VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status

VIDEO: Valedictorian Reveals Illegal Immigration Status
I stay away from this immigration debate, however out of curiosity…
Some of the tweets claim their “tax dollars” (remember to ask for a balance sheet for proof) paying for this criminal to go to college, who achieved a valedictorian status, preparing to go to college (Yale), so that she can contribute to America’s health to become a neurosurgeon.
BUT—they don’t mind having their “tax dollars” pay for the incarceration of Bernie Madoff and the Boston Marathon’s “alleged” bomber. Not mentioning rapists, murderers, you know the whole shabang?
So let me get the word “criminal” clear:
The government creates criminals when they pass a law to outlaw certain actions or products. So if alcohol was illegal during prohibition and you consumed alcohol, you was a criminal. And if you smoked weed, you were a criminal.
So let me get most of Americans clear here…..
They’d rather pay taxes to lock Bernie Madoff and Boston “alleged” bomber up in federal prison in the name of “JUSTICE”…….
But refuse to pay, and be angry towards this young lady choosing to pursue a career in medicine and contribute—-I can’t even finish this….
So there’s your Prison Industrial Complex. THERE’S your future….
Really America? Really?
TURN THAT FUCKING TV OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for those tweets that called her a criminal, I’m curious if they saw and heard the entire speech first*

*I do want to make note that I wasn’t there, so this is allegations that I believe half what I hear and see. But let’s say it’s real. Congratulations.

Yes, we are ALL humans. That does NOT dismiss my questioning everything, which leads to this…

The other half I’m questioning is if she was planted by the government to insight heated debates (which cause division among the country), and invoke emotions towards immigration, rather in a positive or negative light. Is she a distraction?

I question EVERYTHING, and don’t leave NO stone un-turned.

Regardless of the “hidden” agendas, we would never know. However, what we CAN know is having unconditional love for ourself AND all humanity so that this profitable “immigration debate” no longer matters anymore.

OH, one last thing:
Did the alleged “founding fathers” (which were undocumented immigrants from Europe) ask for citizenship from the Native Americans? Wondering.
I guess you should’ve built that wall after all Pocahontas…

Judge Judy DESTROYS an Obama-Supporting Welfare Cheat: I’m Sending This Tape to Congress!

Judge Judy DESTROYS an Obama-Supporting Welfare Cheat: I’m Sending This Tape to Congress!

The welfare system, in theory, is supposed to be temporary and help people when they are down on their luck. But in practice, it has created an entire class of citizens who refuse to work and live off the work of others. In many minority communities, with the number of single-parent households skyrocketing, the state often takes the place of the father.

Watch (below) as Judge Judy takes a “lazy” guy to task for misspending money the government gave him for rent. Because his friend provided him housing, he pocketed the money. And in Barack Obama’s America, it’s clear he had a sense of entitlement to abuse that government program anyway he saw fit.

Judge Judy, as a taxpayer, is not pleased and explains to him where that money (allegedly) comes from(!) She explains the purpose of the program, and is so mad that she promises to send this clip to Congress.


Original article credit: American Journal Review

Not blaming Judge Judy or anyone, but I’m afraid she (along with a lot of taxpayers) might be a little uninformed.

And I’m not defending this kid’s action either.

For the record, I’m not for or against welfare. And no, I don’t have to choose one or the other. I do not have an opinion based on others perception of anything. So I consider myself neutral. You’ll see why later on.

Being “productive in society” may mean something noble to you, but NOT for the powers in government. Not blaming them, but being “productive citizens” is also part of the game and the cog wheel. And Congress is loving it. Why wouldn’t they?

You’ll see why in a minute.

With that being said, let me share THE most SHOCKING news you’ll ever hear in your entire “taxpayer versus welfare recipient” life.

I wanted you to read the paragraphs above without my two cents. However, I did highlight some key words for a reason.

  1. The word “suppose” is an assumption of an action that was designed for a particular purpose based on two or more agreements given to others. For example, tax dollars “supposed” to go towards a certain program but it’s not. Or, you “suppose” to go to work after finishing school, etc. Society put a condition on you that you’re “suppose” to do certain things based on what some politician or group told THEM about the particular action.
  2. The phrase “refuse to work and live off the work of others” is very popular among those who don’t know the game the government’s playing on them. The “refuse to work” is coined because the masses see “work” as a job you go to instead of the inner work of understanding who you are (thyself) without the labels put on you by others in society. But the BIGGEST misconceptions is “live off the work of others” myth. Others work has nothing to do with those on welfare because those who work aren’t paying for welfare recipient at all. Shocked? You’ll see why in a minute.
  3. If “lazy” is such a bad thing, why do most people like to relax in a “lazy” river? Hahaha just joking….on the serious note though, lazy is used as a weapon of words used by those who feel like they’re being financially and legally raped by the government, and throw their venom towards those who’s learning and using the system. You’ll see why in a minute.
  4. The blame game again; it’s all “Obama’s fault” right? His plan was to put as many people on welfare and food stamps right?
  5. The word “entitlement” is another favorite from the “taxpayer’s” venom. They claim that this kid is “abusing” the system by using funds “earmarked” for his rent on something else. And now get angry about it for a long time because they’re “forced” to pay something they don’t want to pay for.
  6. The last part’s my favorite. The author of this article obviously took this news personally based on the exclamation mark, and what most been told without seeing physical evidence or an audit showing how their “taxes” are used. And being “mad” about it definitely keep the fingers pointing and the “divide & conquer” game going.

Believe it or not, this stigma between taxpayers and “welfare recipients” are so profitable because it keeps America divided.

Look at it like this; it’s not the class warfare mentality that’s dividing America, it’s the assumption of where the resources coming from and where it’s going to…that keeps it going.

The best way to understand this game in a kindergarten level is to let Sherry Jackson, former IRS agent explain it to you.

Video source courtesy of bootme21 via YouTube

How you digest this information is totally up to you, it’s neither right or wrong. However the thing that stuck out to me is the division this tax code has created. It’s causing this so-call “United” states to fight among each other for who owes what to whom over SPECULATIONS…….

That word “United” has a funny lingo to it doesn’t it?

References: Grab your copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island Now. And Stop Being A Self Sabotaging PAWN.




Why Do Former Goldman Sachs Bankers Keep Landing Top Slots at the Federal Reserve?

Why Do Former Goldman Sachs Bankers Keep Landing Top Slots at the Federal Reserve?

Before we dive into this, I want to stress how crucial, critical, and important self-empowerment, responsibility, and choices are towards you–the individual. And, I want to highlight the importance of separating you–the individual from this soup of energy and mindsets of everyone else, or shall I say, the country.

So, read this for you and you only. Forget about the next door neighbor, forget about everyone else in your neighborhood, city, state, and the country altogether.

Next, forget about everything you’ve heard about everything the media says about everything.

You ready? Let’s go…

I will note this again because it should be noted again and again. Goldman Sachs should be dead. Door nail. Kaput. Finito. Gone. A piece of history. Expired.

But Goldman Sachs, Government Sachs, lives because it got bailed out by you the taxpayer. You’re the one who felt the brunt of the Great Recession. You who lost your home. You who moved in with the kids to make ends meet. You who went on food stamps quietly in desperation. You who had the heat turned off. You who saw the middle class slip away, away, away. You kept Goldman alive, largely because their former CEO Hank Paulson ran the US Treasury when Wall Street teetered on the open pits of hell.

This is the part where I would have the author speak for themselves. Unless they know you personally and you told them you went through all that and “bailed somebody out”, or you felt the brunt of the “Great Recession”, they no nothing about you.

However, IF you agree with that statement, I’m not going to stop you, I’m just curious to why you’d want to be in that soup in the first place if you desire anything in your life regarding money.

One of my pet peeves is when I hear people say “they’re spending taxpayer’s money” based on what their political gang or mainstream media told them, yet failed to justify their accusation by failing to see or even show me a balance sheet that prove something’s been paid by “taxpayers”.

Goldman should have fallen into the firey nether. A few of the other big banks would have followed the firm. But you know what wouldn’t have died? America.

Had we let capitalism actually work, had the crony barons actually paid for their breathtakingly stupid leveraged positions, we’d have probably recovered more quickly. Additionally, we’d now likely have a more robust (more) capitalist system than we had prior to 2008. The muck would have been cleared. Instead we must now deal with the crony system of legalized graft which has grown exponentially since the Crash.

Who’s “we”, and “us”?

We could’ve had THIS, but because THEY did THAT, we can’t have THE OTHER THING, and we gotta deal with THIS! So because we all are ordered to feel miserable because of THAT, all together America…

And now having been saved by you the taxpayer, the guy who likely couldn’t get past the reception desk at Goldman headquarters, Goldman has continued its crony quest.

(From The Nation)

Once Kashkari takes his seat on January 1, 2016, one-third of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks will be led by someone with strong ties to Goldman Sachs. In addition to Kashkari and his two fellow (and they are all fellow) recent appointees, the New York Fed’s president, William Dudley, is also a Goldman Sachs alumnus. He served as the bank’s chief economist for ten years as well as partner and managing director.

The presidents of the 12 Fed Banks help carry out the Fed’s bank supervision responsibilities, so the revolving door between Goldman Sachs and key Fed posts should alarm us. But it is also hard to see how the Fed’s recent selection of three Goldman Sachs bankers conforms with the Federal Reserve Act requirement that Fed leaders “represent the public,” with “due consideration” given to a variety of economic backgrounds and perspectives.

Still waiting for that balance sheet “taxpayer”…

Sadly The Nation’s concern strikes us as quaint, at best. They don’t like that the Fed system doesn’t spread the spoils of the system to the people they like. (The cronies they like.) This is the problem which plagues statist critics of the Fed. There is the tendency to want to believe that if the Fed was just run by the right people it would be a valuable tool for social engineering. They can’t bring themselves to call for an end to the bank, because a central bank is central to “progressive-statism.” And this is how the central banks always co-opt or simply dispose of their lefty critics.

Get real. End the Fed. Don’t be a wimp about it. Have some pride.

Who’s “they”?

Alright let’s clean this up. What’s a “cronie”? I’m trying to figure out what that mean to you. It has so many definitions. Well I’ll tell you mine. A crony is someone that tells you what’s going on with somebody else and using them as a crutch for not taking care of their own business.

What do you mean by that Diary?

I’ll tell ya. No one can end the Fed because “Americans” won’t allow it to die. How are they going to cash their checks every Friday? How are they going to apply for a credit card so they can get those “air miles” and “cash back” on certain purchases? How are they going to apply for that mortgage to be part of the “American Dream?” How are they going to write off certain interest payments and loans off their tax returns?

Pride? What pride? What’s so proud to blame another source on a financial decision you make? And on top of it, you need other Americans to agree with you? Would that make you feel special? Important? More “patriotic” to blame ole Goldman Sachs for your own financial woes? Oh, that corrupted government sachs stole taxpayers money? People are now broke, poor and eating mayonnaise sandwiches because of big old Goldman aye?

Now. American people. In unison, being angry with Goldman Sachs is so patriotic, it’s so patriotic to stress out over finances, and believe that you working hard at your job is patriotic, and paying your taxes is patriotic, and feeling angry when somebody else in D.C. spends “your money” on stupid stuff, ooooh doesn’t it make you so mad? Hey! Get angry you American! Did you know it’s patriotic to get a heart attack over some bullshit data, statistics and headlines CNN toss your way? It’s patriotic to be angry at wealthy people, greedy politicians and billion dollar corporations. Why wouldn’t it? You’re a taxpayer. Right?

I’m making fun of this because it boils down to be pissed off about something that you have to ask yourself; can I change this system tonight?

No, really ask yourself that question. Why are Americans so fucking angry? Angry about what? What the fuck are they so pissed about?

Is America the greatest country on planet Earth or is that a fucking typo people regurgitate blindly without knowing what the hell they’re even saying?

Why is America so goddamn angry?

I’ll tell you why.

America is a beautiful country with breathtaking natural resources. She is such a magnificent country, Mother Earth’s example of the treasures our planet can offer. And she utilizes one of the greatest real estate on Earth. Just ask the animals, which by the way I’ve never seen them angry at all.

Most of the American people however gives me hives. I’m allergic to almost everything they say, because MSM already convinced them that blaming others was the way to go.

Angry Americans angry about Mondays. And if they’re not angry about Mondays, they have to find something else to be angry about.

Are YOU part of that? What does it feel like? Just ask yourself that. What does it feel like to be angry with Obama, or Bush, or Monsanto, or ISIS, or Muslims, or any fucking body–how does that feel?

Why oh God help me why do YOU WANT TO STAY ANGRY?

What does that do to you? Who and where are you getting your sources from?

This article about Goldman Sachs isn’t the first. Goldman has been in the news for years. I didn’t trip over Goldman anymore because there was something I noticed that most conspiracy theorists did not….

Goldman was making money, and using players.

The complainers was the one who hated wealth.

I don’t know about you, but I love wealth. I love money. So, instead of agreeing with this article, I thought ‘since Goldman Sachs make a lot of money allegedly from taxpayers, why not buy some of their stocks?’

What? I can do that? People can buy stocks? Why didn’t I think about that before?

What? Mutual Funds invest in companies like Goldman Sachs? Why are retirees and taxpayers complaining about it? Don’t they have GS in their portfolio?

What was that? They don’t know? Why not? Because they leave that responsibility to the Mutual Fund manager? Well why don’t they see what companies they own? What? Oh because it’s a pain and they don’t have time for that? Oh…correction…they choose not to have time for that so instead of doing a little due-diligence on their MF portfolio they get angry over business deals based on what MSM tells them without verifying the source of the information? But why would they do that?

Because they just like being….angry?

Goldman Sachs is a business, and the American people are okay with that. Yes. Even most black people;

Obama was “allegedly” connected with, and campaign bankrolled by Goldman Sachs as well as Mitt Romney during the last election. Rather certain conspiracy sites was right about that or not, just the rumor was no concern regarding Obama supporters, they wanted their FIRST black President.

I’m surprised Goldman Sachs didn’t get a recognition for “change” from the NAACP–or was it?

Most people could careless about who Goldman is bankrolling, funding, “hiring”, and revolving door-ing, as long as people get their stuff Goldman can do what it does best.

Most people get upset with Goldman because they’re blaming America’s woes on everything except—–what’s going on in here…

Who lives in your mind? Why is it in there? Who put those thoughts in there? How did you even know anything about Goldman Sachs?

Forget about Goldman for a minute, and think about everything that’s happening in your mind, and if applicable your own household.

Did you know that when you allow what’s going on out there bother and affect how you run your finances and household, your home is no longer under your control? That means your home has experienced a silent invasion.

You are responsible of your mind. But when you lose it, and allow other to order you to feel a negative emotion towards something THEY invented, that never personally affected you, you just lost your freedom FROM responsibilities.

That’s equivalent of you living in a bad neighborhood in New York and tell your kids you’re leaving them alone to head out to California in order to fight for their freedom to not worry about burglars and hoodlums.

Think about that for a second. Long and hard.

Take control of your mind or someone else will be happy to control it for you. Start a business, make money. Take care of your family, and learn the game. Learn the game Goldman AND their buddies play. Then buy their stocks, while the other angry Americans start calling you a “crony capitalist”.

That’s including Goldman Sachs. 😉


Source courtesy of:

IRS: No More Travel For You!

IRS: No More Travel For You!

IRS Power To Revoke Passports Signed Into Law

IRS Power To Revoke Passports Signed Into Law

While the entire nation (and world) is distracted from the mass hysteria of Donald Trump’s “alleged” (ya know, its mainstream media, didn’t hear him say it myself, I wasn’t there) comment on banning Muslims from entering the country…

The passport provision is now official, as President Obama signed the 5-year infrastructure spending Bill. It adds a new section 7345 to the Internal Revenue Code. It is part of H.R. 22 – Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, the “FAST Act.” Why are passport covered in the tax code, you might ask? The title of the new section is “Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Tax Delinquencies.” The idea goes back to 2012, when the Government Accountability Office reported on the potential for using the issuance of passports to collect taxes.

It was controversial then, but this time sailed through, slipped into the massive highway funding bill, passed here. The section on passports begins on page 1,113. The joint explanatory statement is here, beginning on page 38. The law says the State Department can revoke, deny or limit passports for anyone the IRS certifies as having a seriously delinquent tax debt in an amount in excess of $50,000. Administrative details are scant. It could mean no new passport and no renewal. It could even mean the State Department will rescind existing passports.

(Remember, the IRS is working on behalf of the American people. So a little more pages and words added to the tax code)

Taxing Passports

The State Department will evidently act when the IRS tells them, and that upsets some people. We think of passports when traveling internationally, but some people may find that passports are required for domestic travel in 2016. That could make the IRS hold even more serious. The list of affected taxpayers will be compiled by the IRS. The IRS will use a threshold of $50,000 of unpaid federal taxes. But this $50,000 figure includes penalties and interest. And as everyone knows, interest and penalties can add up fast.

Notably, if you are contesting a proposed tax bill administratively with the IRS or in court, that should not count. That is not yet a tax debt. There is also an administrative exception, allowing the State Department to issue a passport in an emergency or for humanitarian reasons. But how that will work isn’t clear, nor is the amount of time it will take to get special dispensation. You would still be able to travel if your tax debt is being paid in a timely manner, as under a signed installment agreement. The rules are not limited to criminal tax cases or where the government thinks you are fleeing a tax debt.

(Um…North Korea anyone? So you have to have permission to leave the house. You’d be grounded because you didn’t pay your protection money right?

So I’m seeing this from the helicopter view; you ban Muslims from coming to the country–a travel ban on Muslims on one side, while putting a ban on the American citizen from leaving the country who owe a tax debt on the other?

Ban Muslims from coming in/Ban American citizen from leaving out….

And build a fence on the borders…

Again, how many Americans agree with this?)

In fact, you could have your passport revoked merely because you owe more than $50,000 and the IRS has filed a notice of lien. A $50,000 tax debt including interest and penalties is common, and the IRS files tax liens routinely. It’s the IRS way of putting creditors on notice. The IRS can file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien after the IRS assesses the liability, sends a Notice and Demand for Payment, and you fail to pay in full within 10 days.

The right to travel has been recognized as fundamental, both between states and internationally. And although some restrictions have been upheld, it is not clear that this measure will pass the constitutional test if it is challenged.

(Now that’s up to the American people, if the citizens don’t, can’t, or respect the Constitution without any restrictions, how the heck do you expect their so-call representatives to do the same?)

Speaking of challenge, it is not off-topic to mention FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

FATCA penalizes foreign banks that don’t hand over American account holders. There are approximately eight million Americans living overseas, many of whom are still reeling from FATCA compliance problems.

For alerts to future tax articles, email me at This article is not legal advice.

So this continue to remind me that the IRS is truly doing their job on behalf of the American people….

“that’s a problem and those people should be held accountable….” -Keely Mullen’s interview here on Fox Business.

For some of you this is probably angering you. For some, you’re probably saying “good for them, tax those tax cheats”. Everyone is pointing fingers at each other in the name of being “patriotic” and doing financial harm to someone else and somebody must pay. Right?

We’re looking at a whole different paradigm here. Regardless of where you stand on this bill, the fact of the matter is is that most bills like this is passed either in the dead of night (NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act), during the holidays (Federal Reserve Act, federal income tax), or immediately after an event that caused mass hysteria (PATRIOT Act). We cant’ deny that.

This law was passed in a style the way most people in this country do business and earn their income–in the darkness. So could it be that the way this bill was passed was only a reflection of the majority mindset of the American people? Could it be representing how you do business and live your life?

So do you believe the IRS is doing what needs to be done?

Let us know what you think. Share it below…
