Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Cannes: Phil Robertson, Accompanied by Armed Guards, Pitches Bible-Thumping Movie at Fest

Read this in its entirety. Then share your thoughts below…

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, on his first visit to Cannes, is, quite literally, a duck out of water.

He couldn’t bring his favorite firearms. And he’s missing his wife Miss Kay’s cooking. “If you want to lose weight, come to Cannes,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter while sipping an espresso at the Carlton.

He is here to sell a movie titled Torchbearer. Its poster, which shows Robertson clutching a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other, leaves little ambiguity about its message, with a tagline that reads: “When man stops believing in God, he’ll believe in anything.”

“It’s a picture of spiritual warfare,” the 70-year-old reality TV star said of the image. “A gun is gonna prevent someone from robbing my household and raping my wife and there’s five of them, and if I have a weapon, I have a chance. It’s like San Bernardino, if someone just had a weapon. Or Paris. And it would have helped [if the Jews were armed in Nazi Germany].”

Torchbearer, which debuted at a special Cannes market screening on May 17, won’t likely spark bidding wars like Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman. But thanks to a full-court media press and Robertson’s lightning-rod quotes, the film is sure to generate plenty of attention. The film’s director, Stephen K. Bannon has a second film at the market as well, a new anti-Hillary Clinton movie, Clinton Cash, which he wrote and produced.

But it was guns, not deals, that were on Robertson’s mind as he held forth at the Carlton. “It took Bibles and guns in order to found America,” he said. “It did take guns to send the Brits back to where they came from. What did it take when we went up against the Nazis? Faith in God. Hitler didn’t have any faith in God. There was no Jesus with him. No Jesus with Joseph Stalin or the Shintoists who attacked us in Pearl Harbor. And now we have the current crop. No Jesus with them either. No Jesus with the communists. And no Jesus with the Muslims. They seem alike. They all want to conquer the world.”

I have to give Mr. Robertson some credit here. Now I’m not sure if every American citizen saw America being “founded”, but it sounds like Mr. Robertson was there when it happened. I’m entertained by the first encounter experience of America’s founding by almost every American I asked about regarding American history. I would also assume that Mr. Robertson saw a lot of action back in the 1700s. According to his experience and re-encounter, he saw the Brits get “sent back to where they came from” because of the Bible and guns. He was there first hand when the United States allegedly “defeated” the Nazis. He actually met Hitler himself and Hitler told him in person that he didn’t believe in his [Robertson’s] God, nor had faith in this particular God. After that damning and blasphemous conversation, Mr. Robertson declared that Hitler had “no Jesus in him” and had to be taken out. I mean why wouldn’t he? Why wouldn’t Mr, Robertson not come to that conclusion?

Oh, he also met Joseph Stalin in person too! Yeah, Joseph even told him that “Joseph Stalin” was his real name “for the record”. And the Shintoists actually called Mr. Robertson via telegraph [at the time] and told Mr. Robertson in person that ‘because they had no god or Jesus in them’, they felt like attacking Pearl Harbor just because. Mr. Robertson also lived under communism so he know first hand what he’s talking about when he said they had ‘no Jesus in them’. And the latest phenomena is the Muslims. He personally talked to Muhammad himself, and Muhammad told Mr. Robertson to be alarmed that all Muslims have ‘no Jesus in them’, and want to conquer the world through the United States military–er, I meant Jihadist.

And because of all that personal experience of “history”, the only conclusion was to know that they aren’t humans and deserve to have the bombs blow the “hell” out of them. ‘By golly we gon’ fire up the gospel in their villages until they declare that our god is Lord!’

Hey, Mr. Robertson knows what he’s talking about. You heathens better listen!

Robertson may be feeling a little vulnerable in France, though, since he sees the threat of ISIS looming. He is accompanied at all times by armed guards. It was unclear if either of his two guards were legally carrying firearms. When asked, one declined to answer. “I’m not authorized to discuss,” he said.

Well, looks like this “God-fearing” righteous bible thumper got a lot of boogeymen to run from. First it was the Taliban, then after that brand got played out, a new monster named “Al-Queda” came from the bushes. And now a new brand was invented by the media after they got played out; ISIS is now the new boogeyman. So in such a “God-fearing” society, are they starting to be afraid of their own shadow which might be the next “terrorist” after ISIS get old? You know, the war on terror is fighting against an “unseen” force.

Do you know what it’s like to be around a terrified group of people while fully armed with massive destructive weapons and shoot anything that moves instead of using rational decisions?

In other words; the popular phrase ‘shoot first, ask questions later? Or, execute millions of innocent civilians now based on fear, then find the proven evidence and say ‘OOPS’ later?

What a God.

As for Clinton Cash, it’s based on Peter Schweizer’s book of the same name, which alleges that donations to The Clinton Foundation and huge speaking fees to Bill Clinton from foreign governments and wealthy businessmen influenced Hillary Clinton’s policy decisions during her stint as secretary of state.

“To me, the Clintons have created a new precedent,” says Schweizer. “There are now mechanisms and avenues whereby foreign entities can help American figures become rich.”

Now what’s wrong with being rich? What’s wrong with wealth? Apart from the “Camel fitting through the eye of a needle”, the Clintons know how to play the game, so doesn’t televangelists. What’s the difference? Just curious.

(Yes, believe it or not some people still believe in that quote and take it literally. Don’t laugh)

Isn’t Duck Dynasty shown on a network owned by shareholders from, say, other foreign countries? Just wondering.

Pitching the movie, which is being handled by ARC Entertainment, as a film “made by right-wingers for Democrats,” Bannon says he plans to open Clinton Cash on July 24 in Philadelphia on the eve of the Democratic Convention and then take it out to five cities on Aug. 1. But he’s also in Cannes looking for both domestic and international TV sales.

Bannon isn’t concerned that fellow conservative Dinesh D’Souza also is planning to open a Hillary Clinton doc: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party on July 22. “If conservatives want to see our film, fine,” he says, “but we made this film targeted to progressives, independents. … I think Dinesh’s film is to rally the right-wing troops. They are two different markets.”

Mr. Robertson is free to believe what he wants to believe. As well as millions more that agree with him. And I have no issue or personal problem with Mr. Robertson. I do find him quiet entertaining.

My concern is regarding quoting or explaining history. Any history.

No one questions history. Whatever their “history book” says, they set in stone and repeat.

For example; Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. I’ll be the first to admit that I WASN’T THERE, I DIDN’T SEE WHAT HAPPENED, AND I NEVER MET THE GUY. However, people who’ve never left this country, let along their town, know more about Hitler based on their assumptions of what the history books said than the people who actually hung out with the guy. And even if they did talk to someone who personally knew the guy or lived under that regime, they usually point out or speak on information that conveniently fits their own biased beliefs regarding any topic.

In order to really understand what I’m saying here is to ask this key question to yourself;

What is TRUTH to you, and what does it mean?

Then after defining what truth is to you, and what it means ONLY to you, ask yourself these two important questions;

  1. Is this information true?
  2. HOW do I know this to be true?

Then after you exam those two questions. Look very closely to your answer. Then after you mentally marinate over those two answers of the questions, do this;


What that means is only you know what is inside of you and your mind. No one else. I know, you might be thinking how do psychics read your mind? Well, I don’t want to go there in this blog for that’s a whole different topic. But the only thing a person (including yourself) can talk about is everything that’s going on with you.

In other words; it’s like when someone calls you “racist”. The reason why they call you that is because deep in their mind, they have an issue with themselves being a human. Because that’s the only race that exist.

That’s why I’m basically making fun of this article regarding what Mr. Phil Robertson’s “allegedly” said at this event.

Remember; I wasn’t there to hear him say it personally.

I use the word “alleged” because history itself is usually based on assumptions and allegations. Which means that the person who’s explaining history  most likely weren’t there to personally experience it. Their account of the event, or person, or group is only based on what they’ve read or heard. Then you have to ask the motive behind the person who wrote or told the story to them based on biased beliefs.

For example; a hardcore “born-again Christian” most likely won’t challenge the history of Jesus Christ or his crucifixion, or the stories in the Bible and account the scientific side of the stories (trust me I tried with someone, it didn’t go to well).

So the rational question I usually ask the person who’s trying to explain history is;


Now the automatic answers most likely will prove to you that they’re getting their information from a biased source. Usually either the media, some conspiracy theory documentary, or even the church or religious institution itself (which believers even admitted the Bible was translated multiple times but failed to know where the original transcript was or even said. For if they really knew, they would question their beliefs more often) to support their argument. Then, based on scientific mental response, they experience a mild panic which resort into “fight or flight” mode. That’s where they can’t explain their beliefs in a rational way, therefore name calling, insults, “rebukes” and sometimes physical attacks occur. Knowing all this, you prepare yourself for that to happen when you’re able to control your own mind while asking questions to those who choose not to, and depend on an outside source (or some God in the sky) to fight their battles for them, instead of responding intelligently and say ‘you know, that’s a good question. Thank you for the challenging insight”.

So let’s go back to Mr. Robertson here and his beliefs, and understand that there are millions just like him that believe the same way. I know, I grew up around them–and they are LOUD AND PROUD OF IT.

Which goes to understanding self-sabotage. And my curiosity of the justification behind why the “god-fearing” society of the United States engage in more aggressive warfare and invasions in “communist” and Muslim-dominated countries than any other country on earth.

And they want to talk about peace.

Speaking on communism. I’ve been curious regarding communism. We’ve been taught in psychological warfare-controlled government mandated (K-12) propaganda mills called the public school system, as well as through the media to believe how evil and corrupt communists nations were. I just find it weird that based on the “alleged” history and records of the CIA (central intelligence agency), THEY would spend millions if not billions of dollars, technology, and manpower combined, to convince the American people that communism is a threat—hmm. I wonder why?

Not saying communism is good or bad, for good and bad is only in the mind of the beholder. However, I’ve been curious of why they would want to convince the American people how great capitalism was apart from communism. It’s just me, but for some odd reason I think that communism looks a lot similar to “community”. It’s just me, but I like to look deeper into the “American” English language a lot deeper since discovering (DIS-cover=uncover) that the word MORTGAGE is actually two words with MORT comes from the Latin word (MORTIS) meaning “death”, and GAGE meaning “pledge”, or someone mentioned it meaning “grip”. So putting two words together in a raw translation it would mean “death grip, or death pledge”.

Rather that’s true or not, it had me question almost every big “English” word. Not trying to go to deep in the subject here, but that was in my mind regarding communism.

We will touch more deeper in this subject regarding communism on a later blog. There’s something else I want to share with you that I came across a few weeks ago that could literally shake up your beliefs and thoughts regarding the financial well being of you, your family, and the United States altogether. What I have in store could shake up everything you thought about money and the government.

Trust me. It’s far from what you’ve heard before.

What’s your thoughts on this?