KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

© AP Photo/Andrew Harnik Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets members of the audience after speaking at a rally at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Ga., Monday, Feb. 29, 2016.

Before we say ANYTHING, keep in mind that we’re not endorsing ANY candidate of this election. We are aware that there are diverse perceptions regarding politics and almost everything you read on touchy subjects. We do however condone talking about things society considers “controversial” and tell you NOT to talk about. Well we do here because you’re intelligent enough to hear the other side of the argument, agree to disagree, yet respect each others opinions and points of views. This is nothing to do with being “American”, this is EVERYTHING to do with being human on this planet with ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that you take to heart while allowing others to do the same.

So we wanted to play with this a little bit and give us your thoughts after;

Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump’s campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out.

It is called the Crusader — and it is one of the most prominent newspapers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Under the banner “Make America Great Again,” the entire front page of the paper’s current issue is devoted to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement.

“‘Make America Great Again!’ It is a slogan that has been repeatedly used by Donald Trump in his campaign for the presidency,” Pastor Thomas Robb wrote in the Crusader. “You can see it on the shirts, buttons, posters and ball caps such as the one being worn here by Trump speaking at a recent rally. … But can it happen? Can America really be great again? This is what we will soon find out!”

“While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, ‘What made America great in the first place?'” the article continues. “The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did — but because of who our forefathers were.

“America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great.”

The Trump campaign sharply and swiftly criticized the article. “Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form,” the campaign said in a statement Tuesday evening. “This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign.”

What we’re wondering is what’s so hateful about the word “white”, let along “white Christian Republic”?

We can see white in many ways; white snow, white crayons, white sand, white sugar, white flour, white doves, white teeth, white paper, white—out. And if people are referring to “white people”, the last time we saw them they were all dead; blood and fluids drained out. So white people from every ethnicity (including black, Asian, Natives, etc) can’t technically be offended by anything because they’re in the morgue if not already buried or cremated.

Now if you consider “Christian” being hateful, it depends on how you see it. Hell sounds like a very “hateful” place you’re doomed to go if you’re not “Christian” and be punished by God. And almost every war in the world started based on different religious beliefs including Christianity (sometimes called “Crusaders for Christ). According to historical data, you either converted to this religion, confessed you believed in it, or was tortured and/or killed (just ask Joan of Arc and the Salem Witches in the 1690s).

“Republic” sounds like some form of religion in politics. It has differen meanings according to those who claim they live in one; (DPRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Islamic Republic of Iran, USSR, The People’s Republic of China, The United States of America), I can go on and on. Are these countries “hateful”?

Reached by phone, Robb told The Washington Post that while the Crusader wasn’t officially endorsing Trump, his article signaled the publication’s enthusiastic support for the Republican billionaire’s candidacy.

“Overall, we do like his nationalist views and his words about shutting down the border to illegal aliens,” Robb said. “It’s not an endorsement because, like anybody, there’s things you disagree with. But he kind of reflects what’s happening throughout the world. There seems to be a surge of nationalism worldwide as nationals reclaim their borders.”

The 12-page quarterly newspaper calls itself “The Political Voice of White Christian America!” and has a well-known white supremacist symbol on its front page. The latest edition includes articles about Jewish links to terrorism, black-on-white crime and a man who claims to be Bill Clinton’s illegitimate child. An article near the end of the paper says that Trump’s candidacy is “moving the dialogue forward.”

The publication’s website says that its “number one goal” is to “stop white genocide.”

That word “genocide” is very powerful to most people. We see genocide as killing a particular “gene”. Academia and cultures have taught people to see genes according to the pigmentation of skin instead of seeing it as a human code. So when a mass murder is happening, or has happened regardless of ethnicity or culture, we consider killing massive amount of humans as genocide. Referring to our version of “white”, we all can die right now, but there will still remain white snow, white crayons, white sand, white sugar, white flour, white doves, white teeth, white paper, and white—out.


Since the earliest days of his presidential bid, Trump has attracted the support of prominent white nationalists across the country, setting off fears that a dormant fringe faction of the GOP base — one steeped in xenophobic and white supremacist rhetoric — would be folded back into mainstream politics.

In the early months, white nationalists said they were reluctant to publicly throw their support behind the controversial billionaire for fear of harming his strengthening campaign. But white nationalists said as Trump became more emboldened, they did too.

In January, Jared Taylor — editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance — lent his voice to a robo-call recording urging registered voters in Iowa to back Trump. Those potential voters, Taylor told The Post, are part of a silent majority who are tired of being asked to celebrate diversity but are afraid of being labeled bigots.

A month later, Trump was embraced by former KKK grand wizard David Duke, which led to a controversial exchange between CNN’s Jake Tapper and the Republican candidate. Asked by Tapper to “unequivocally condemn” Duke, Trump pleaded ignorance.

“Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay?” Trump said.

Tapper pressed him several more times to disavow Duke and the KKK, but Trump again declined.

“I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists,” Trump said. “So I don’t know. I don’t know — did he endorse me, or what’s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.”

He just said he know nothing about this dude, nor this practice.

So this part is extremely important because it goes to perception. If I know nothing about a person, place, thing, or organization personally, I’m not going to have an opinion about them, nor agree or disagree with what they say because I never asked them to elaborate. Trump is saying he knows nothing about them or “white supremacy”, so of course he can’t disavow them or anybody he know nothing about. I’m the same way; I’d be considered a black man to “society”, but because I never met the KKK in person, I have no opinions about them either, nor can I condemn anything they say based on what someone else say about them. This goes for Hitler, Nazism, socialism, communism, Mao, Stalin, or anyone I’ve never met, sat down with, and talked to in person.

That same month, Rachel Pendergraft — the national organizer for the Knights Party, a standard-bearer for the Ku Klux Klan — told The Post that Trump’s campaign offered the organization a new outreach tool for recruiting new members and expanding their formerly dwindling ranks.

The Republican presidential candidate, Pendergraft said at the time, provided separatists with an easy way to start a conversation about issues that are important to the dying white supremacist movement.

“One of the things that our organization really stresses with our membership is we want them to educate themselves on issues, but we also want them to be able to learn how to open up a conversation with other people,” Pendergraft said.

Using Trump as a conversation piece has been discussed on a private, members-only website and in “e-news, stuff that goes out to members.”

In addition to opening “a door to conversation,” she said, Trump’s surging candidacy has electrified some members of the movement.

“They like the overall momentum of his rallies and his campaign,” Pendergraft said. “They like that he’s not willing to back down. He says what he believes and he stands on that.”

In August, the American Nazi Party’s chairman, Rocky Suhayda, agreed, declaring on his radio show that Trump offers “real opportunity” to build the white nationalist movement.

More recently, Trump’s rallies have been marred by a series of racially charged incidents.

Last week, a black Trump supporter was booted from a North Carolina rally after he was mistaken for being a protester. Trump’s security detail escorted a man out of the rally as the audience cheered.

“You can get him out,” Trump said, making a sideways motion with his thumb. “Get him out.”

The person in question turned out to be C.J. Cary, a North Carolina resident, who claims to be a longtime Trump supporter.

Cary, in a phone interview, said Saturday that he had gone to the rally because he wanted to hand-deliver a note to the Republican presidential nominee. He made his way to about 20 to 30 feet from the stage and shouted “Donald!” while waving his note around to try to catch his attention.

“Everyone else is waving Trump signs and I’m waving this white letter,” Cary, 63, said. He said that, coupled with the fact that he was wearing sunglasses during an evening rally to deal with his sensitivity to light, may have been what set people off.

Cary said a security official noticed he appeared to be a supporter but said he should not have disrupted the rally.

“He asked me, ‘What happened? You have on a GOP badge,’ ” Cary said. “I said, ‘I’m yelling at Donald, and he thinks I’m a protester.’ ”

This reminds me of something. Maybe the Crips and Bloods learned something here;

You reppin yo flag nigga?

Political correct translation;

You’re wearing your GOP badge? But sorry you got shot at because you look like a Beaner trying to be a Yakuza.

Days later, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, forcefully disavowed a supporter as “deplorable” for chanting “Jew-S-A!” at a weekend rally, the latest incident of anti-Semitic rhetoric used by some of the GOP nominee’s backers, according to Post reporters Jose A. DelReal and Sean Sullivan.

Can someone tell me what’s the difference between being “anti-Semitic” and just being “racist”? I’m really confused about these two, and I know there are billions of different opinions and definitions regarding the two. Or is it?

“[The man’s] conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate. Wow,” Conway said during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “That man’s conduct was deplorable. And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately.”

The Saturday afternoon incident in Phoenix was captured on video that showed a man confronting reporters at the rally with shouts and a three-fingered hand gesture that resembled hate symbols flagged by the Anti-Defamation League.

“You’re going down! You’re the enemy!” the man yelled. As the rest of the crowd broke into a chant of “USA! USA!,” the man repeatedly chanted, “Jew-S-A! Jew-S-A!”

Could there be a reason why he said that?

According to some conspiracy theorists (and I don’t say that in a negative manner), most Fortune 500 and major multinational corporations including banks are controlled by what they call the “Zionist Jews” cabal, which is allegedly separate from real Jews (who so happened to be against Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and the human rights violation of Palestinians).

So according to many researches, America’s government is controlled by the influence of these Zionist Jewish corporations. This answers the question of why mainstream media and religion is a staunch supporter of the State of Israel, why they condemn any hint of “anti-Semitics” and even violate freedom of speech and expression here to suppress any criticism of the Jewish state, and its treatment of the Palestinians — because the media is owned by these same corporations?

That’s like Fox News criticizing Rupert Murdock of News Corp. and CBS making a news special on the corruption of Sumner Redstone’s family.

There’s even concerns of the whole Holocaust stories being a hoax to cover up the real reason behind Nazi Germany, Hitler’s true intentions to protect Germany, its people (including Jews there) against this Zionist cabal and their Allies in Britain and the United States, and what the word Holocaust REALLY mean. This coverup was believed to maintain the status quo in America to complete an agenda of corporate control over the masses. Which also makes sense because (according to Sigmund Freud) the masses don’t think for themselves, and buy everything under the sun to fill a void. If this is true, then the alleged Zionist Jews agenda will happen. No one force the masses to buy their products.

After doing research, this has showed us how misunderstandings of cultures, and a society who only speak American English can defend Israel and the Zionist Jews on knee jerk reaction based on a story they’ve heard instead of understand Latin, Greek, German, and seeing for themselves why this gentleman would chant “Jew-S-A”.

Could it be that the Zionist Jews own the U.S.A.?

If this is true, and you have a problem with this allegation — wouldn’t it be best to start your own business and/or start buying local? Just a thought.

Conway agreed when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked whether the man’s behavior was “deplorable” — a reference to controversial comments made last month by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was criticized for casting “half of Trump’s supporters” as a “basket of deplorables.” Clinton later expressed regret for suggesting that half of his supporters were racist or xenophobic.

As DelReal and Sullivan reported, the “Jew-S-A” incident revived long-standing anxieties about xenophobic and white supremacist rhetoric used by a fringe faction within the GOP nominee’s base.

Like this wasn’t a concern 8 years ago with the whole Barack Osama presidential gig? (I wrote that on purpose for a reason).

I saw and witnessed fringe groups of some blacks forming military style tactics to intimidate others into voting for this man. I even saw a side of my family that gave me an outer body experience. So could it be their turn?

Then I started studying the psy-op technique of controlled oppositions. I saw how profitable it is to deploy this program. That’s when everything came together and I saw the game.

Anti-Semitic slogans and language, they wrote, have become common among self-identified members of the “alt-right,” a fringe conservative movement that fashions itself as a populist and anti-establishment alternative to the mainstream Republican Party. Many within the alt-right have enthusiastically embraced Trump’s campaign message, which has included calls for mass deportations of undocumented Latino immigrants and for barring foreign Muslims from entering the United States.

Many of Trump’s critics have accused him and his campaign of stoking racial grievances as a political tool. Those accusations have intensified since Stephen K. Bannon stepped away from running Breitbart News — which he has called a “platform for the alt-right” — to become the Trump campaign’s chief executive.

“I wouldn’t want to tar and feather every Trump supporter with the anti-Semitic comments of one person, but it is the case that the Trump campaign has been embraced by the radical right in an unprecedented way this season,” said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Trump came under fire over the summer for retweeting an image of rival Hillary Clinton alongside $100 bills and a Jewish star bearing the words “most corrupt candidate ever!” Trump later claimed that it was a sheriff’s star.

Trump’s son, Donald Jr., also drew attention for doing an interview with a white-nationalist radio host this year; he later told Bloomberg News that he did not realize the interviewer was going to be looped into the conversation. He was also blasted for posting an image on social media he said he got from a friend that included Pepe the Frog, a figure that has been appropriated by white supremacists. He told ABC News that he did not know about the association.

What’s your thoughts on this?

Article credit: The Washington Post

One Of The Greatest Lies EVER Told – The Holocaust

I’m not really going to say anything regarding this subject. I want you to watch this really closely, then come to your own free thinking independent conclusion.

Source courtesy of: Activist News Australia via YouTube


Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her.

Yep, we’re on Hillary again…


Let me ask; what’s a “Progressive?” What does that mean?

I grew up in a right-wing Republican Bible Belt environment that always blamed “liberals” for every ills of politics, the economy, etc.

Well I’m not sure if they knew how to read but I did, and I decided to find out what the word “liberal” meant (according to old Webster, and NetScape..at the time…late 90s). I was surprise to read that LIBERAL in Latin meant (to liberate; a political philosophy that promotes liberty).

If that’s what “liberal” means then what the heck is “conservative?”

So if that’s liberal (among most American English language), maybe its best we learn a lot of Latin so we understand what the fuck we really saying without looking stupid?

I say that because in my experience I grew up around conservative “warmongers” who was ready to blow up everything under the sun in this God-forsaken planet. Everything and everyone who weren’t “conservative Christians” was an enemy of God and had to be dealt with. Yes, I grew up around that. Oh, and the death penalty was God’s will.

Now that I got all of that off my chest, it brings us back to the title regarding “war crimes”.

Let’s read the article below to get a clear reason why Hillary is being accused of such atrocious act.


However if you’re impatient as me and realize that most of this shit is pure propaganda, you can skip all the way down to avoid insulting your intelligence.

Hillary Clinton made headlines with a speech in San Diego casting Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency due to the damage his incendiary rhetoric could cause. Simultaneously, the former Secretary of State sought to convince the California audience that she was the safer choice in foreign policy matters.

But when taking a closer look at US foreign policy under her leadership as the nation’s top diplomat, it’s obvious that Clinton could potentially be as disastrous as Trump if given the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Here are a few examples of countries where conditions are tremendously worse as a result of Hillary Clinton’s policies.

Hillary Clinton made Libya a failed state

In an April interview with Fox News, President Barack Obama, reflecting on his 7 years as Commander-in-Chief, admitted that ousting Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was the biggest mistake of his presidency. While Obama took responsibility for the failure of Libya in that interview, he relied on the input of Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State at the time.

In March of 2011, Clinton met with Mahmoud Jibril, who was leading the opposition to Gaddafi. As the New York Times reported, Clinton asked Jibril a series of questions about how his coalition planned to fill the power vacuum that would be created by Gaddafi’s ouster. And in the end, it was Clinton who convinced the White House that deposing Gaddafi was the right thing to do:

Her conviction would be critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a “51-49” decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.

The 2011 NATO-led invasion of Libya that took place after Clinton’s visit has since allowed extremist groups to seize power in an unprecedented takeover of much of the country over the last five years.

In 2014, the US State Department shut down the US embassy in Libya and issued a travel warning urging all Americans to stay away from the country. Roughly one year ago, Libya’s central bank, the last remaining institution in the failed state, was forced to flee to a city in the Eastern region of the country due to rebel forces encroaching on the bank’s facility in Tripoli, the capital. Libya is now a haven for terrorists, with thousands of ISIS soldiers using the country as a staging ground.

In an interview on CBS, Clinton laughed about Gaddafi’s slaying, proudly exclaiming, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Hillary Clinton deserves credit for poverty and instability in Haiti

In Haiti, the first state ever founded by freed black slaves, citizens are still fighting for political and economic freedom today, largely due to the influence of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In 2011, Wikileaks published US State Department cables from 2008 and 2009 confirming that State Department officials were meeting behind closed doors with Haitian business leaders, plotting on how to stop the Haitian government from implementing a 37-cent hike in the minimum wage from $0.24 an hour to $0.61 cents an hour.

While Haitian President René Préval was initially neutral on the proposal of raising the minimum wage, he went on the record opposing the wage hike after consistent efforts from within the US Embassy in Haiti and the Haitian business lobby by July of 2009. Politifact rated the claim that Clinton’s State Department tried to suppress the wage hike as half-true, since there’s no link proving that Clinton directly played a role.

A Haitian boy carries water taken from a stream. (Care.org)

However, Clinton’s influence on Haiti didn’t stop there. As US Uncut previously reported, the former Secretary of State took an active role in swinging Haitian’s presidential elections in favor of corporate special interests. In the first round of Haiti’s presidential elections, thousands of citizens took to the streets demanding an annulment of election results, alleging that then-Haitian president Michel Martelly committed election fraud.

Martelly, who succeeded René Préval, is a close confidant of the Clinton family. In 2011, Martelly appointed Bill Clinton to an advisory board whose stated goal was to court foreign investors.

And in one of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails made public, Clinton’s chief of staff received an email from another staffer openly boasting about using connections within the Haitian business elite to lobby for the withdrawal of Jude Célestin, Martelly’s political rival, from an upcoming runoff election. The aide, Kenneth Merten, predicted the news of the US interfering in election results would create widespread protests, and said he had called Martelly, asking him to plead with Haitians “to not pillage.”

While Martelly is no longer in power, his hand-picked successor, Jovenel Moïse, won the most recent election. However, watchdogs are calling the results fraudulent and demanding a new election. Ricardo Seitenfus, who has served as representative of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the last eight years, admitted that Haiti’s government is essentially a puppet of US interests, saying the Haitian election schedule is “subject to the U.S. schedule.” Hillary Clinton deserves to be closely scrutinized when touting her diplomacy record, as Haiti’s political instability is a result of her policies.

Honduras’ downfall resulted from a coup Clinton supported

Mural of slain Honduran activist Berta Caceres.

In 2009, shortly after Obama took office and appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was arrested at gunpoint by the military and forced onto a plane to Costa Rica while a new government took power. While the US State Department didn’t directly oust Zelaya, it refused to call his ouster a coup, despite calls from the U.S. ambassador to Honduras and from Congress to do so. In her interview with the New York Daily News editorial board, Clinton defended her decision to keep sending aid to Honduras despite the violent overthrow of Zelaya:

I think, in retrospect, we managed a very difficult situation, without bloodshed, without a civil war, that led to a new election. And I think that was better for the Honduran people. But we have a lot of work to do to try to help stabilize that and deal with corruption, deal with the violence and the gangs and so much else.

However, the result of the coup was a massive amount of bloodshed, as gangs and drug cartels began to take more power in the absence of a stable government. In the year following the coup, Clinton’s State Department published a list of human rights abuses prevalent in Honduras:

“…unlawful killings by police and government agents, which the government took some steps to prosecute; arbitrary and summary killings committed by vigilantes and former members of the security forces; harsh prison conditions; violence against detainees; corruption and impunity within the security forces; lengthy pretrial detention and failure to provide due process of law; politicization, corruption, and institutional weakness of the judiciary; corruption in the legislative and executive branches; government restrictions on the recognition of some civil society groups; violence and discrimination against women; child prostitution and abuse; trafficking in persons; discrimination against indigenous communities; violence and discrimination against persons based on sexual orientation; ineffective enforcement of labor laws; and child labor.”

The horrific conditions in Honduras triggered a mass exodus of migrants to the US. As Telesur reported, approximately 9,000 child refugees fled Honduras in 2015. Also in 2015, Clinton defended the deportation of children back to the Central American countries they’re fleeing in order “send a message.” However, Clinton has since walked back that statement as her Democratic presidential primary battle with Bernie Sanders became more competitive.

This March, the violence in Honduras became a subject of international scrutiny when 44-year-old environmental activist Berta Caceres was assassinated in her home. Caceres had been an outspoken opponent of a proposed hydroelectric plant on indigenous land, and had recently gotten in an altercation with soldiers, police, and employees of a private power company while protesting the project just weeks before she was killed.

Clinton is responsible for the fall of Iraq and Syria (and the rise of ISIS)

In late 2011, after months of sustained anti-government protests inspired by the “Arab Spring” movement, Hillary Clinton called for the resignation of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Then, in April 2012, Clinton gave a speech in Turkey more forcefully calling specifically for regime change, saying, “Assad must go.” Those three words created the policies that led to both the rise of ISIS in Syria and the European refugee crisis of 2015.

One of Clinton’s last actions as Secretary of State was to call for the arming of Syrian rebels fighting Assad. As the London Telegraph reported, Clinton’s plan to give weapons to Assad’s enemies was backed by not only former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, but also by former CIA director David Petraeus and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While Obama initially rejected his Secretary of State’s plan, he eventually agreed to arm Syrian rebels in the goal of ousting Assad.

However, as ISIS began to get a foothold into Syria and Iraq, the “moderates” that received weapons from the US were eventually overtaken by ISIS fighters, who suddenly found themselves in the possession of military-grade weapons paid for with US tax dollars. In a study conducted by Conflict Armament Research, which tracks the movement of arms in war-torn regions, researchers found that ISIS has weapons and ammunition not just from the US, but also from coalition forces that are funded by the US government. The access to advanced weaponry was likely the reason for ISIS’ rapid expansion into Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere.

The consequences of destabilizing Syria and Iraq are apparent. Over one million refugees, largely from countries where the US intervened militarily, fled to Europe between 2015 and 2016, creating the world’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. In this chart compiled by Eurostat, the top three countries people are fleeing are Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq:

Graph of refugees' countries of origin (2015).

Yemeni blood is on Hillary Clinton’s hands

Yemeni citizens dig graves for those killed as a result of the Saudi invasion.

Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen, which started in 2015 and continues today, was made possible with arms purchased by the US government. Since Obama’s presidency, the US has sold approximately $46 billion in arms to the Saudis, with many of those weapons sales greenlighted by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. As US Uncut reported in April, Clinton was particularly focused on making sure the US came through for Saudi Arabia in a 2011 weapons deal. David Sirota of the International Business Times reported that Clinton argued the arms deal was “in the national interest.”

At press conferences in Washington to announce the department’s approval, an assistant secretary of state, Andrew Shapiro, declared that the deal had been “a top priority” for Clinton personally. Shapiro, a longtime aide to Clinton since her Senate days, added that the “U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army have excellent relationships in Saudi Arabia.”

Saudi Arabia is very likely using the weapons acquired from that 2011 exchange to wage brutal bombing campaigns in Yemen. In March, Foreign Policy magazine accused the US and its allies of complicity in war crimes by funding and arming the Saudi regime:

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in airstrikes while asleep in their homes, when going about their daily activities, or in the very places where they had sought refuge from the conflict. The United States, Britain, and others, meanwhile, have continued to supply a steady stream of weaponry and logistical support to Saudi Arabia and its coalition.

This week, the United Nations added the Saudi-led coalition to a blacklist of states and armed groups that violate children’s human rights during conflicts, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon personally slamming

Hillary Clinton is completely right that Donald Trump is woefully unprepared to take on the responsibilities of Commander-in-Chief. But voters should also be leery of Clinton, who, despite having met with more world leaders than any presidential candidate in US history, is responsible for some of the worst foreign policy blunders of the 21st century.

I mentioned before how it seems as though ISIS is the new boogeyman to watch out for. Then the masses wait for the next boogeyman to be scared of and ready to “shoot first and ask questions later”.

However, I’m going to play Hillary’s (and every political figure accused of war crimes) attorney here and ask who the REAL war crime offenders are.

According to the Constitution, and an alleged conversation Ben Franklin had with someone back in the days (“you have a republic, if you can keep it” -Ben Franklin), the American people are blessed with the power to elect certain people to lead their country (which have me questioning and wondering about this Electoral College gig).

So let’s say that the American people vote for the president to make them feel special and important. During my entire life of paying attention to politics, every election I’ve seen, a candidate that mentions blowing something, ANYTHING up was the one that end up being the nominee for that party. I mean, they have to sound all bad ass and “cowboy” like in order to get the votes, ‘we gon’ track em down, wanted dead or alive’ and the people–the PEOPLE–eat that shit up like a siesta festival! You mentioned the Constitution? Well…

Sorry Ron but War loving ‘Muricans voted Romney as their Republican nominee in 2012

But you throw out some WAR candy like a Mardi Gras confetti and…

You sell it Trump and Cruz! I need to beef up my Lockheed Martin dividend checks…

By the way, you can count on Trump to deliver on ‘blowing the shit out of em’ because it seems like “blowing up’ sounds better than ‘utterly destroy’. (Cruz dropped out)

War sales. And it continues to sell. You just need a salesman/woman to pitch it very good to the bloodthirsty crowd that knows that these countries aren’t human.

So who’s the warmonger? Oh it doesn’t just end with Republicans, with Democrats war is only barbaric, until they got their boy in the white house…

The thing is Obama didn’t lie. He’s as truthful as he can come across. No really! He’s only a reflection of most of his “followers” who already knows war and see it everyday, they just need a (D) at the end for it to be okay.

So you see Bush, it wasn’t because you was the “worst President”, you just didn’t have the (D) at the end. All you had to do was play with the alphabets a little bit, then invading Iraq and Afghanistan would’ve been okay with them too.

Now now. In the meantime give Laura Bush (D) the head’s up if you want a second run at it. 😉 CREDIT: giphy

Most of the American people NEED war because they’re at war with themselves–constantly. That’s as criminal to humanity as the accusations thrown towards Henry Kissinger. How criminal?

It’s criminal in the first degree to say “God bless America”, and fear God at the same time. That’s where the war’s at; putting love and fear in the same sentence–that’s why they’re at war, their soul is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!’

Then with the fear of this make-believe God who will punish you into eternal damnation if you don’t “love him”, you’re promoting an abusive relationship AND blackmail…

Hmmm, how does that fit in foreign policy? No..no…no the American people aren’t going to have a policy staying neutral according to that stale document called the Constitution. They need their “leader” to do a…hmm, what did Romney (the 2012 presidential nominee) say about implementing a “regime change” that’s best for American interest?

Church: give your life to an invisible God and pay your tithe or face torment and go to hell.

American foreign policy: give your allegiance to the U.S. and we put our bases here or face an invasion and we tell the American people through our CIA-back propaganda media you’re an enemy because you’re Muslim.

Better pay your tithing Imam…

If the American people DON’T vote for the president, then who get them the votes during primaries?

All I know is this; Ron Paul and every candidate that mentioned ANYTHING regarding the Constitution was left out, while the war mongers got the vote.

If voting with your dollar count, then is it on the businesses that fund the war, or the customer that fund the businesses that creates the war?

Article source courtesy of: usuncut.com


Enjoy your transgender bathrooms. We just lost America.

Enjoy your transgender bathrooms. We just lost America.



Before you read this article, I want to introduce a new concept to you. Everything this writer says, reverse it. You’d be shocked of what you read. I’ll give you a head-start at the beginning of a few paragraphs. Then after that, you’re on your own.

I learned how to do this after realizing what the terms ‘don’t throw stones in a glass house” and “we all live in a house of mirrors” truly meant, you can actually see what the person is thinking about themselves, and telling you what’s on their minds!

Yes, totally trippy right? But let’s be honest here; how can ANYONE speak or let along THINK on YOUR behalf? Even in a crowd of Americans, not every person thinks “American”.

How would you even know what the guy next to you is even thinking? If you can, good luck really seeing it.

So without further ado, read this article, and like I famously do, I’ll put my little two and a half cents in, then share your thoughts below…

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While (you) I were fighting over who should use what bathrooms at Target, (we) I lost (our) my (country) perception.

While (you) I were arguing with coworkers over who would leave the country first if Trump/Clinton were elected, the “American Dream” perished.

Don’t believe me? Then perhaps ALL is lost. And I can prove it all to (you) myself through the eyes of a child.

The screens around our house in the past couple of weeks stand in stark contrast to what’s in front of them.

The television (that’s voluntarily watched) … the laptops (that’s voluntarily used) … the iPads (that’s voluntarily played with) … the cell phones (that’s voluntarily operated) … filled with images of the attacks around the world. Day in and day out, (we) I hear stories about “refugees” pouring into the United States. Broadcast are the sounds of tone-deaf leaders. Of anger. Of hatred. Of hurt. Of fear.

In front of those screens runs our little daughter. Just over a year old, she’s the greatest blessing a young family can have. She’s filled with innocence, love, joy and our hopes for the future.

But there was a lull in the media noise on Sunday when we attended Mass. Our priest usually preaches about love. Faith. Hope. But there was a different dynamic this week.

There was a different energy.

This time, he talked about the end of times.

Our priest is far from being an alarmist. Just the opposite. But this particular Mass, he spoke deeply and heavily about being prepared. “For we know not the hour … ”

He wasn’t trying to frighten people. But he also understood that he couldn’t be tone-deaf to the deep concerns of his flock.

It’s hard not to be afraid. It’s hard not to have an underlying anxiety. It’s hard not to wonder and pray over whether your children will have the same opportunities you did.

Growing up, I paid close attention in history class. And I’ve always felt a very deep sense of patriotism. I’ve always felt great respect for my country and believed that if, God forbid, we ever faced World War III, America would once again triumph.

Perhaps my fear, and the anxiety of so many others, is that (we) I were wrong.

You’re on your own….

We were wrong because of one simple line that I believe may have been written wrong. It should have read, “One Nation, Divisible After All.”

Have we ever faced a time when our country was so polarized? Have we ever faced enemies so dangerous? Have we ever been on such a precipice that a frightening and painful energy radiated through each of us, tying us together in some disturbing, unifying, powerful and yet simultaneously divisive way?

I’m angered to see that we live in a country where we have gone soft. We’ve become hypocrites, and we’ve become pansies.

We forget that our grandfathers stormed beaches to “protect freedom”. Instead, we demand that the freedom now come in the form of a shelter from hearing words we don’t like.

We flip out because our $7 coffee comes in a red cup.

We cancel concerts and cost people jobs because we don’t agree with a law that the people of the state passed.

We care more about protecting where someone can take a leak than we care about the safety of our children. OUR CHILDREN.

We give out trophies to kids who come in 8th place. Eighth freaking place.

We dig up the graves of people who have been dead for a hundred-plus years because they had something to do with the Confederate flag, and that offends someone NOW.

We say we hate what Democrats have done to the country, so we elect a House and Senate full of Republicans who proceed to also place THEIR heads up their collective asses as well. It seems as if both parties forgot what they were supposed to be doing and whom they are supposed to be representing.

I know I put my snippet two cents in between….but I’m going to let this one flow on, it’s getting pretty good. Don’t you think?

We pick sides and parties and teams and defend them to the ends of the Earth, ignoring the facts, pointing the fingers and hoping someone else will cover the cost of our skyrocketing and borderline pointless health insurance.

I couldn’t resist…they mentioned “FACTS”. That’s my neck of the woods!

The only “facts” that exist in this world is one plus one equating to two. No matter what your belief, patriotism of any country is, sexual preference or ethnicity is–every human being agrees that one plus one is two. Taking $5 to buy a product for $3 and getting $2 back for change is a mathematical FACT. Dipping your hand in water and getting it wet is a molecular FACT. Putting your hand in a fire and getting burned is a scientific FACT. No matter what anyone’s philosophies or feelings towards water, or fire is—they’re going to get wet, or burned. And if they disagree, that’s ignoring the FACTS.

Okay carry on…

We talk about the number of homeless vets who we have to feed and clothe and house when it’s convenient for us to leverage them like pawns in a game – yet tomorrow, so many will forget to feed and clothe and house them.

Okay I lied.

I’ve personally met homeless people (and veterans) myself, and based on my personal experience with them, they are a lot more smarter AND intelligent than most “regular people” would take them as. There’s most likely a deeper reason why they choose to be homeless in the first place. Some even make it as a career to “stay off the grid”. Don’t take my word for it, ask them yourself why they choose to be homeless. It’s really not all that bad if you know how to play the game.

I honestly don’t believe I am responsible for their “clothing” and “housing” because they’re grown and have the mind to take care of themselves. Sometimes, they actually want you to even forget about them based on deeper reasons.

But it depends on your own personal perception as well. Carry on…

We ignore the simple facts about our dangerously open borders and the lack of a vetting process for refugees, then we stand in horror as ISIS attacks and we ask our politicians how they could have let this happen. And then, of course, we put a fast lane in for more to cross the border.

Okay stop! Dangerous borders; is that a FACT or an OPINION? Well let’s see;

“Dangerously” sounds like an opinion to me. Going back to fire. You might think fire is dangerous because it could burn you if you’re not careful. It can also be safe if you use it for a purpose like cooking especially if you know what you’re doing. You can use fire to cook food for man, and you can also use it to cook the man. One way is “awesome” based on if the food is tasty, the other is “horrific” based on smelling his burning flesh after. But you can not escape the FACT that fire is a gas you used for either situations.

Borders are a fictional line seperating jurisdictions. What’s FACT is the other side is called Mexico. Rather your opinions on the borders is from your own perception of going there and seeing it first hand, or you got it from the propaganda mainstream media, you can not deny the FACT that it has a border between two countries.

Regarding “ISIS”, that’s also an opinion. There’s a good chance, I’ll say about 100 percent, that you’ve never been violated by an ISIS member personally. BUT, based on your “television, iPads and laptops, the media taught you how to fear something. Rather it’s ISIS, or them “foreigners”, you FEAR something based on what you’ve “heard” from a third party source.

The ONLY thing to actually fear and be horrified is fear itself. And fear loves company. In other words, when there’s two or more in agreement to fear something they don’t understand, the only thing they fear is their lack of understanding.

Carry on…

We put in place more gun laws to prevent the bad guys from doing bad things. Because for some reason, we believe that bad guys give a damn about laws and that giving them an open shooting range on a military base or school campus will somehow protect our citizens. But then we completely ignore the massive problem of mental health in this country. We’re more worried about the tool than we are the person.

What is bad? And what is good? I guarantee you that every person in this world has a different definition than you do.

What mental health problem do you refer too?

We cry out that police are our enemies … and then we beg them to protect us from the likes of ISIS.

Well it depends. Sometimes the cops are called, then are told to take their time because you’ve already fired the first shot on self defense.

We celebrate court rulings with rainbow flags that speak volumes about how far we’ve come and how inclusive we are as Americans … then we tell our neighbors to remove their American flags and stop saying “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” because it offends us.

Or remove their “Nazi” and “Confederate” flags because it offends them…

We send billions of dollars overseas to help the homeless in impoverished and war-torn nations while we cut the funding for our own food banks and homeless programs.

I’m wondering if every American citizen that make these allegations of where the United States sends its billions to, if they’re familiar with what a “balance sheet” is. And if they do, if they really take the term ‘taxation without representation’ seriously.

In other words; how many Americans actually demand a line-by-line balance sheet of the United States and determine where every single dollar’s going to. And if they understand the difference between a “BUDGET” of their government, and the “BALANCE SHEET” of their government.

Then, every American will be able to see financial FACTS of where the $10 is going rather $5 going to “war-torn countries” while $3 is spent on “food banks” and the remaining $2 to “homeless programs”.

Or is all that talk about “our taxpayer dollars” is just a talking point they regurgitate from where they hear from mainstream media and their politicians?

We get into fistfights about “under-inflated balls” while gorging ourselves on beer and wings at football games … while millions of Americans wonder how they’re going to pay their mortgage and put food on the table for their families.

Well I can answer that. Word on the street has it that this is a country of, what’s that huge “E” word that’s going on everywhere that help take families out of poverty? What is that word…

Entrepreneur? Starting a business? Millions of Americans were (and are) paying their mortgages and some by starting a home-based business without waiting on their politicians to “do something”.

That self reliant attitude of knowing they have something of value to give to the marketplace just like many thousands of households are doing today. I doubt the news is mentioning that.

And something to chew on: almost every wealthy family and household who’ve I personally met that started out of barely anything had two things in common.

  1. They rarely (if anytime) watched TV, or NEVER watched the news. (detrimental to their focus on their family’s financial and mental sanity well-being)
  2. They had a mini library of books regarding finances, corporations and personal growth.

In other words, instead of being scared of “ISIS”, worrying about transgendered bathrooms, and how everybody else lives and religions are, they’re focused on minding their own household business, and keeping anything toxic out of their homes AND minds (including their children).

Oh, and America’s still home to the MOST self-made millionaires and billionaires in the world.

But that’s a good start. Become very creative on how to pay for that mortgage or dinner by starting a good old American home-based business.

Carry on…

We fight tooth and nail over whether someone dying of stage four pancreatic cancer should be allowed to use medical marijuana while drugs like heroin are running rampant in our schools.

No one stop that person from buying “weed” period. Yes they have to buy it off the street corner, but there’s a good chance that dealer’s not going to take that $20 to lobby their Congress to pass a bill to “legalize” it.

Heroin on the other hand…them methadone clinics are something else!

I’m basically saying fuck anyone who’s telling a sufferer how they can or can’t treat their illness. If you need to go to the corner of 3rd Street and Main to get your plant, go get it.

But if you want to do it the “right way”, then wait for society to catch up to your ideal of “treatment”.

We teach kids that there should be no boys section or girls section at the store, but our kids notice that we won’t sit down with our neighbor for a beer because they have a different skin color and we’re too busy fighting over what is and isn’t racism.

We hold massive rallies demanding $15/hour for flipping burgers … but we sit quietly on the sidelines when our men and women protecting our country who make $11/hour aren’t getting paid because Congress is debating their funding.

Okay I’m going to defend the men and women in uniform’s sound minds by saying that they do start businesses of their own so they don’t have to “depend” on congress to “do something”. And there are local and national charities available as well.

First I’m going to say what might be the most controversial and “patriotically incorrect” thing I can say here. Ready you “First Amendment” loving Americans?

The men and women in the military are doing everything BUT protecting your country that you think it is. They don’t fight for “freedom”. How can they fight for something no one barely know anything about?

If “America” had freedom, you wouldn’t even need the military to fight anywhere, for freedom doesn’t need defending or “protected”. Freedom don’t know anything about war or a fight.

If you fear anything, you have no freedom.

Just look at September 11, 2001. Just mentioning that date to all who’s familiar with it strikes some kind of “emotions” in you. Then there are all kinds of memories that cross your path. Then that’s where you lost your individual freedom because you started to FEAR SOMETHING. It doesn’t matter what it is, you feared something, and it stayed with you since.

Fear is a multi-billion dollar industry. Fear is what sent those kids to a war they didn’t understand. Fear is what murdered millions of innocent civilians in the name of the United States people.

And fear is what caused every American citizen to criticize, demonize, and harass ANYONE that looked like a “terrorist, sound like a “terrorist”, and to anyone who designed art to even make fun of the terrorist event.

Then you fear demanded them to suppress their freedom to question EVERYTHING media and your government said about the event. And even if you ask questions, you kept it to yourself in fear of a patriotic “mob-rule” due to a massive DIS-ease of cognitive dissidence.

Don’t know what cognitive dissidence is? Well, have Kim Kardashian tell you.

The American troops work for major banking corporations. That is an allegation, however, when you consider every country the United States “INVADED” and colonized….

Now what if soldiers from these same countries invaded the United States, your town all because they’re “fighting for their people’s freedom”?

In other words; flip what the military is doing all over the world and reverse it here.

Then you ask yourself who’s the REAL terrorist?

We change our profile pictures to colors that represent solidarity with a country that was attacked by terrorists … then we attack our neighbors for being concerned that the same could happen here.

Yeah I’m wondering everyone was going to change their profile picture to the Iragi, Afghan, Libyan, Syrian and countless other countries attacked by the United States military in solidarity….then attack our neighbors for being concern of not caring about HUMAN RIGHTS AND LIVES.

Or does the human race ends at the American and European borders? Not sure of the civilized totem pole.

We’re terribly focused on what matters to us as individuals. Marriage. Cell phones. Birth control. On and on and on. We’re so worried about what matters to “me” that we forgot that in order for us to have a “me” … we have to first have an “us.” A safe “us.” A unified “us.” An “us” that can at least find some kind of middle ground.


I can’t change “we” and “us”, because like I mentioned earlier, everyone don’t think the same way. And even if you think they do, how would you know what they’re thinking?

In other words; everyone have their own minds. Right?

It’s so tiring and boring to have a “we” and “us” that thinks like me. The “ME” factor is more important than your country, religion, social acceptance, and even your own family.

Yeah I said it.

That’s the whole reason why this person wrote this entire article, because they’re so caught up on what’s going on out there, they don’t realize they are interpreting what’s going on in their “ME” factor.

They’re at war with themselves.

This person has it all backwards. In order to have a “we”, you must first have “YOU”. No one is going to get you up in the morning. You get up in the morning regardless if your next door neighbor is or not. You make sure you’re not going to have bad breath when you brush your teeth before you head out, regardless if anyone in your country has either. That’s the “ME” factor.

But let’s say it is a “we” factor. And everyone decided to believe that “we” comes before “me”.

If “we” agree in unison that the world (including America) is going to hell in a hand basket, but YOUR world is as peaceful and rosy, you MUST dismiss your awesome optimistic life because “we” believe the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

Good luck with trying to find a “common ground” solution because–like I mentioned before; YOUR version of “hell” could be light years apart from the next door neighbor’s perception of “hell”.

Try to find common ground on that, and let me know how that’s working out for you.

Tomorrow is a new day. So tonight, before bed, we pray … just a little harder, perhaps, than we’ve prayed before.

Could it be that “praying a little harder” isn’t giving you the results you’re looking for? The thing is God IS having YOUR way in America.

We put our daughter to sleep and shut off the television. The internet. The phones. The iPads. All screens but the black and white monitor where we can see nothing but innocence. And for a moment, just one fleeting, precious moment, we’re once again one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with everything in this article. But if even a piece of it resonated with you, please share it with others and ask them to do the same. It’s time we start having some very difficult and very real conversations. I hope this helps start that.

Before I go on my rant, I respect this author’s ability to express their beliefs, opinions and thoughts on this matter regardless if I agree with them or not.

With that being said, I’m going on my rant. Not against this writer, or anyone who agrees or disagree with them. My rant is towards me!
Yes, myself. Ever had a rant against yourself? Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and asked;
‘what the hell is wrong with me thinking this? Or believing in that?’
It’s pretty therapeutic, you should try it sometimes.
Well I give myself a self rant everyday when I feel like blaming the ills of the world, society, the country, economic woes, terrorism, social ethics and everything in between on everything and everybody else–except me.
Remember what I said earlier where no one think the same way or time as you. It’s impossible. Everyone have their own individual agenda on why they do certain things. There’s a SELFISH reason why people go to work. That individual could careless about the financial well-being of their employer, they just care about being compensated. There’s not a damn thing wrong with that. It can’t be more right than for you to think about only you!
Yes, it defies conventional wisdom and every ethical measure you’ve been told to practice, but the “ME” factor is what separates you from the rest of the “God bless America” herd. The same herd that continues to believe everything the media spits out at them on the 6 oclock news must be true. Don’t believe me?
Then who is ISIS?
I never heard of “their” kind of ISIS. The ISIS I’ve heard about was an ancient Goddess of some sort back during the days of Atlantis or something. But that’s all, I “heard” about it, never met this goddess.
Who’s Donald Trump? Hillary Clinton?
Who the heck is Kim Jung Un? Never met the guy, have you? I have no opinion on anyone or any place I’ve never been or personally met. And even if I did, I have my own personal perception of them. What I do have is unconditional love for them because I have unconditional love for myself, all of humanity, and for Mother Earth.
In other words; I elect not to have media insult my intelligence to tell me what to think about the economy, someone’s personal lifestyle, any country, someone else version of “god”, or how I should feel about certain topics and brands.
At the end of everything I recommend to myself to turn the TV off, and any information I receive regardless of where it’s coming from lead me to ask these questions:
“Does the information invoke a feeling in me to have unconditional love towards the situation it’s focused on, and therefore have appreciation for the different ideologies and cultures all over the country and around the world?”
What that means is; with unconditional love, there is NOTHING anyone can do in this world that would make me NOT love them anymore, for love has no conditions.
If the answer’s YES, then THAT is the ME that can become the change I want to see in MY world.
If the answer’s NO, then THAT is the ME that can utilize my freedom of choice to shut the drama off in MY world.
After all, it’s only YOUR perception. Right?

Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Read this in its entirety. Then share your thoughts below…

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, on his first visit to Cannes, is, quite literally, a duck out of water.

He couldn’t bring his favorite firearms. And he’s missing his wife Miss Kay’s cooking. “If you want to lose weight, come to Cannes,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter while sipping an espresso at the Carlton.

He is here to sell a movie titled Torchbearer. Its poster, which shows Robertson clutching a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other, leaves little ambiguity about its message, with a tagline that reads: “When man stops believing in God, he’ll believe in anything.”

“It’s a picture of spiritual warfare,” the 70-year-old reality TV star said of the image. “A gun is gonna prevent someone from robbing my household and raping my wife and there’s five of them, and if I have a weapon, I have a chance. It’s like San Bernardino, if someone just had a weapon. Or Paris. And it would have helped [if the Jews were armed in Nazi Germany].”

Torchbearer, which debuted at a special Cannes market screening on May 17, won’t likely spark bidding wars like Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman. But thanks to a full-court media press and Robertson’s lightning-rod quotes, the film is sure to generate plenty of attention. The film’s director, Stephen K. Bannon has a second film at the market as well, a new anti-Hillary Clinton movie, Clinton Cash, which he wrote and produced.

But it was guns, not deals, that were on Robertson’s mind as he held forth at the Carlton. “It took Bibles and guns in order to found America,” he said. “It did take guns to send the Brits back to where they came from. What did it take when we went up against the Nazis? Faith in God. Hitler didn’t have any faith in God. There was no Jesus with him. No Jesus with Joseph Stalin or the Shintoists who attacked us in Pearl Harbor. And now we have the current crop. No Jesus with them either. No Jesus with the communists. And no Jesus with the Muslims. They seem alike. They all want to conquer the world.”

I have to give Mr. Robertson some credit here. Now I’m not sure if every American citizen saw America being “founded”, but it sounds like Mr. Robertson was there when it happened. I’m entertained by the first encounter experience of America’s founding by almost every American I asked about regarding American history. I would also assume that Mr. Robertson saw a lot of action back in the 1700s. According to his experience and re-encounter, he saw the Brits get “sent back to where they came from” because of the Bible and guns. He was there first hand when the United States allegedly “defeated” the Nazis. He actually met Hitler himself and Hitler told him in person that he didn’t believe in his [Robertson’s] God, nor had faith in this particular God. After that damning and blasphemous conversation, Mr. Robertson declared that Hitler had “no Jesus in him” and had to be taken out. I mean why wouldn’t he? Why wouldn’t Mr, Robertson not come to that conclusion?

Oh, he also met Joseph Stalin in person too! Yeah, Joseph even told him that “Joseph Stalin” was his real name “for the record”. And the Shintoists actually called Mr. Robertson via telegraph [at the time] and told Mr. Robertson in person that ‘because they had no god or Jesus in them’, they felt like attacking Pearl Harbor just because. Mr. Robertson also lived under communism so he know first hand what he’s talking about when he said they had ‘no Jesus in them’. And the latest phenomena is the Muslims. He personally talked to Muhammad himself, and Muhammad told Mr. Robertson to be alarmed that all Muslims have ‘no Jesus in them’, and want to conquer the world through the United States military–er, I meant Jihadist.

And because of all that personal experience of “history”, the only conclusion was to know that they aren’t humans and deserve to have the bombs blow the “hell” out of them. ‘By golly we gon’ fire up the gospel in their villages until they declare that our god is Lord!’

Hey, Mr. Robertson knows what he’s talking about. You heathens better listen!

Robertson may be feeling a little vulnerable in France, though, since he sees the threat of ISIS looming. He is accompanied at all times by armed guards. It was unclear if either of his two guards were legally carrying firearms. When asked, one declined to answer. “I’m not authorized to discuss,” he said.

Well, looks like this “God-fearing” righteous bible thumper got a lot of boogeymen to run from. First it was the Taliban, then after that brand got played out, a new monster named “Al-Queda” came from the bushes. And now a new brand was invented by the media after they got played out; ISIS is now the new boogeyman. So in such a “God-fearing” society, are they starting to be afraid of their own shadow which might be the next “terrorist” after ISIS get old? You know, the war on terror is fighting against an “unseen” force.

Do you know what it’s like to be around a terrified group of people while fully armed with massive destructive weapons and shoot anything that moves instead of using rational decisions?

In other words; the popular phrase ‘shoot first, ask questions later? Or, execute millions of innocent civilians now based on fear, then find the proven evidence and say ‘OOPS’ later?

What a God.

As for Clinton Cash, it’s based on Peter Schweizer’s book of the same name, which alleges that donations to The Clinton Foundation and huge speaking fees to Bill Clinton from foreign governments and wealthy businessmen influenced Hillary Clinton’s policy decisions during her stint as secretary of state.

“To me, the Clintons have created a new precedent,” says Schweizer. “There are now mechanisms and avenues whereby foreign entities can help American figures become rich.”

Now what’s wrong with being rich? What’s wrong with wealth? Apart from the “Camel fitting through the eye of a needle”, the Clintons know how to play the game, so doesn’t televangelists. What’s the difference? Just curious.

(Yes, believe it or not some people still believe in that quote and take it literally. Don’t laugh)

Isn’t Duck Dynasty shown on a network owned by shareholders from, say, other foreign countries? Just wondering.

Pitching the movie, which is being handled by ARC Entertainment, as a film “made by right-wingers for Democrats,” Bannon says he plans to open Clinton Cash on July 24 in Philadelphia on the eve of the Democratic Convention and then take it out to five cities on Aug. 1. But he’s also in Cannes looking for both domestic and international TV sales.

Bannon isn’t concerned that fellow conservative Dinesh D’Souza also is planning to open a Hillary Clinton doc: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party on July 22. “If conservatives want to see our film, fine,” he says, “but we made this film targeted to progressives, independents. … I think Dinesh’s film is to rally the right-wing troops. They are two different markets.”

Mr. Robertson is free to believe what he wants to believe. As well as millions more that agree with him. And I have no issue or personal problem with Mr. Robertson. I do find him quiet entertaining.

My concern is regarding quoting or explaining history. Any history.

No one questions history. Whatever their “history book” says, they set in stone and repeat.

For example; Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. I’ll be the first to admit that I WASN’T THERE, I DIDN’T SEE WHAT HAPPENED, AND I NEVER MET THE GUY. However, people who’ve never left this country, let along their town, know more about Hitler based on their assumptions of what the history books said than the people who actually hung out with the guy. And even if they did talk to someone who personally knew the guy or lived under that regime, they usually point out or speak on information that conveniently fits their own biased beliefs regarding any topic.

In order to really understand what I’m saying here is to ask this key question to yourself;

What is TRUTH to you, and what does it mean?

Then after defining what truth is to you, and what it means ONLY to you, ask yourself these two important questions;

  1. Is this information true?
  2. HOW do I know this to be true?

Then after you exam those two questions. Look very closely to your answer. Then after you mentally marinate over those two answers of the questions, do this;


What that means is only you know what is inside of you and your mind. No one else. I know, you might be thinking how do psychics read your mind? Well, I don’t want to go there in this blog for that’s a whole different topic. But the only thing a person (including yourself) can talk about is everything that’s going on with you.

In other words; it’s like when someone calls you “racist”. The reason why they call you that is because deep in their mind, they have an issue with themselves being a human. Because that’s the only race that exist.

That’s why I’m basically making fun of this article regarding what Mr. Phil Robertson’s “allegedly” said at this event.

Remember; I wasn’t there to hear him say it personally.

I use the word “alleged” because history itself is usually based on assumptions and allegations. Which means that the person who’s explaining history  most likely weren’t there to personally experience it. Their account of the event, or person, or group is only based on what they’ve read or heard. Then you have to ask the motive behind the person who wrote or told the story to them based on biased beliefs.

For example; a hardcore “born-again Christian” most likely won’t challenge the history of Jesus Christ or his crucifixion, or the stories in the Bible and account the scientific side of the stories (trust me I tried with someone, it didn’t go to well).

So the rational question I usually ask the person who’s trying to explain history is;


Now the automatic answers most likely will prove to you that they’re getting their information from a biased source. Usually either the media, some conspiracy theory documentary, or even the church or religious institution itself (which believers even admitted the Bible was translated multiple times but failed to know where the original transcript was or even said. For if they really knew, they would question their beliefs more often) to support their argument. Then, based on scientific mental response, they experience a mild panic which resort into “fight or flight” mode. That’s where they can’t explain their beliefs in a rational way, therefore name calling, insults, “rebukes” and sometimes physical attacks occur. Knowing all this, you prepare yourself for that to happen when you’re able to control your own mind while asking questions to those who choose not to, and depend on an outside source (or some God in the sky) to fight their battles for them, instead of responding intelligently and say ‘you know, that’s a good question. Thank you for the challenging insight”.

So let’s go back to Mr. Robertson here and his beliefs, and understand that there are millions just like him that believe the same way. I know, I grew up around them–and they are LOUD AND PROUD OF IT.

Which goes to understanding self-sabotage. And my curiosity of the justification behind why the “god-fearing” society of the United States engage in more aggressive warfare and invasions in “communist” and Muslim-dominated countries than any other country on earth.

And they want to talk about peace.

Speaking on communism. I’ve been curious regarding communism. We’ve been taught in psychological warfare-controlled government mandated (K-12) propaganda mills called the public school system, as well as through the media to believe how evil and corrupt communists nations were. I just find it weird that based on the “alleged” history and records of the CIA (central intelligence agency), THEY would spend millions if not billions of dollars, technology, and manpower combined, to convince the American people that communism is a threat—hmm. I wonder why?

Not saying communism is good or bad, for good and bad is only in the mind of the beholder. However, I’ve been curious of why they would want to convince the American people how great capitalism was apart from communism. It’s just me, but for some odd reason I think that communism looks a lot similar to “community”. It’s just me, but I like to look deeper into the “American” English language a lot deeper since discovering (DIS-cover=uncover) that the word MORTGAGE is actually two words with MORT comes from the Latin word (MORTIS) meaning “death”, and GAGE meaning “pledge”, or someone mentioned it meaning “grip”. So putting two words together in a raw translation it would mean “death grip, or death pledge”.

Rather that’s true or not, it had me question almost every big “English” word. Not trying to go to deep in the subject here, but that was in my mind regarding communism.

We will touch more deeper in this subject regarding communism on a later blog. There’s something else I want to share with you that I came across a few weeks ago that could literally shake up your beliefs and thoughts regarding the financial well being of you, your family, and the United States altogether. What I have in store could shake up everything you thought about money and the government.

Trust me. It’s far from what you’ve heard before.

What’s your thoughts on this?