“Overall, we do like his nationalist views and his words about shutting down the border to illegal aliens,” Robb said. “It’s not an endorsement because, like anybody, there’s things you disagree with. But he kind of reflects what’s happening throughout the world. There seems to be a surge of nationalism worldwide as nationals reclaim their borders.”

The 12-page quarterly newspaper calls itself “The Political Voice of White Christian America!” and has a well-known white supremacist symbol on its front page. The latest edition includes articles about Jewish links to terrorism, black-on-white crime and a man who claims to be Bill Clinton’s illegitimate child. An article near the end of the paper says that Trump’s candidacy is “moving the dialogue forward.”

The publication’s website says that its “number one goal” is to “stop white genocide.”

That word “genocide” is very powerful to most people. We see genocide as killing a particular “gene”. Academia and cultures have taught people to see genes according to the pigmentation of skin instead of seeing it as a human code. So when a mass murder is happening, or has happened regardless of ethnicity or culture, we consider killing massive amount of humans as genocide. Referring to our version of “white”, we all can die right now, but there will still remain white snow, white crayons, white sand, white sugar, white flour, white doves, white teeth, white paper, and white—out.


Since the earliest days of his presidential bid, Trump has attracted the support of prominent white nationalists across the country, setting off fears that a dormant fringe faction of the GOP base — one steeped in xenophobic and white supremacist rhetoric — would be folded back into mainstream politics.

In the early months, white nationalists said they were reluctant to publicly throw their support behind the controversial billionaire for fear of harming his strengthening campaign. But white nationalists said as Trump became more emboldened, they did too.

In January, Jared Taylor — editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance — lent his voice to a robo-call recording urging registered voters in Iowa to back Trump. Those potential voters, Taylor told The Post, are part of a silent majority who are tired of being asked to celebrate diversity but are afraid of being labeled bigots.

A month later, Trump was embraced by former KKK grand wizard David Duke, which led to a controversial exchange between CNN’s Jake Tapper and the Republican candidate. Asked by Tapper to “unequivocally condemn” Duke, Trump pleaded ignorance.

“Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay?” Trump said.

Tapper pressed him several more times to disavow Duke and the KKK, but Trump again declined.

“I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists,” Trump said. “So I don’t know. I don’t know — did he endorse me, or what’s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.”

He just said he know nothing about this dude, nor this practice.

So this part is extremely important because it goes to perception. If I know nothing about a person, place, thing, or organization personally, I’m not going to have an opinion about them, nor agree or disagree with what they say because I never asked them to elaborate. Trump is saying he knows nothing about them or “white supremacy”, so of course he can’t disavow them or anybody he know nothing about. I’m the same way; I’d be considered a black man to “society”, but because I never met the KKK in person, I have no opinions about them either, nor can I condemn anything they say based on what someone else say about them. This goes for Hitler, Nazism, socialism, communism, Mao, Stalin, or anyone I’ve never met, sat down with, and talked to in person.

That same month, Rachel Pendergraft — the national organizer for the Knights Party, a standard-bearer for the Ku Klux Klan — told The Post that Trump’s campaign offered the organization a new outreach tool for recruiting new members and expanding their formerly dwindling ranks.

The Republican presidential candidate, Pendergraft said at the time, provided separatists with an easy way to start a conversation about issues that are important to the dying white supremacist movement.

“One of the things that our organization really stresses with our membership is we want them to educate themselves on issues, but we also want them to be able to learn how to open up a conversation with other people,” Pendergraft said.

Using Trump as a conversation piece has been discussed on a private, members-only website and in “e-news, stuff that goes out to members.”

In addition to opening “a door to conversation,” she said, Trump’s surging candidacy has electrified some members of the movement.

“They like the overall momentum of his rallies and his campaign,” Pendergraft said. “They like that he’s not willing to back down. He says what he believes and he stands on that.”

In August, the American Nazi Party’s chairman, Rocky Suhayda, agreed, declaring on his radio show that Trump offers “real opportunity” to build the white nationalist movement.

More recently, Trump’s rallies have been marred by a series of racially charged incidents.

Last week, a black Trump supporter was booted from a North Carolina rally after he was mistaken for being a protester. Trump’s security detail escorted a man out of the rally as the audience cheered.

“You can get him out,” Trump said, making a sideways motion with his thumb. “Get him out.”

The person in question turned out to be C.J. Cary, a North Carolina resident, who claims to be a longtime Trump supporter.

Cary, in a phone interview, said Saturday that he had gone to the rally because he wanted to hand-deliver a note to the Republican presidential nominee. He made his way to about 20 to 30 feet from the stage and shouted “Donald!” while waving his note around to try to catch his attention.

“Everyone else is waving Trump signs and I’m waving this white letter,” Cary, 63, said. He said that, coupled with the fact that he was wearing sunglasses during an evening rally to deal with his sensitivity to light, may have been what set people off.

Cary said a security official noticed he appeared to be a supporter but said he should not have disrupted the rally.

“He asked me, ‘What happened? You have on a GOP badge,’ ” Cary said. “I said, ‘I’m yelling at Donald, and he thinks I’m a protester.’ ”

This reminds me of something. Maybe the Crips and Bloods learned something here;

You reppin yo flag nigga?

Political correct translation;

You’re wearing your GOP badge? But sorry you got shot at because you look like a Beaner trying to be a Yakuza.

Days later, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, forcefully disavowed a supporter as “deplorable” for chanting “Jew-S-A!” at a weekend rally, the latest incident of anti-Semitic rhetoric used by some of the GOP nominee’s backers, according to Post reporters Jose A. DelReal and Sean Sullivan.

Can someone tell me what’s the difference between being “anti-Semitic” and just being “racist”? I’m really confused about these two, and I know there are billions of different opinions and definitions regarding the two. Or is it?

“[The man’s] conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate. Wow,” Conway said during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “That man’s conduct was deplorable. And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately.”

The Saturday afternoon incident in Phoenix was captured on video that showed a man confronting reporters at the rally with shouts and a three-fingered hand gesture that resembled hate symbols flagged by the Anti-Defamation League.

“You’re going down! You’re the enemy!” the man yelled. As the rest of the crowd broke into a chant of “USA! USA!,” the man repeatedly chanted, “Jew-S-A! Jew-S-A!”

Could there be a reason why he said that?

According to some conspiracy theorists (and I don’t say that in a negative manner), most Fortune 500 and major multinational corporations including banks are controlled by what they call the “Zionist Jews” cabal, which is allegedly separate from real Jews (who so happened to be against Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and the human rights violation of Palestinians).

So according to many researches, America’s government is controlled by the influence of these Zionist Jewish corporations. This answers the question of why mainstream media and religion is a staunch supporter of the State of Israel, why they condemn any hint of “anti-Semitics” and even violate freedom of speech and expression here to suppress any criticism of the Jewish state, and its treatment of the Palestinians — because the media is owned by these same corporations?

That’s like Fox News criticizing Rupert Murdock of News Corp. and CBS making a news special on the corruption of Sumner Redstone’s family.

There’s even concerns of the whole Holocaust stories being a hoax to cover up the real reason behind Nazi Germany, Hitler’s true intentions to protect Germany, its people (including Jews there) against this Zionist cabal and their Allies in Britain and the United States, and what the word Holocaust REALLY mean. This coverup was believed to maintain the status quo in America to complete an agenda of corporate control over the masses. Which also makes sense because (according to Sigmund Freud) the masses don’t think for themselves, and buy everything under the sun to fill a void. If this is true, then the alleged Zionist Jews agenda will happen. No one force the masses to buy their products.

After doing research, this has showed us how misunderstandings of cultures, and a society who only speak American English can defend Israel and the Zionist Jews on knee jerk reaction based on a story they’ve heard instead of understand Latin, Greek, German, and seeing for themselves why this gentleman would chant “Jew-S-A”.

Could it be that the Zionist Jews own the U.S.A.?

If this is true, and you have a problem with this allegation — wouldn’t it be best to start your own business and/or start buying local? Just a thought.

Conway agreed when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked whether the man’s behavior was “deplorable” — a reference to controversial comments made last month by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was criticized for casting “half of Trump’s supporters” as a “basket of deplorables.” Clinton later expressed regret for suggesting that half of his supporters were racist or xenophobic.

As DelReal and Sullivan reported, the “Jew-S-A” incident revived long-standing anxieties about xenophobic and white supremacist rhetoric used by a fringe faction within the GOP nominee’s base.

Like this wasn’t a concern 8 years ago with the whole Barack Osama presidential gig? (I wrote that on purpose for a reason).

I saw and witnessed fringe groups of some blacks forming military style tactics to intimidate others into voting for this man. I even saw a side of my family that gave me an outer body experience. So could it be their turn?

Then I started studying the psy-op technique of controlled oppositions. I saw how profitable it is to deploy this program. That’s when everything came together and I saw the game.

Anti-Semitic slogans and language, they wrote, have become common among self-identified members of the “alt-right,” a fringe conservative movement that fashions itself as a populist and anti-establishment alternative to the mainstream Republican Party. Many within the alt-right have enthusiastically embraced Trump’s campaign message, which has included calls for mass deportations of undocumented Latino immigrants and for barring foreign Muslims from entering the United States.

Many of Trump’s critics have accused him and his campaign of stoking racial grievances as a political tool. Those accusations have intensified since Stephen K. Bannon stepped away from running Breitbart News — which he has called a “platform for the alt-right” — to become the Trump campaign’s chief executive.

“I wouldn’t want to tar and feather every Trump supporter with the anti-Semitic comments of one person, but it is the case that the Trump campaign has been embraced by the radical right in an unprecedented way this season,” said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trump came under fire over the summer for retweeting an image of rival Hillary Clinton alongside $100 bills and a Jewish star bearing the words “most corrupt candidate ever!” Trump later claimed that it was a sheriff’s star.

Trump’s son, Donald Jr., also drew attention for doing an interview with a white-nationalist radio host this year; he later told Bloomberg News that he did not realize the interviewer was going to be looped into the conversation. He was also blasted for posting an image on social media he said he got from a friend that included Pepe the Frog, a figure that has been appropriated by white supremacists. He told ABC News that he did not know about the association.

What’s your thoughts on this?

Article credit: The Washington Post

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

It Takes One To Know One

Ever had someone say you were a lie, knowing full hand that you were telling the truth?

Or how about you revealed the truth to someone regarding what they might be involved in, but what you revealed to them was so traumatic and a shock that they called YOU a liar, or that you were lying?

It’s all based on emotions, right? Because what is true? What’s truth? And who determines what’s truth? And is it truth or true because YOU agree with it?

Ever saw or heard something that WAS true that you DISAGREED with? How many people do that? I believe that if the average person saw or heard something that they admitted was true but was unpleasant to agree with, they would see life totally different — including their own existence.

I believe the same is going on between North Korea, and western media’s depiction of North Korea. I like to play the game of “media reversal”, which means that everything they say about a noun (person, place, thing) or an idea or belief, I think the opposite. Yeah, I do totally reversal, because I believe that western media (especially in the U.S.) insults its audience intelligence by telling you what’s going on HERE but using another noun’s name to throw you off (research false flags). I’d admit that’s pure speculation on my part because I don’t work inside a media studio, however I do believe that it takes one to know one — or else there would be no place, person or thing to make fun or, insult or talk about. Right?

So let’s look in the mirror for a second and read this article and see if it reminds you of a familiar place. Now rather you’ve been to North Korea in person or not, only you can tell yourself if it’s bullshit or not. However, I’ve been trying to figure out if they had a country mistaken for a place I’m already familiar with.

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

North Korea is an isolated dictatorship, so we are told on the outside.  But what are they told on the inside?  The answer to this question may have you reeling.

From calling Kim Jong-Il a fashion icon to the entire country believing he is magical; these things can get crazy.  Fortunatley, we’ve had compiled a list of some of these outright bizarre myths that have been perpetrated around the country to keep control of the people.

Now let’s dissect some of these myths that the article claims belong to North Korea. And I’ll give you an example of how it could be related to a place I’m very familiar with.

10. The U.S. Started The Korean War

I don’t know about you, but the last time I checked in my entire existence I’ve never seen a North Korean army or military invade the United States, nor have I heard North Korea START any wars with anyone. I do remember our troops here in the U.S. heading out to be deployed in some desert country thousands of miles away. And I’ll be honest to say that the U.S. do have a reputation of starting a lot of shit — war’s one of them. Just ask Libya, Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cambodia—shall I continue?

9. Kim Jong-Il Had A Supernatural Birth

That sounds very familiar. I wasn’t there when Obama was born, however some of his followers (sound like a cult leader right? His followers lol!) truly believed he was the “anointed one”, a savior of the world, and had supernatural favors from whoever. The media did a good job changing some people’s beliefs and principles when they presented the first “alleged” black man as President.

8. Kim Jong-il Is A Fashion Icon

Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama…..who else was considered a “fashion icon”, hmmm — can you think of any President and First Lady dubbed as a Fashion Icon? Those two stuck out.

7. Kim Jong-Il Is Loved And North Korea Is Envied All Over The World

Ooooh now THIS sounds familiar. Obama is loved and America’s strength and “leader of the free world” is envied all over the world—or so the media said. So many people want to be like America, come to America. Are we the envy of the world?

Speaking of famine; what is it call when you feed your citizens crops that’s 90 percent contaminated with GMO pesticide chemicals which they consume nutrient bankrupt processed foods, thus systematically starve themselves which justifies the highest population of obesity and food related illnesses in the world?

6. Kim Jong-Il Invented The Hamburger

Maybe he did! How would you and I know? I wasn’t there when the first burger was created, so he probably did. Has nothing to do with me, it ain’t changing my feelings towards a man I never met or grabbing another quarter pounder. A burger’s a burger. But if that is so important to point out regarding some alleged “dictator”, then I see why the media here got problems.

5. Kim Jong-Il Is The Best Natural Golfer & Bowler In The World

I’d have to arrange a game with him in another life to see! I mean I ain’t gonna lie my handicap in golf isn’t that pretty so he might get me there in a landslide, however my bowling skills are pretty on point so I might have to challenge him on that one.

4. Kim Jong-Il Is Magical

I’ve heard that before regarding a head of state and celebrity. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard that from most people here regarding a particular celebrity. But remember, they’re only “magical” on the big screen, music video and on TV — that’s not counting when you see them away from it. Then again, it depends on YOUR definition of “magical”.

3. Kim Jong-Il Cured Dwarfism

Okay? And?

2. Kim Jong-Il Was Extraordinarily Gifted

I’ve heard that regarding people with powerful psychic abilities and autism so was Kim Jong-ll psychic and autistic? Depends on your definition of “extraordinary gifted”. However, I believe every human being on this planet is EXTRAORDINARILY GIFTED, they just push it down FOR society and point fingers towards those who pushed theirs UP and express their gifts — and was called crazy.

1. Internet Access Is Not Allowed To Protect The West

Article source: minds.com

This one is my favorite, because I experienced extraordinary knowledge on so many topics when the world wide web (for you 90s kids out there) came about. However, I witnessed the severe dumb down of not only my fellow citizens, but the outright common sense seeping out from my own generation. Maybe it’s because there’s only so much the government will allow on the United States Internet to show?

Is that why the world wide web is now dubbed the “dark web” because of so much WikiLeaks type of information that THEY put fear in people of going on it? Remember what I said about FEAR? Well, who’s “they” you might ask?*

That’s funny how they change the brand from “world wide web” to the “Inter-Net“. It reminds me of you traveling the entire world wide, far and in between on the cyber web (spider, eight “8” legs, connections: numerology, 8 is infinite.

*Six eyes: Six NET-works:

CBS “eye on America.

FOX “watching the hen (citizens) house”.

NBCNazional BroadCAST & Crew, CHANNELing“.

CNN “Constant Negative vibration = fear, News”.

ABC “Alphabet origin, Disney.

Univision-UNI “One” VISION: eye) and able to learn EVERYTHING — you know, kind of like going off the beaten path?

Then you take the Inter–net, Inter–transit bus to go from point A to point B WITHOUT leaving the boundaries. So you’re not able to go off the beaten path. Because instead of being world–wide, it’s now the Inter-city where you’re on a pre-determined route that was planned and predictable and already setup. You’re not able to go on other routes except on these INTER-city buses that never leave the city. And you’re conNETed via tele (porting) communication systems governed by a corporate body, where you are FEDeral your COMMUNI-cations CoMISSION.

FED, (eral=REAL): COMMUNIsm‘s, Cation: attracted to opposite electric (brain) charge, positive or negative, and vice versa (see “cations” above), COrporate MISSION.


United States of America is a corporation — with a mission.

The question is, who are the shareholders?

There’s some deep scientific shit that goes on with all this because the human biology and psychology is science. I believe this is why religion that I grew up in reinforced how science was “evil” and to stay away, because I felt like religion was an institution created to control and subdue the human race by teaching you to FEAR something, someone, or some place (negative vibration). It didn’t matter what it was, you MUST fear anything to stay away from it, and most people FEAR what they don’t understand, and fear to even understand it. If you understand mind science, then you will understand the game. That’s why it’s important that anything related to science and math is presented to you as boring and uninterested as possible.

That’s based on my own independent research, and understanding that I decided to share. But I’m not convincing you to believe it. Take that information how you want and do your own independent research — on the Internet ;-P

I have a really strong feeling that North Korea’s not what western mainstream “and alternative” media try to depict, and North Korea knows a lot more about America’s dirty little secrets that America may not want YOU to know.

And I also have a strong feeling that the United States (not America) hires certain foreign visitors to America to tell the American people all the “alleged” horrors they go through in their home country to convince Americans that what the media told you was true. You know the same studios that told you they were in one location in some other country but was really LIVE in studio in front of a green screen? You know, those media formats?)

Here you have the most powerful platform I believe to EVER present itself to humanity — the world wide web (forget the Internet), yet most of MY fellow citizens have no idea about cultures of other countries, can’t speak another languages, afraid of every “immigrant” they come across, blame “globalization” on free trade and losing their jobs, can’t name their state’s capital, or worse can’t name most of the states in America, have the most health epidemics in the world, consume more opiates than any country on Earth, and the BIGGEST OF THEM ALL — still believe that North Korea is an isolated dictatorship because of what the media says.

BUT! Try to express yourself here in this country, and get called out on social media by YOUR OWN CITIZENS for being “unpatriotic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, ant-vexxer, athiest, satanist, Bible thumper, sick —- shall I continue?

Your own citizens even call the FCC and social media to take down extremely offensive videos and content — FROM THE INTERNET OF ALL PLACES PEOPLE!!!!

This article didn’t remind me of North Korea. It didn’t even remind me of the United States government. It sure didn’t remind me of mainstream biased media. There’s nothing wrong with media being biased, it’s their job to present content that their biased audience wants to see so they can generate advertising dollars. that’s business.

This article reminded me that the government don’t need to police or dictate ANYONE. The people do a better job policing, censoring and punishing themselves. Same thing with the constitution; the government and politicians don’t have to violate it, your next door neighbor who calls child protective service on you because they disagree on how you raise your kids do a better job sicking the government on you to do that for them. So since they can’t just take your kids– they just elect politicians to kidnap them legally.

I mentioned earlier how I reverse EVERYTHING any media format throws at me. So, it told me everything that the average United States citizen do to each other, we’ll just call them Kim Jung-ll. Someone’s “magical” to the masses because the camera crew and editors did an outstanding job making your favorite celebrities “magical”, that’s their job, that’s how they sell the product. Their job is to say ‘hey, look over there!’

And God forbid if you don’t listen to it and stay focused on what’s more important in human existence and remind people to do the same, well — you’re everything named in the book if you don’t “look over there”, then there’s laws put in place by your citizens who is looking over there but is being reminded to focus on more important things by you, and here you come along and interrupt their sleep, and now they’re ready to silence you.

Oh yes, the people can silence you, you didn’t know that? They silenced Kennedy (or else we wouldn’t have an IRS or a tax code obeyed), they silenced Martin Luther King Jr. (he reminded people about unconditional love against violence and equality for the entire human race), Princess Diana (for believing in herself and her power from within), Malcolm X (for realizing that love for all humans is superior to believing white people were the devil)—-I can go on and on with how many hit-men and women were hired by the people to silence anyone reminding the masses of the truth. Because when they live in a lie, you must bully and/or silence someone (or country) that’s living in their truth.

If you have a problem with North Korea (including every so-call dictator country your media spoon fed you, that’s including AL-Queda, Taliban, ISIS, etc. that you’ve never heard of until he say, she say told you), then you might be one of those citizens that will silence anyone that present the truth to you. Hey, it might be in your name, but at least your fingerprints isn’t on the weapon. Yeah it might be conspiracy to murder, but that’s what war is for so you can get (and write) off easy. Right?

So what do you do to North Korea? Do you “hate them” because of what they say? Hate, hmm — funny how that word has been extremely profitable.

Or, do you give it a visit and see for yourself how many lies North Koreans are made to believe?

Or you can always ask Dennis Rodman…


Enjoy your transgender bathrooms. We just lost America.

Enjoy your transgender bathrooms. We just lost America.



Before you read this article, I want to introduce a new concept to you. Everything this writer says, reverse it. You’d be shocked of what you read. I’ll give you a head-start at the beginning of a few paragraphs. Then after that, you’re on your own.

I learned how to do this after realizing what the terms ‘don’t throw stones in a glass house” and “we all live in a house of mirrors” truly meant, you can actually see what the person is thinking about themselves, and telling you what’s on their minds!

Yes, totally trippy right? But let’s be honest here; how can ANYONE speak or let along THINK on YOUR behalf? Even in a crowd of Americans, not every person thinks “American”.

How would you even know what the guy next to you is even thinking? If you can, good luck really seeing it.

So without further ado, read this article, and like I famously do, I’ll put my little two and a half cents in, then share your thoughts below…

Key=() are alibis of the self

While (you) I were fighting over who should use what bathrooms at Target, (we) I lost (our) my (country) perception.

While (you) I were arguing with coworkers over who would leave the country first if Trump/Clinton were elected, the “American Dream” perished.

Don’t believe me? Then perhaps ALL is lost. And I can prove it all to (you) myself through the eyes of a child.

The screens around our house in the past couple of weeks stand in stark contrast to what’s in front of them.

The television (that’s voluntarily watched) … the laptops (that’s voluntarily used) … the iPads (that’s voluntarily played with) … the cell phones (that’s voluntarily operated) … filled with images of the attacks around the world. Day in and day out, (we) I hear stories about “refugees” pouring into the United States. Broadcast are the sounds of tone-deaf leaders. Of anger. Of hatred. Of hurt. Of fear.

In front of those screens runs our little daughter. Just over a year old, she’s the greatest blessing a young family can have. She’s filled with innocence, love, joy and our hopes for the future.

But there was a lull in the media noise on Sunday when we attended Mass. Our priest usually preaches about love. Faith. Hope. But there was a different dynamic this week.

There was a different energy.

This time, he talked about the end of times.

Our priest is far from being an alarmist. Just the opposite. But this particular Mass, he spoke deeply and heavily about being prepared. “For we know not the hour … ”

He wasn’t trying to frighten people. But he also understood that he couldn’t be tone-deaf to the deep concerns of his flock.

It’s hard not to be afraid. It’s hard not to have an underlying anxiety. It’s hard not to wonder and pray over whether your children will have the same opportunities you did.

Growing up, I paid close attention in history class. And I’ve always felt a very deep sense of patriotism. I’ve always felt great respect for my country and believed that if, God forbid, we ever faced World War III, America would once again triumph.

Perhaps my fear, and the anxiety of so many others, is that (we) I were wrong.

You’re on your own….

We were wrong because of one simple line that I believe may have been written wrong. It should have read, “One Nation, Divisible After All.”

Have we ever faced a time when our country was so polarized? Have we ever faced enemies so dangerous? Have we ever been on such a precipice that a frightening and painful energy radiated through each of us, tying us together in some disturbing, unifying, powerful and yet simultaneously divisive way?

I’m angered to see that we live in a country where we have gone soft. We’ve become hypocrites, and we’ve become pansies.

We forget that our grandfathers stormed beaches to “protect freedom”. Instead, we demand that the freedom now come in the form of a shelter from hearing words we don’t like.

We flip out because our $7 coffee comes in a red cup.

We cancel concerts and cost people jobs because we don’t agree with a law that the people of the state passed.

We care more about protecting where someone can take a leak than we care about the safety of our children. OUR CHILDREN.

We give out trophies to kids who come in 8th place. Eighth freaking place.

We dig up the graves of people who have been dead for a hundred-plus years because they had something to do with the Confederate flag, and that offends someone NOW.

We say we hate what Democrats have done to the country, so we elect a House and Senate full of Republicans who proceed to also place THEIR heads up their collective asses as well. It seems as if both parties forgot what they were supposed to be doing and whom they are supposed to be representing.

I know I put my snippet two cents in between….but I’m going to let this one flow on, it’s getting pretty good. Don’t you think?

We pick sides and parties and teams and defend them to the ends of the Earth, ignoring the facts, pointing the fingers and hoping someone else will cover the cost of our skyrocketing and borderline pointless health insurance.

I couldn’t resist…they mentioned “FACTS”. That’s my neck of the woods!

The only “facts” that exist in this world is one plus one equating to two. No matter what your belief, patriotism of any country is, sexual preference or ethnicity is–every human being agrees that one plus one is two. Taking $5 to buy a product for $3 and getting $2 back for change is a mathematical FACT. Dipping your hand in water and getting it wet is a molecular FACT. Putting your hand in a fire and getting burned is a scientific FACT. No matter what anyone’s philosophies or feelings towards water, or fire is—they’re going to get wet, or burned. And if they disagree, that’s ignoring the FACTS.

Okay carry on…

We talk about the number of homeless vets who we have to feed and clothe and house when it’s convenient for us to leverage them like pawns in a game – yet tomorrow, so many will forget to feed and clothe and house them.

Okay I lied.

I’ve personally met homeless people (and veterans) myself, and based on my personal experience with them, they are a lot more smarter AND intelligent than most “regular people” would take them as. There’s most likely a deeper reason why they choose to be homeless in the first place. Some even make it as a career to “stay off the grid”. Don’t take my word for it, ask them yourself why they choose to be homeless. It’s really not all that bad if you know how to play the game.

I honestly don’t believe I am responsible for their “clothing” and “housing” because they’re grown and have the mind to take care of themselves. Sometimes, they actually want you to even forget about them based on deeper reasons.

But it depends on your own personal perception as well. Carry on…

We ignore the simple facts about our dangerously open borders and the lack of a vetting process for refugees, then we stand in horror as ISIS attacks and we ask our politicians how they could have let this happen. And then, of course, we put a fast lane in for more to cross the border.

Okay stop! Dangerous borders; is that a FACT or an OPINION? Well let’s see;

“Dangerously” sounds like an opinion to me. Going back to fire. You might think fire is dangerous because it could burn you if you’re not careful. It can also be safe if you use it for a purpose like cooking especially if you know what you’re doing. You can use fire to cook food for man, and you can also use it to cook the man. One way is “awesome” based on if the food is tasty, the other is “horrific” based on smelling his burning flesh after. But you can not escape the FACT that fire is a gas you used for either situations.

Borders are a fictional line seperating jurisdictions. What’s FACT is the other side is called Mexico. Rather your opinions on the borders is from your own perception of going there and seeing it first hand, or you got it from the propaganda mainstream media, you can not deny the FACT that it has a border between two countries.

Regarding “ISIS”, that’s also an opinion. There’s a good chance, I’ll say about 100 percent, that you’ve never been violated by an ISIS member personally. BUT, based on your “television, iPads and laptops, the media taught you how to fear something. Rather it’s ISIS, or them “foreigners”, you FEAR something based on what you’ve “heard” from a third party source.

The ONLY thing to actually fear and be horrified is fear itself. And fear loves company. In other words, when there’s two or more in agreement to fear something they don’t understand, the only thing they fear is their lack of understanding.

Carry on…

We put in place more gun laws to prevent the bad guys from doing bad things. Because for some reason, we believe that bad guys give a damn about laws and that giving them an open shooting range on a military base or school campus will somehow protect our citizens. But then we completely ignore the massive problem of mental health in this country. We’re more worried about the tool than we are the person.

What is bad? And what is good? I guarantee you that every person in this world has a different definition than you do.

What mental health problem do you refer too?

We cry out that police are our enemies … and then we beg them to protect us from the likes of ISIS.

Well it depends. Sometimes the cops are called, then are told to take their time because you’ve already fired the first shot on self defense.

We celebrate court rulings with rainbow flags that speak volumes about how far we’ve come and how inclusive we are as Americans … then we tell our neighbors to remove their American flags and stop saying “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” because it offends us.

Or remove their “Nazi” and “Confederate” flags because it offends them…

We send billions of dollars overseas to help the homeless in impoverished and war-torn nations while we cut the funding for our own food banks and homeless programs.

I’m wondering if every American citizen that make these allegations of where the United States sends its billions to, if they’re familiar with what a “balance sheet” is. And if they do, if they really take the term ‘taxation without representation’ seriously.

In other words; how many Americans actually demand a line-by-line balance sheet of the United States and determine where every single dollar’s going to. And if they understand the difference between a “BUDGET” of their government, and the “BALANCE SHEET” of their government.

Then, every American will be able to see financial FACTS of where the $10 is going rather $5 going to “war-torn countries” while $3 is spent on “food banks” and the remaining $2 to “homeless programs”.

Or is all that talk about “our taxpayer dollars” is just a talking point they regurgitate from where they hear from mainstream media and their politicians?

We get into fistfights about “under-inflated balls” while gorging ourselves on beer and wings at football games … while millions of Americans wonder how they’re going to pay their mortgage and put food on the table for their families.

Well I can answer that. Word on the street has it that this is a country of, what’s that huge “E” word that’s going on everywhere that help take families out of poverty? What is that word…

Entrepreneur? Starting a business? Millions of Americans were (and are) paying their mortgages and some by starting a home-based business without waiting on their politicians to “do something”.

That self reliant attitude of knowing they have something of value to give to the marketplace just like many thousands of households are doing today. I doubt the news is mentioning that.

And something to chew on: almost every wealthy family and household who’ve I personally met that started out of barely anything had two things in common.

  1. They rarely (if anytime) watched TV, or NEVER watched the news. (detrimental to their focus on their family’s financial and mental sanity well-being)
  2. They had a mini library of books regarding finances, corporations and personal growth.

In other words, instead of being scared of “ISIS”, worrying about transgendered bathrooms, and how everybody else lives and religions are, they’re focused on minding their own household business, and keeping anything toxic out of their homes AND minds (including their children).

Oh, and America’s still home to the MOST self-made millionaires and billionaires in the world.

But that’s a good start. Become very creative on how to pay for that mortgage or dinner by starting a good old American home-based business.

Carry on…

We fight tooth and nail over whether someone dying of stage four pancreatic cancer should be allowed to use medical marijuana while drugs like heroin are running rampant in our schools.

No one stop that person from buying “weed” period. Yes they have to buy it off the street corner, but there’s a good chance that dealer’s not going to take that $20 to lobby their Congress to pass a bill to “legalize” it.

Heroin on the other hand…them methadone clinics are something else!

I’m basically saying fuck anyone who’s telling a sufferer how they can or can’t treat their illness. If you need to go to the corner of 3rd Street and Main to get your plant, go get it.

But if you want to do it the “right way”, then wait for society to catch up to your ideal of “treatment”.

We teach kids that there should be no boys section or girls section at the store, but our kids notice that we won’t sit down with our neighbor for a beer because they have a different skin color and we’re too busy fighting over what is and isn’t racism.

We hold massive rallies demanding $15/hour for flipping burgers … but we sit quietly on the sidelines when our men and women protecting our country who make $11/hour aren’t getting paid because Congress is debating their funding.

Okay I’m going to defend the men and women in uniform’s sound minds by saying that they do start businesses of their own so they don’t have to “depend” on congress to “do something”. And there are local and national charities available as well.

First I’m going to say what might be the most controversial and “patriotically incorrect” thing I can say here. Ready you “First Amendment” loving Americans?

The men and women in the military are doing everything BUT protecting your country that you think it is. They don’t fight for “freedom”. How can they fight for something no one barely know anything about?

If “America” had freedom, you wouldn’t even need the military to fight anywhere, for freedom doesn’t need defending or “protected”. Freedom don’t know anything about war or a fight.

If you fear anything, you have no freedom.

Just look at September 11, 2001. Just mentioning that date to all who’s familiar with it strikes some kind of “emotions” in you. Then there are all kinds of memories that cross your path. Then that’s where you lost your individual freedom because you started to FEAR SOMETHING. It doesn’t matter what it is, you feared something, and it stayed with you since.

Fear is a multi-billion dollar industry. Fear is what sent those kids to a war they didn’t understand. Fear is what murdered millions of innocent civilians in the name of the United States people.

And fear is what caused every American citizen to criticize, demonize, and harass ANYONE that looked like a “terrorist, sound like a “terrorist”, and to anyone who designed art to even make fun of the terrorist event.

Then you fear demanded them to suppress their freedom to question EVERYTHING media and your government said about the event. And even if you ask questions, you kept it to yourself in fear of a patriotic “mob-rule” due to a massive DIS-ease of cognitive dissidence.

Don’t know what cognitive dissidence is? Well, have Kim Kardashian tell you.

The American troops work for major banking corporations. That is an allegation, however, when you consider every country the United States “INVADED” and colonized….

Now what if soldiers from these same countries invaded the United States, your town all because they’re “fighting for their people’s freedom”?

In other words; flip what the military is doing all over the world and reverse it here.

Then you ask yourself who’s the REAL terrorist?

We change our profile pictures to colors that represent solidarity with a country that was attacked by terrorists … then we attack our neighbors for being concerned that the same could happen here.

Yeah I’m wondering everyone was going to change their profile picture to the Iragi, Afghan, Libyan, Syrian and countless other countries attacked by the United States military in solidarity….then attack our neighbors for being concern of not caring about HUMAN RIGHTS AND LIVES.

Or does the human race ends at the American and European borders? Not sure of the civilized totem pole.

We’re terribly focused on what matters to us as individuals. Marriage. Cell phones. Birth control. On and on and on. We’re so worried about what matters to “me” that we forgot that in order for us to have a “me” … we have to first have an “us.” A safe “us.” A unified “us.” An “us” that can at least find some kind of middle ground.


I can’t change “we” and “us”, because like I mentioned earlier, everyone don’t think the same way. And even if you think they do, how would you know what they’re thinking?

In other words; everyone have their own minds. Right?

It’s so tiring and boring to have a “we” and “us” that thinks like me. The “ME” factor is more important than your country, religion, social acceptance, and even your own family.

Yeah I said it.

That’s the whole reason why this person wrote this entire article, because they’re so caught up on what’s going on out there, they don’t realize they are interpreting what’s going on in their “ME” factor.

They’re at war with themselves.

This person has it all backwards. In order to have a “we”, you must first have “YOU”. No one is going to get you up in the morning. You get up in the morning regardless if your next door neighbor is or not. You make sure you’re not going to have bad breath when you brush your teeth before you head out, regardless if anyone in your country has either. That’s the “ME” factor.

But let’s say it is a “we” factor. And everyone decided to believe that “we” comes before “me”.

If “we” agree in unison that the world (including America) is going to hell in a hand basket, but YOUR world is as peaceful and rosy, you MUST dismiss your awesome optimistic life because “we” believe the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

Good luck with trying to find a “common ground” solution because–like I mentioned before; YOUR version of “hell” could be light years apart from the next door neighbor’s perception of “hell”.

Try to find common ground on that, and let me know how that’s working out for you.

Tomorrow is a new day. So tonight, before bed, we pray … just a little harder, perhaps, than we’ve prayed before.

Could it be that “praying a little harder” isn’t giving you the results you’re looking for? The thing is God IS having YOUR way in America.

We put our daughter to sleep and shut off the television. The internet. The phones. The iPads. All screens but the black and white monitor where we can see nothing but innocence. And for a moment, just one fleeting, precious moment, we’re once again one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with everything in this article. But if even a piece of it resonated with you, please share it with others and ask them to do the same. It’s time we start having some very difficult and very real conversations. I hope this helps start that.

Before I go on my rant, I respect this author’s ability to express their beliefs, opinions and thoughts on this matter regardless if I agree with them or not.

With that being said, I’m going on my rant. Not against this writer, or anyone who agrees or disagree with them. My rant is towards me!
Yes, myself. Ever had a rant against yourself? Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and asked;
‘what the hell is wrong with me thinking this? Or believing in that?’
It’s pretty therapeutic, you should try it sometimes.
Well I give myself a self rant everyday when I feel like blaming the ills of the world, society, the country, economic woes, terrorism, social ethics and everything in between on everything and everybody else–except me.
Remember what I said earlier where no one think the same way or time as you. It’s impossible. Everyone have their own individual agenda on why they do certain things. There’s a SELFISH reason why people go to work. That individual could careless about the financial well-being of their employer, they just care about being compensated. There’s not a damn thing wrong with that. It can’t be more right than for you to think about only you!
Yes, it defies conventional wisdom and every ethical measure you’ve been told to practice, but the “ME” factor is what separates you from the rest of the “God bless America” herd. The same herd that continues to believe everything the media spits out at them on the 6 oclock news must be true. Don’t believe me?
Then who is ISIS?
I never heard of “their” kind of ISIS. The ISIS I’ve heard about was an ancient Goddess of some sort back during the days of Atlantis or something. But that’s all, I “heard” about it, never met this goddess.
Who’s Donald Trump? Hillary Clinton?
Who the heck is Kim Jung Un? Never met the guy, have you? I have no opinion on anyone or any place I’ve never been or personally met. And even if I did, I have my own personal perception of them. What I do have is unconditional love for them because I have unconditional love for myself, all of humanity, and for Mother Earth.
In other words; I elect not to have media insult my intelligence to tell me what to think about the economy, someone’s personal lifestyle, any country, someone else version of “god”, or how I should feel about certain topics and brands.
At the end of everything I recommend to myself to turn the TV off, and any information I receive regardless of where it’s coming from lead me to ask these questions:
“Does the information invoke a feeling in me to have unconditional love towards the situation it’s focused on, and therefore have appreciation for the different ideologies and cultures all over the country and around the world?”
What that means is; with unconditional love, there is NOTHING anyone can do in this world that would make me NOT love them anymore, for love has no conditions.
If the answer’s YES, then THAT is the ME that can become the change I want to see in MY world.
If the answer’s NO, then THAT is the ME that can utilize my freedom of choice to shut the drama off in MY world.
After all, it’s only YOUR perception. Right?

Mississippi city ordered to desegregate schools 60 years after landmark ruling

Mississippi city ordered to desegregate schools 60 years after landmark ruling

© Rogelio V. Solis/AP Photo FILE- In this May 13, 2015 file photograph, an integrated group of Cleveland, Miss., public school students ride the school district bus on their way home following classes. A federal judge ruled on a desegregation case…

Nearly 60 years after the landmark US supreme court ruling that ordered schools to integrate, the classrooms of Cleveland, Mississippi, are still divided by race.

I must say, I really love how they use the word “race” here. Oh it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. But carry on….

A federal court ordered the Cleveland school district to consolidate its schools entirely on Friday, ruling that after so many decades of resistance, only dismantling and reforming the schools could bring the town’s two sides together.

In a 96-page opinion, the US district court for the northern district of Mississippi wrote: “The delay in desegregation has deprived generations of students of the constitutionally guaranteed right of an integrated education. Although no court order can right these wrongs, it is the duty of the District to ensure that not one more student suffers under this burden.”

I really want to point this out, the MAJOR difference between a “constitutional right”, and human rights legally protected by the Constitution. You can reinforce a right to government institutions. But it’s extremely challenging to legislate and constitutionally reinforce a personal choice.

If you’re scratching your head you’ll see what I’m talking about later…

To say the town has two sides is no exaggeration; the population of 12,000 is split east and west by the old Illinois railroad tracks. Residents on the east side are black, and attend East Side high school. On the west, white children attend Cleveland high.

The school district had come up with two plans of its own to mix the students, but US judge Debra Brown rejected them as unconstitutional.

“Six decades after the supreme court in Brown v Board of Education declared that ‘separate but equal has no place’ in public schools, this decision serves as a reminder to districts that delaying desegregation obligations is both unacceptable and unconstitutional,” said Vanita Gupta, head of the US justice department’s civil rights division. “This victory creates new opportunities for the children of Cleveland to learn, play and thrive together. The court’s ruling will result in the immediate and effective desegregation of the district’s middle school and high school program for the first time in the district’s more than century-long history.”

In recent years across the country there has been an effort to stop “re-segregation”: in the generations since the supreme court’s Brown vs Board of Education ruling, the white people in many towns have slowly sifted out of integrated schools by moving into certain neighborhoods.

I highlight “the white people” for a reason. Carry on…

But that’s the not the case in Cleveland according to Wendy Scott, dean of Mississippi College School of Law and an expert in school desegregation. “There are only a handful of cases like that,” she told the Atlantic magazine last February.

Cleveland sits in Bolivar County at the center of the Mississippi Delta, a torpid and poverty-stricken portion of the state that hasn’t known widespread prosperity since slaves hauled cotton on plantations.

There’s a reason that in this day in age of the Information Age and advanced technology of increased knowledge–the Mississippi Delta didn’t get the memo and got, well–shall we say “Left Behind”, if you will.

The fight to integrate Cleveland’s schools began in 1965, when a group of black parents sued the school district. They won the case four years later, and black students were allowed to enroll in the all-white Cleveland high. But about 1,000 white locals gathered in the streets to protest, and in the half century since little progress has been made.


It should come quickly, now. In her ruling, Brown gave the school district three weeks to submit a timeline to implement the consolidation and abolish the district’s dual system. The court’s plan, developed by the Department of Justice, will consolidate the East Side high school with the Cleveland High School, as well as the middle schools that feed into them – the almost all-black DM Smith school and the white Margaret Green school.

Vanderbilt University education professor Claire Smrekar, who helped the Department of Justice devise its plan, said in an affidavit the best way forward would be a district-wide middle school that uses the current East Side high school building, and a district-wide high school campus using the current Cleveland high school and Margaret Green junior high buildings.

Holmes Adams, attorney for the Bolivar County board of education, said on Monday the board is reviewing the opinion, and weighing whether to appeal.

My question to this is this; did they even ask the parents and kids if they wanted to attend the other school?

Have they even considered if the other school is even close to the targeted neighborhoods?

Do Cleveland know more about their district better than the Justice Department?

Could it be that the “1,000 white people” protesting based on other situations apart from “black kids attending their schools”?

I grew up in South Mississippi as an 80s baby, 90s child, so I missed most of the action of the “Civil Rights Era” of the 50s and 60s. However, I had the privilege to ask questions about Mississippi during those alleged “dark days” of segregation among the population from both sides of the aisle. Yes, from both older black AND white seniors who was in it first hand. Based on their answers uncut and candid, I saw why drama had to be sold on so-call civil rights related movies, documentaries and articles in textbooks. Drama sells, and it has been a multi-billion dollar industry getting someone to have a negative emotion about a person, a group of people, a region, and/or event that they personally never seen, or experience. They’re good.

I say that because I grew up in the “ground zero” of “segregation”. The kind of segregation that was promoted by the one group you’d probably least expect. The ones I’ve seen and experienced that promoted “integration” the most were those you’d probable least expect.

I grew up in different neighborhoods. It was a rewarding experience because I saw different points of views from a diverse of cultures. One was predominantly “African-Americans”, I mean that’s  what they call themselves even though they never been to Africa in the first place, but let’s go with what they automatically call themselves on queue. Another neighborhood was mostly “white” but most would probably label themselves as “white trash” because they were the coolest “rednecks” I’ve ever hung out with. And I’ve lived in multicultural neighborhoods where it was just everybody living in the area. The best thing about all of those experiences was seeing first hand what it was like to see and feel “segregation”.

From my own personal encounter, I found that “African-Americans, or I call black people were the ones that promoted more “segregation” than white people I’ve been around. Just like a bucket with crabs everywhere, if you were black and wanted to educate yourself out of the “ghetto”, you were considered “white”. When you chose to start a business and build wealth for you and your family, you were considered “a target” for a break-in and prepared to have “haters” living around you. And if you decided to move in a decent, quiet, family friendly (aka “white”) neighborhood, you were considered—drum roll—an UNCLE TOM.

What’s an Uncle Tom you ask? Look it up (remember earlier, Information Age, Internet and all?) 😉

I saw what it was like to want to speak proper, educated and understood only to be told if I’m trying to talk “white”. Talking about building up and maintaining my credit was “talking white”. Even hearing that I have a “white girl” instead of just referring her to just being “my girlfriend”. In other words, if you look to learn how to invest your money and call it “investments, looking to go to college or read nonfictional books out of your own organic intelligence, and wearing a suit and tie to school, you were considered a nerd wanting to be “white”.

Yes, I experienced more racism and segregation from most black people who pointed fingers at the racist “white folks” who encouraged me to get on “the system” because I was black, than most of my white friends who reminded me how talented and intelligent I was.

‘Umm, we’re in Mississippi. Why aren’t you treating me so bad and throwing racial slurs at me like the TV, history books and ‘Roots’ said you did or do white person?!’

So what’s my point from all of this? Segregation exist today because of what they call “tribalism”. It’s been a strategic social engineering tool since man knew how to say a word. BET (Black Entertainment Television), apparel, cliques, gangs, Holidays and even politics prove that every fucking time.

I bet you could tell based on “research and statistics” how many people plan to vote Democrat and Republican this election year without knowing anything about the Libertarian and Green party. People in groups (especially in ethnic and religious groups) put all their cards on the table and let the left hand know what their right hand’s doing because they are the loudest people in the bunch. They tell you they’re coming before they get up to walk towards you. Apart from going to “black churches” and “black-owned” businesses (which they will remind you without hesitation), segregation lives inside of them. And most of them have it based on a story they’ve heard from someone else. Remember the term;

“Kids are born to love, but taught to hate”.

Well think about that for a second. They learn to hate themselves from a group of people who also hate themselves. I mean why wouldn’t they? Why would they even have the word “racist” in their vocabulary? How do they even know about racism? What is racism?

I personally believe there’s only one race. Can you guess what it is? Ding-ding-ding! The human race. So, my assumption is that most black people are humans. So, if they accuse you, or anyone of being a “racist”, doesn’t that mean they’re probably the racist one? Kind of like how they say…

“The one who smelled it dealt it”

Regarding Cleveland, Mississippi I never been there personally, but I would tread likely and safely assume that this city has what they call districts. According to the article, Cleveland is separated by a railroad track. The cities I grew up in was seperated by a freeway and a body of water. However, just like my neck of the woods I would assume that the city don’t purposely move certain people to certain areas of the city based on their race, religion, you know the rest. I would assume that they have schools in certain areas that serve a certain population based on geographic information and data, and say ‘these kids in this area go to School A, while kids in this area go to School B’ just like it was in my area. We had multiple schools in the area, however based on the district, we had to go to a certain school because of the street we happened to live on, NOT because we were a certain ethnicity. Even in Mississippi, that idea what have been the most outrageous and ridiculous idea to ever be presented and would’ve been immediately struck down.

Next, I find it surprising how this article would encourage those who’ve never been, lived, or grew up in Mississippi to assume that Mississippi is still “left behind” and in its “Jim Crow” Eras. The way it was presented to me, I’m glad I had to ask ‘what’s Jim Crow?’ The only answer I didn’t get was ‘oh, the type of system we keep advertising through our “black-owned” culture but blame the white folk for doing the same’.

Now to make the record straight, I’m not blaming all black people for maintain segregation in their minds, and I’m not saying all “white people” aren’t the greatest group of people since sliced bread. There are intelligent and well spoken black people in Mississippi I’ve come across who I’ve learned a lot of things from. They just keep it to themselves, and unlike most blacks I’ve known back home, these particular black people “left the front porch”, and even have issues with self-proclaimed “African Americans”.

The bottom line? It seems as though Cleveland’s been living this way for awhile and . My question is; who complained about Cleveland’s school system first?

What’s your thoughts on this?

Article Source Courtesy of: Matthew Teague Southern correspondent of The Guardian

America’s first slave owner was a black man?

America’s first slave owner was a black man?

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.


Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up. Seven years was the limit that an indentured servant could be held. Upon their release they were granted50 acres of land. This included any Negro purchased from slave traders. Negros were also granted 50 acres upon their release.

Anthony Johnson was a Negro from modern-day Angola. He was brought to the US to work on a tobacco farm in 1619. In 1622 he was almost killed when Powhatan Indians attacked the farm. 52 out of 57 people on the farm perished in the attack. He married a female black servant while working on the farm.

When Anthony was released he was legally recognized as a “free Negro” and ran a successful farm. In 1651 he held 250 acres and five black indentured servants. In 1654, it was time for Anthony to release John Casor, a black indentured servant. Instead Anthony told Casor he was extending his time. Casor left and became employed by the free white man Robert Parker.

Anthony Johnson sued Robert Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654. In 1655, the court ruled that Anthony Johnson could hold John Casor indefinitely. The court gave judicial sanction for blacksto own slave of their own race. Thus Casor became the first permanent slave and Johnson the first slave owner.

Whites still could not legally hold a black servant as an indefinite slave until 1670. In that year, the colonial assembly passed legislation permitting free whites, blacks, and Indians the right to own blacks as slaves.

By 1699, the number of free blacks prompted fears of a “Negro insurrection.” Virginia Colonial ordered the repatriation of freed blacks back to Africa. Many blacks sold themselves to white masters so they would not have to go to Africa. This was the first effort to gently repatriate free blacks back to Africa. The modern nations of Sierra Leone and Liberia both originated as colonies of repatriated former black slaves.

However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

John Casor
Anthony Johnson

What’s your thoughts on this? Share below…

British Teacher And Students Sends Letters To Syrian “Terrorists”

British Teacher And Students Sends Letters To Syrian “Terrorists”

Teacher “Allegedly” Brainwashes Her Young Students Into Sending These Letters to Syrian Terrorists

A teacher working in a British classroom had pupils send handwritten letters to ‘hero’ Syrian terrorists.

The decorative notes – which include drawings and finger-paintings – were addressed to Al Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra fighters.

The children described their planned recipients as ‘diamonds’, ‘role models’ and ‘brothers’.

It is not known at which school they were written, but are thought to have been penned under the persuasion of the unidentified class teacher.


The pupils were forced to write in both English and Arabic, opening each of their notes: ‘To our brothers in…’

Images of the letters were shared on Twitter by a woman using the handle @irhabiyya_18, which translates to ‘terrorist_18′.

Keeping her identity hidden by choosing not to display her own photograph in her profile picture, the unknown woman uses her social media account to promote the jihad.



She has previously shared extremist views using the account, and boasted to her 500 followers about the content of the letters.

When posting them online, she wrote: ‘lil kids put their heads together to “post” letters to the muhajideen :)’

She followed that up by tweeting: ‘Please encourage these lil enthusiastic daughters of this ummah…they eagerly awaiting a response…’ before adding how particularly fond she was of one of the notes.



That letter has a green hilly scene drawn in crayon with a black ISIS flag flying high above them.

It reads: ‘I am so happy to write to my brothers of the mujahideen in Syria. I think of you all like heroes.’

It then goes on to praise ‘brave’ jihadis and question western rituals.

The letters were discovered online by American think tank The Middle East Media Research Institute.

Haras Rafiq, head of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said: ‘She is clearly brainwashing youngsters. These kids are vulnerable.’

The teacher’s Twitter page also features sickening images of beheading victims.

Source: capitalismisfreedom.com
For the record, I understand the pre-conceived perceptions given to those who fail to think for themselves and are addicted to the constant feeding from mainstream mass media. Most who are easily influenced on the information spoon-fed to them usually have a deep emotional attachment to any news program that mentions anything regarding “Muslims, jihadist, ISIS, al-Quada, Mujahideen, Taliban” and any other group or country considered “terrorists” without doing their own research on the very content producers that present these contents to them. Because they may be reading this also, I have to use extreme caution. For even though we live in a country where the First Amendment defends my freedom of expression and speech WHICH IS A HUMAN RIGHT TO DO SO, not all Americans feel the same way. For those who believe in TRUE FREEDOM, please excuse my intellectual observation regarding the above article.
With all that being said, I understand this allegedly happened in Britain. I say “alleged” because I wasn’t there, I didn’t see it, and there’s a good chance you weren’t there either. All we know is the content creator is saying this is what happened where the only ones in this planet that knows what happened are the kids and teacher in that classroom. Everything else is just speculation. What’s also speculation is WHY they wrote it.
But I want to pick this article for a second and ask these questions;
What is it that this teacher did that most teachers in America DON’T do?
And what is “brainwashing”?
What is “muhajideen”? And what does that mean? According to Wikipedia…
“the term for one engaged in Jihad
Okay, so what is “jihad”? Well again, according to Wikipedia…
“is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning the act of “striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering”
So let’s translate all that in Christian terms. What I’m understanding isMuhajideen sounds like a Crusador for Christ to maintain “the holy war” of God or in Muslim term “jihad”. In other words, why do someone call themselves a Christian?

CHRIST-ians—which looks like they’re attaching their title to Christ.

According to Wiki again regarding muhajideen from what I understand,

A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen

A person engaged in holy war is called a “christian”, the plural of which is christians

God and “Allah” is the same thing speaking one one source. Energy. However, the true name for “God” is “Aaaah–”

Try it next time you meditate.

Have you asked yourself what Allah really mean for your own understanding? Or, are you being spoon-fed by what “religion” is telling you what it is? Only you can answer that. I really hope you consider it, for your answer can determine if innocent blood will continue being shed over a misunderstanding on each other’s “opinions” about God in the name of religion.

So going back to the article. It states that this teacher is “brainwashing” these kids. I don’t think most people know what brainwashing is. So let’s compare, according to Wiki again…

Brainwashing is a theory that human subjects can be indoctrinated in a way that causes “an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values”

What’s “indoctrination”?

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology (see doctrine).[1] Indoctrination is a critical component in the transfer of cultures, customs, and traditions from one generation to the next”.

So let me ask you this; if you’re religious, were you given the freedom to decide what to believe in as a child growing up?

When the military prepare for a mission overseas, do you say ‘God bless our troops?’

Do you or your child have a choice to go to school or not?

The United States is considered a Christian—if not religious—nation. Why then are we the most aggressive war and military power in the world? Why is it that we invade—INVADE–small countries where most are usually—Muslim?

If you don’t believe in the kind of God the Church tells you, are you doomed to go to hell?

Is that brainwashing?

If you don’t support the troops, or even believe they shouldn’t be fighting in wars period, are your freedom of expression rediculed?

Is that our so-call “jihad”?

What if everything mainstream media tells you about these so-call terrorists are actually describing how these countries sees us?

Well why not? Can you picture heavily armed troops from Iran or Iraq bust down your door and order you out of the house so they can search—through YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT—to look for terrorists?

Will you support these “Iraqi” and “Iranian” troops who are fighting for their country?

Who’s human here and who’s not? And where does “human rights” starts and stop?

Going back to this teacher. Automatically, she’s being condemn by a group of people who collectively don’t know what is going on. All they know is what they read, and ran with it. That’s a given, that WILL happen because that’s the name of the majority game who can’t ask critical questions on any topic regardless of what it is.

My suspicion is someone telling me what this woman is thinking in the first place. Without understanding what any of these words means, there are multiple accusations being thrown around here. Then insult the intelligence of these kids making them out to look as though they can’t think for themselves. The biggest mistake I’ve ever seen with grown people is underestimating the power of the mind of a child. Children are not dumb. Adults maybe mentally handicapped on what they see on MSM, but kids are still kids, and to them, there’s no such thing, and there never was a war against NOBODY.

My whole point here is this; I can care less what this woman’s agenda is. It’s not affecting my life. Maybe it’s affecting yours, I dunno. All I know is this; most opinions on everything going on around the world is from those who are getting their info from the most shittiest biased source who’ve never left the front porch. In other words, they never left the region, let along the country, but knows more about someone else culture based on he say/she say instead of asking questions from that one source for their own independent understanding. However what is affecting me is how I think about the world and every human being in this world (YES, including the Taliban, mujahideen, al-Quada, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, ISIS, Neo-Nazis, KKK, Black Panthers, and all in between) I love them all. And I love you too.

We’re all in this world together, we’re all human beings, and we all desire one thing. Love.

It burns me up when grown people inflict their pathetic fear-mongering, sick disgusting biased and racially charged slime on the innocent minds of a child that sees everything beautiful on Mother Earth.

Have that happened to you? When was it the last time you saw the world as a child?

What’s your thoughts?

I Love The IRS! See Why Inside!

I Love The IRS! See Why Inside!

Boston activist says tax the rich, no apologies to Dad

BOSTON – Northeastern University undergraduate Keely Mullen, the social-justice activist who spearheaded a series of marches Wednesday as part of a movement demanding free public college education, cancellation of student debt and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers, told Fox News in an interview that “America’s 1 percent” should fund the students’ demands.

The interview with host Neil Cavuto came as more than 200 students at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst rallied as part of Thursday’s “Million Student March” at the school’s Student Union, according to the Springfield-based news site MassLive.

Below, a video and transcript of Cavuto’s interview with Mullen:

MULLEN: Umm..well, so the Million Student March…um…is a movement for a more..umm…equitable and fair system of education as opposed to…umm…the really corporate model that we have right now. So the three core demands of the national day of action are free public college, a cancellation of student debt and a $15 an hour minimum wage..umm.. for people who work on campus.

CAVUTO: And how’s that going to be paid?

MULLEN: Umm…Great question…uh ..I mean, ya know so, I’m not sure if you’re talking about like on a national level or at particular schools, but I can sort of touch on both…

CAVUTO: Well, you want all that stuff. Someone has to pick up the tab. Who would that be?

MULLEN: Umm…The 1 percent of people in society that are hoarding…umm…the wealth and really sort of causing..umm..a catastrophe that students are facing, I mean we have a relationship right now where the 1 percent of the population owns more wealth than the 99 percent combined….

(I think she meant ‘situation‘)

CAVUTO: Alright, Keely, so if the 1 percent just had their taxes raised a few years ago back to almost 40 percent, then to pay for the healthcare law had them raised another few percentage points, then they had their deductions limited raised another couple points depending on the state or locality — they’re pushing about 50 percent in taxes — how much higher do you think, how much more do you think they should pay?

(Note: we’re talking about INCOME-taxes here. Pay attention to her words)

MULLEN: I think enough to where we have a system to where not one-in-two American families are not threatened with poverty.

CAVUTO: So where do they go? Let’s say if you tax these folks — they’re smart people, these 1 percent hoarders right? — so if they leave here, who’s going to pay for all this stuff that you want?

MULLEN: If they leave?

CAVUTO: The country.

MULLEN: Oh…umm…I mean there’s always going to be a 1 percent in the U.S. The U.S. is like the bastion of capitalism and success.

(Mullen has a point here, there WILL always be a 1 percent. Check it; let’s say the billionaires and millionaires in this country are paying the ideal percentage of taxes that she suggest and they leave. The only 1 percent that’s left to tax are the hard working middle-class-or what’s left of them-and now you’re looking at a family of four making around $100k a year as the 1 percent of the population. THEY are the leftover 1 percent. What would you do if you were in their shoes?)

CAVUTO: Do you think the 1 percent could pay for all of this?

MULLEN: Absolutely, uh…85 people in the world hold more wealth than half of the global population.

(Ohh this is getting juicy, how do she know this? Someone gave her some insider top secret info straight from the halls of the Bilderberg Group aye? Hehe)

CAVUTO: Now wait a minute are we talking about 85 billionaires, or you’re extending this to the 1 percent, or whomever we’re in the little bit north of $250 thousand dollar, at what level Keely do you start saying ‘you gotta pay a helluva lot more than you’re paying now in taxes?

MULLEN: I mean I think people earning–umm-certainly people earning over a million dollars a year-uhh-should be contributing…

CAVUTO: How much?

MULLEN: …wellness of society.

CAVUTO: Well it’s around 50 percent now in with taxes when you set the top rate at 90 percent, you think we should get back to that?

MULLEN: Umm-I mean I think that eventually we will get back to that…

CAVUTO: …ok, and you’re okay with that? Are some of your friends okay with that? Or some of them want to be a success themselves and be happy when they get to a level, maybe over $200 thousand, $250 thousand, they start paying 90 percent of taxes on that? They’d be happy with that?

MULLEN: Ah..Abs…Absolutely! I mean I think that people…

CAVUTO: …Keely come on now you’re talking to me here, you’re friends are gonna be happy getting into the point of their career when they can look outside and say–‘FINALLY, I’m able to pay 90 percent in taxes'”?

MULLEN: Obviously–umm-ya know, people in-in your position–ya know, don’t want to pay $90, I mean 90 percent-umm…

CAVUTO: I dare say unless you’re high as a kite, you wouldn’t volunteer to pay 90 percent right? I mean unless you really did see a considerable benefit-a-buck and it was worth it right?


CAVUTO: But a lot of the times that you realized it’s not worth it and giving some of the track records we’ve seen with government, it doesn’t always work right?

MULLEN: Yeah! I mean, absolutely, but the reality is is we have to look at the injustice of the system as it exists right now…

CAVUTO: Do you think if maybe if everyone paid a little bit more for this would you pay a little bit more for this besides the rich that it’s a “pay for–that it’s worth it”, that you think these are good goals…

MULLEN: But people are already paying for this yeah…

CAVUTO: No no, no, I asked differently, I ask you would you Keely, and your friends, and your mom, and your dad, and your family, would they happily pay more to provide all these benefits you just outlined?

MULLEN: Of course and we already are! Umm…I mean, I’m glad…

CAVUTO: No..no, no, no…you just said to pay for some of the things you wanted, the rich should pay significantly more than they’re paying right now. Now you’re telling me…

MULLEN: Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying, everyone’s already paying-

CAVUTO: no..well they’re not..now you’re saying with all these added benefit that you wanted, and they’re fine benefits don’t get me wrong, you think your friends, their parents, your parents, your family would be happy to pay a little bit more to provide these guarantees and benefits?

(Wait for it….)

MULLEN: I come from an incredible working class family–umm–and my family is already on numerous forms of government assistance and is basically scraping by, ya know in order to get me through college. Umm…I-I live in a world and I see a system around me where there’s a population that’s doing nothing to contribute–umm–to the progression of society, education is really the only way that we have innovation, that we have-umm–ya know–

CAVUTO: Keely I’m sure that, you sound very smart, you know what’s going on, you’ve met what’s going on in the world, you’ve probably aware of what’s going on in Greece, and these are the countries that provided all these benefits and then some, many of which you’ve outlined very nicely for us here today. And they’re going broke, and they’re out of money, and they’re..they don’t know what to do. And the people are rioting on the streets because they can’t believe the money’s gone. And all the benefits and the promises are gone.

MULLEN: Yeah…right…

CAVUTO: What do ya think?

MULLEN: Umm-I mean yeah there–there’s like a global catastrophe right now of umm…complete, like, defunding of social services…

CAVUTO: Because they ran out of money…you know what happened Keely is they just ran out of money. Right?

MULLEN: Yeah, I understand, but there is a 1 percent in Greece. There’s a 1 percent in the United States, there’s a 1 percent–a ruling class in absolutely every..umm

CAVUTO: I don’t doubt there is Keely, I don’t doubt there is but obviously they’ve been trying to get money from them and they realized either they don’t have the money or they hid from the money or they’re gone. They’re gone. And now these countries are going bust.

(Now we get to the financial WEAPON: It’s About To Get Serious…..)

MULLEN: Yeah! Yeah…and so those people need to be accountable

CAVUTO: Alright fine, but they’re smart, and they’re scouring all over the globe…

MULLEN: …those people who are holding all the capital…

CAVUTO: Now even if…

MULLEN: yeah…yeah they are and that’s a problem

CAVUTO: Now they’ve done studies on this kid, I don’t wanna get boring here..but even if you take the 1 percent and take all of their money and tax it at 100 percent, did you know that couldn’t keep Medicare, just Medicare in this country going for three years did you know that?

MULLEN: If we’re to a point where the rich is paying a hundred percent on their taxes, then we’re on the road to socialism and we’re gonna have a completely different–umm type of public infrastructure…umm

CAVUTO: No no what I told you is that even if you took all the money from the rich you say getting away with murder…and you took it all away, it wouldn’t support one entitlement in this country for three years.

MULLEN: I don’t…yeah..I don’t believe that I…


MULLEN: Yeah…I’m sorry I just don’t, yeah that sounds completely ludicrous to me…

CAVUTO: Do you know how much it would cost to mandate a $15 minimum wage across the country, to have every student loan debt paid off for public college, for everyone?

MULLEN: How much?

CAVUTO: Do you have a rough idea in the cost on just the educational part, on the student loan part, and on the public college part?

MULLEN: Well yeah absolutely, $1.3 trillion dollars in student debt and that’s only just the beginning, and umm…and then billions…

CAVUTO: You know how much you’ll get fully taxing the 1 percent? A hundred percent?

MULLEN: Uhh…I dunno is it close to the number of a trillion…

CAVUTO: It’s about a trillion. A trillion.

MULLEN: …the $16 trillion that we spent to BAIL OUT THE BANKS..in 2008?

CAVUTO: Look at what I’m saying here because I just want this to be a math reminder.


CAVUTO: $1 trillion, which would barely keep Medicare going for 3 years, that’s one area, even if we re-position it to go into this area that you want, we don’t have enough to do it. So you gonna have to find other means to get money right?

MULLEN: Yeah..I mean, I think that, that’s a starting point, I mean I think that what you’re saying require a comprehensive program…umm

CAVUTO: No doubt, no doubt…I guess what I’m asking you, you’re passionate about this and I admire that passion and your involvement in this, but I think ya have to step back and look at the numbers that could be involved here, because they’re going to be huge.

MULLEN: Right…


CAVUTO: And all those colleges behind you and those institutions behind you, knowing that student debt is taken cared of, it’s forgiven and done, do you think any of those guys, any of those administrators, any of those schools aren’t gonna leap at the opportunity to gouge even more to raise tuition even more, to raise room and board even more?

MULLEN: Well I mean ideally if we have a big enough mass movement of people in the streets…umm..we can actually prevent things like that from happening, I mean that’s one of the perfect…(transmit terminated)

CAVUTO: Alright, we’ll see. We just lost our, apologize for that, however history suggests it always don’t work out that way.

That was the entire interview…

Students who may share Mullen’s views have a key supporter in Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. senator from Vermont. On Wednesday, Sanders took to Twitter to express his solidarity with Million Student March participants:


Mullen on Thursday participated in New York City march rather than events in Boston.

In an interview with MarketWatch, Mullen, who is in her fourth year at Northeastern, said she expects to owe about $150,000 on student loans when she graduates.

(Maybe it’s time to be that “bastion of capitalism and success” and start your own business so the market CAN pay it off for you don’t you think young lady?)

Mullen’s online profile at Shiftgig says she graduated from Francis W. Parker High School in Chicago. According to the Francis W. Parker School website, it offers kindergarten through 12th grade classes for which tuition tops out at $34,560.

Assessor records show that Mullen’s family has a home on West Wabansia Avenue in Chicago’s north side that carries a value of $989,990. According to BlockShopper, the student’s father, Steven Mullen, paid a little more than $1 million for the home in 2005.

Steve Mullen has posted numerous photos to his Facebook page showing his participation at Chicago’s Million Student March. In one post, Mullen notes that his daughter helped launch the Million Student March initiative:

“This is a movement that my daughter Keely has initiated along with one of her fellow student colleagues. They are gaining traction in what promises to be the next national crisis. We need to demand a serious discussion of what we plan to do re: the cost of education in order to give these young people entering life a fair shot. Please spread the word!”

In another post, Mullen responds to a friend who questions why his daughter attends such an expensive university:

“She includes her personal situation only as one illustration. The larger point has to do with the corporatizing of higher ed, the lack of a national commitment to help with education, and the ‘special projects’ that tuition money is going to fund. Much of their tuition goes into institutional spending that has nothing to do with teachers salaries or directly affects the learning that is going on.”

Steve Mullen lectures on art and technology at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He lists in his biography a musical background and notes he co-wrote classic rocker Eddie Money’s hit song “Endless Nights.” He lists a bevy of Fortune 500 clients, including American Airlines, Walt Disney Co., Exxon-Mobil, Reebok and McDonald’s.

Wait…I’m not here to judge nobody’s lifestyle but did I just hear Miss Mullen earlier saying…

I come from an incredible working class family–umm–and my family is already on numerous forms of government assistance and is basically scraping by, ya know in order to get me through college…

Her father’s clients should be ashamed of themselves for not paying him a fair wage, and having them to struggle in that million dollar home in Chicago’s north side. What has this world come to?

“Mullen identifies as trans-feminine and “gender-mobile,” prefers “they/them” pronouns, and works to be an ear and an advocate for the wide diversity of student identities at SAIC,” his bio states.

He didn’t immediately respond to a message left on his home answering machine.

I want to start off by saying on the record that I’m not here to attack Mullen or bash on anything her father’s doing as a career, on all honesty it’s their life not mine. I actually want to commend her for going on national TV to state her case and beliefs. However, I MUST point out a few things here, and you might’ve caught it also. Besides her body language, and a lot of “umms”, it’s the lack of understanding of basic economics and math.

But, believe it or not this article isn’t even about her. I’m using her as an example of the title itself which brings me to you…the reader. I want to ask you a question…

How do YOU feel about the IRS right now?

Do you love them as much as Keely does? It seems she does because she’s ready to put them to work (if they haven’t been working already) and I mean overtime. And talking about job creation, her proposal to dealing with those pesky 1 percenters will require the IRS to hire more people.In her own words…

MULLEN: “Yeah! Yeah…and so those people need to be held accountable

So she’s technically creating more foot soldiers that could possibly operate outside of their United States jurisdiction because those wealthy 1 percenters need to be held accountable. The question is, how far will the IRS go on behalf of Keely and the rest of the Million Students…an Americans period?

Well, she’s not the only one that loves and adores the wonderful work of the IRS. The American citizen does too! Why not? Paying taxes is the good ole’ American patriotic way right? Besides, how can you run a government system without it…right?

Do YOU agree with that former IRS commissioner?

Do you agree with the late Aaron Russo?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answer.

And the IRS promises the (average American) financial goodies like tax breaks and incentives to put their children up for sale in the name of child credits, let Uncle Sam know they’re playing house with their spouse “legally” through marriage credits, and they’re willing to snitch on their tax cheat neighbors “anonymously” for a cookie. Oh what a great organization.

As a matter of fact, I personally have no problem with the IRS, because it’s like a Daycare full of kids that like to feel they have control, but the thing about it is they only have as much control as the people give them.

Check it; are you familiar with the saying ‘don’t tax him, don’t tax me, tax that man behind the tree‘?

It’s an old saying but it is a simple example of the mindset of a typical voter that screams out “protect the poor and middle-class by taxing the rich”. Then you have politicians like this that sells a product to the citizens that believes in that saying. Then every election, they vote for that product. That product comes with lots of benefits, however, funding those benefits has caused a lot of innocent families pain and financial turmoil separated through incarcerations, bankruptcies, and even job lost to some who happened to fall back on the “illegal” extortion of back taxes. A lot of federal prisons are doing the American people a lot of favors locking up those dangerous business owners, moms, dads, and countless other innocent Americans and veterans for missing one payment to Uncle Sam. Hey, it’s business right? You gotta pay your fair share!

Government, and corporations sell a product the people want, even if it’s leading to their own demise through instant gratification. But I’m not here to preach to you about taxes, I’m here to give you the opportunity to ask yourself if you REALLY agree with this student organizer? Is it that what she’s saying make sense to you? If so, there’s a presidential candidate right now that has that product for you to buy.

So what about those of you who don’t like the IRS, want it to just go away. I mean you just had enough…ENOUGH…of the IRS!

Well there’s a good way to get rid of them. But here’s the thing, like I said before, the IRS is NOT the problem. It gets lots of support every single federal election from the Congress to the Senate. And for those who think the citizens vote for the President of the United States need to look up the Electoral College a little more.

The problem is not even the next door neighbor that has a different political philosophy or party than you. The problem with that is both parties vote for the same damn thing because it doesn’t matter what party, or what I like to call (gang) you “rep” at the polls, it all derives from one sick internal illness–divide and conquer. The tax code is the instrument of that division, and the IRS plays the symphony of economic and moral destruction on behalf of the people’s tax returns.

The problem is NOT on the politician or the President, not even the agencies the tax dollars fund. The problem is not even outside your home. It all starts in one place and one place only.

This young lady in the interview represents a mindset fixated on something extremely powerful. And she’s representing millions of students that’s very uneducated on basic economics and understanding capitalism. However most American citizens aren’t either, and history has shown us that since 1913.

And finally, the problem is NOT corporations or rich people that dodge taxes legally. With a 70 thousand page tax code, you’re going to have LOTS of loopholes, that’s an automatic given. And of course every working citizen plays the tax game and use loopholes to cut their tax bill a little bit, or to even get some money back. The more certain approved expenses you write-off, that’s less money to the government, and you’re no longer paying your “fair share”.

So who’s the REAL problem? The problem is the person who believes that education is expensive period. I guess Benjamin Franklin’s idea of “free education for an informed society” through the library system wasn’t enough for the Million Student March. So they bought a product the Universities sold them; in this day and age where you can get the same information you’ll get online for free, except you get room, board, professors, frat parties and at the end a square hat with a string to throw in the air representing how high your student loans are—that you volunteered to also buy.

The real problem is believing that the rich that “hording” all the money is causing the minimum wage problem and the increasing student debt. It’s always the rich’s fault. So they express their hatred towards the rich by social media, cellphones, the Internet, and materials all built and created by the–well–the rich.

The real problem is actually wanting to sick a government organization on someone who strives to be successful and desires to give back to their country VOLUNTARILY. It’s kind of like love you know? It feels better when the person CHOOSE to love you instead of forced. Which got me wondering when a person really say they love their country when they’re forced “via income tax” to support it. Just sayin’…

What’s the SOLUTION?

Well, you have to ask yourself. When it comes to taxes what is it that you believe in? Do you believe you should pay your fair share? Of what? I always ask the person to give me a number.

Do you believe your labor is a right and so are the fruits of your labor? If so how much?

When it comes to taxes this isn’t just an American issue, I feel like this is more like a human issue. When ANY government put a tariff on your labor and the fruits of it, then it’s not yours in the first place, and it never were. But to put more salt in the wound and more insult to injury is the person’s illusion that they were, and are free all along.

Your labor (regardless of income) is your prized talent, and a right to express it, while it being your birthright to enjoy the fruits it bared for you and your family. And I believe, when the American people give ANY government permission to forcefully take first, then give them crumbs after, it’s a disrespect to the self, and therefore they deserve an organization like the IRS to use force to collect taxes without putting up an intellectual fight.

What if the IRS could end tonight?

It could. And the great news, there’s a legislation right now in the House and Ways committee that will automatically end the IRS as we know it now. It will repeal the 16th Amendment (federal income tax), which by the way I highly recommend you to research the way it was brought about, and the reason behind it, greater details is in G. Edward Griffin’s book “The Creature From Jekyll Island”.

It would eliminate the entire U.S. tax code that has crippled our economy for over 100 years, and implement an equal leveled single percentage federal consumption tax on retail goods and services.

No more income tax season where the government usually disrespect your labor by refunding you pennies on the dollar the amount you actually paid in taxes throughout the year. Instead, with this new law proposal, it will give you a tax return up to the poverty level EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

No more income to declare or claim regardless of how you get paid or compensated (cash, check, stocks, dividends, gifts).

No more having to fill out or even figure out which form is right (and legal) for you to fill out. Instead your retail shopping receipt IS your tax bill every time you shop. (including monthly service payments).

No more federal prisons or indictments on tax related charges and convicts!

No more “tax decisions” on companies, instead can focus on “productivity decisions”, thus creating more jobs in bringing back the middle-class…on steroids.

And many many more….

I believe what keeps our current system going now is the “divide and conquer from within” mindset in this country. It is sick, but that kind of mindset is business. BIG business. Fights and finger pointing has spawn from this demonic tax regime. It has pitted citizen against citizen, and has discouraged innovation in fear of getting taxed on it. Is the current tax code what America REALLY is?

Is the current tax code define who YOU ARE?

So we understand what the current tax code represents. If a person who, deep down inside believe they are divided, that their current situation is someone else fault, and developing enemies based on their income represents their character, then I believe they have every right to defend this current tax code, because they’re only defending their identity.

The list and benefits of the legislation I listed eliminates the wondering of who made what and how much. Can you imagine? Our kids one day asking ‘what’s an income tax?’

To put it all into perspective, I believe in introducing numbers. I look at it as a simple one plus one equals two formula. A tax system that should be explained as simple as possible. This is an example of those numbers breakdown…

Now, this law may sound too far-fetched or unrealistic. Or is it? I personally see it already happening. So I hear a lot of supporters of the FairTax defend this legislation against what they call “naysayers”, and “pundits”, or “critics” of the FairTax. Some supporters even ask me how do I respond to them. Easy, I don’t. I actually agree with them. Whatever they think the law would do, they’re right…it will. Fpr example;

Corporations will not raise the wages of their employees

People will still find a way to avoid the tax by buying “used”

Illegal immigrants will find a way to avoid paying the tax

And it goes on and on….

Those who say this is absolutely correct. That will happened, because they’re the ones that will be doing that. They’re only telling you what THEY would do if the FairTax was passed. Besides, most who talk about how corporations will not give their employees wage increases usually never, or aren’t running a business of their own and doesn’t have a clue on how companies see how the FairTax will enable them to financially reward their employees more, apart from dealing with tax lawyers because they know that those savings invested in their employees will increase job morale, and more productivity.

So when someone’s coming at you with a negative opinion regarding the FairTax, even after they were exposed to the numbers and the formula of economic supply and demand, remember it’s only their opinion, let them be, and understand that the FairTax only exposes those who don’t realize what freedom truly is.

It’s not that they’re a bad person, or that they’re “stupid” or “ignorant”. Remember, once you know, you can’t “unknow”, therefore, you are aware of what’s going on. The only thing you can do is respond to the information, or react. Once you understand that America has the opportunity to stray away from a regime that has choked a society, into a system that unleashes its true economic and entrepreneurial power, it can get really scary…yet exciting!

So to recap;

The beloved IRS exist for a reason

This student, and millions of Americans like her is the reason the IRS exist

The REAL business of the IRS from its former commissioner

If you, or if you do not agree with the IRS’s tactics, or the current tax code

There is a sokution

Which one defines you and your charector; current tax code, or the FairTax?

In closing, no one is to blame for America’s current economic situation except for ourselves for failing to understand our own country, its Constitution, and really understand who we are as a person. We have only ourselves, the person in the mirror to look at ourselves and make a stand on what we believe in, not what “they say” we are, but what your heart says you are. Regardless of which system defines you, it is your right to believe in it, and it’s your right to defend it. I just recommend that which ever you resonate with, to use your own judgement and intelligence to make a formal decision (after hearing and/or seeing both sides of the coin) on where you believe this country should be heading.

Now I leave you with this final video as a freedom loving American…God bless











Source: newbostonpost.com