It Takes One To Know One

Ever had someone say you were a lie, knowing full hand that you were telling the truth?

Or how about you revealed the truth to someone regarding what they might be involved in, but what you revealed to them was so traumatic and a shock that they called YOU a liar, or that you were lying?

It’s all based on emotions, right? Because what is true? What’s truth? And who determines what’s truth? And is it truth or true because YOU agree with it?

Ever saw or heard something that WAS true that you DISAGREED with? How many people do that? I believe that if the average person saw or heard something that they admitted was true but was unpleasant to agree with, they would see life totally different — including their own existence.

I believe the same is going on between North Korea, and western media’s depiction of North Korea. I like to play the game of “media reversal”, which means that everything they say about a noun (person, place, thing) or an idea or belief, I think the opposite. Yeah, I do totally reversal, because I believe that western media (especially in the U.S.) insults its audience intelligence by telling you what’s going on HERE but using another noun’s name to throw you off (research false flags). I’d admit that’s pure speculation on my part because I don’t work inside a media studio, however I do believe that it takes one to know one — or else there would be no place, person or thing to make fun or, insult or talk about. Right?

So let’s look in the mirror for a second and read this article and see if it reminds you of a familiar place. Now rather you’ve been to North Korea in person or not, only you can tell yourself if it’s bullshit or not. However, I’ve been trying to figure out if they had a country mistaken for a place I’m already familiar with.

10 Most Ridiculous Lies North Koreans Are Made To Believe

North Korea is an isolated dictatorship, so we are told on the outside.  But what are they told on the inside?  The answer to this question may have you reeling.

From calling Kim Jong-Il a fashion icon to the entire country believing he is magical; these things can get crazy.  Fortunatley, we’ve had compiled a list of some of these outright bizarre myths that have been perpetrated around the country to keep control of the people.

Now let’s dissect some of these myths that the article claims belong to North Korea. And I’ll give you an example of how it could be related to a place I’m very familiar with.

10. The U.S. Started The Korean War

I don’t know about you, but the last time I checked in my entire existence I’ve never seen a North Korean army or military invade the United States, nor have I heard North Korea START any wars with anyone. I do remember our troops here in the U.S. heading out to be deployed in some desert country thousands of miles away. And I’ll be honest to say that the U.S. do have a reputation of starting a lot of shit — war’s one of them. Just ask Libya, Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cambodia—shall I continue?

9. Kim Jong-Il Had A Supernatural Birth

That sounds very familiar. I wasn’t there when Obama was born, however some of his followers (sound like a cult leader right? His followers lol!) truly believed he was the “anointed one”, a savior of the world, and had supernatural favors from whoever. The media did a good job changing some people’s beliefs and principles when they presented the first “alleged” black man as President.

8. Kim Jong-il Is A Fashion Icon

Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama…..who else was considered a “fashion icon”, hmmm — can you think of any President and First Lady dubbed as a Fashion Icon? Those two stuck out.

7. Kim Jong-Il Is Loved And North Korea Is Envied All Over The World

Ooooh now THIS sounds familiar. Obama is loved and America’s strength and “leader of the free world” is envied all over the world—or so the media said. So many people want to be like America, come to America. Are we the envy of the world?

Speaking of famine; what is it call when you feed your citizens crops that’s 90 percent contaminated with GMO pesticide chemicals which they consume nutrient bankrupt processed foods, thus systematically starve themselves which justifies the highest population of obesity and food related illnesses in the world?

6. Kim Jong-Il Invented The Hamburger

Maybe he did! How would you and I know? I wasn’t there when the first burger was created, so he probably did. Has nothing to do with me, it ain’t changing my feelings towards a man I never met or grabbing another quarter pounder. A burger’s a burger. But if that is so important to point out regarding some alleged “dictator”, then I see why the media here got problems.

5. Kim Jong-Il Is The Best Natural Golfer & Bowler In The World

I’d have to arrange a game with him in another life to see! I mean I ain’t gonna lie my handicap in golf isn’t that pretty so he might get me there in a landslide, however my bowling skills are pretty on point so I might have to challenge him on that one.

4. Kim Jong-Il Is Magical

I’ve heard that before regarding a head of state and celebrity. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard that from most people here regarding a particular celebrity. But remember, they’re only “magical” on the big screen, music video and on TV — that’s not counting when you see them away from it. Then again, it depends on YOUR definition of “magical”.

3. Kim Jong-Il Cured Dwarfism

Okay? And?

2. Kim Jong-Il Was Extraordinarily Gifted

I’ve heard that regarding people with powerful psychic abilities and autism so was Kim Jong-ll psychic and autistic? Depends on your definition of “extraordinary gifted”. However, I believe every human being on this planet is EXTRAORDINARILY GIFTED, they just push it down FOR society and point fingers towards those who pushed theirs UP and express their gifts — and was called crazy.

1. Internet Access Is Not Allowed To Protect The West

Article source:

This one is my favorite, because I experienced extraordinary knowledge on so many topics when the world wide web (for you 90s kids out there) came about. However, I witnessed the severe dumb down of not only my fellow citizens, but the outright common sense seeping out from my own generation. Maybe it’s because there’s only so much the government will allow on the United States Internet to show?

Is that why the world wide web is now dubbed the “dark web” because of so much WikiLeaks type of information that THEY put fear in people of going on it? Remember what I said about FEAR? Well, who’s “they” you might ask?*

That’s funny how they change the brand from “world wide web” to the “Inter-Net“. It reminds me of you traveling the entire world wide, far and in between on the cyber web (spider, eight “8” legs, connections: numerology, 8 is infinite.

*Six eyes: Six NET-works:

CBS “eye on America.

FOX “watching the hen (citizens) house”.

NBCNazional BroadCAST & Crew, CHANNELing“.

CNN “Constant Negative vibration = fear, News”.

ABC “Alphabet origin, Disney.

Univision-UNI “One” VISION: eye) and able to learn EVERYTHING — you know, kind of like going off the beaten path?

Then you take the Inter–net, Inter–transit bus to go from point A to point B WITHOUT leaving the boundaries. So you’re not able to go off the beaten path. Because instead of being world–wide, it’s now the Inter-city where you’re on a pre-determined route that was planned and predictable and already setup. You’re not able to go on other routes except on these INTER-city buses that never leave the city. And you’re conNETed via tele (porting) communication systems governed by a corporate body, where you are FEDeral your COMMUNI-cations CoMISSION.

FED, (eral=REAL): COMMUNIsm‘s, Cation: attracted to opposite electric (brain) charge, positive or negative, and vice versa (see “cations” above), COrporate MISSION.


United States of America is a corporation — with a mission.

The question is, who are the shareholders?

There’s some deep scientific shit that goes on with all this because the human biology and psychology is science. I believe this is why religion that I grew up in reinforced how science was “evil” and to stay away, because I felt like religion was an institution created to control and subdue the human race by teaching you to FEAR something, someone, or some place (negative vibration). It didn’t matter what it was, you MUST fear anything to stay away from it, and most people FEAR what they don’t understand, and fear to even understand it. If you understand mind science, then you will understand the game. That’s why it’s important that anything related to science and math is presented to you as boring and uninterested as possible.

That’s based on my own independent research, and understanding that I decided to share. But I’m not convincing you to believe it. Take that information how you want and do your own independent research — on the Internet ;-P

I have a really strong feeling that North Korea’s not what western mainstream “and alternative” media try to depict, and North Korea knows a lot more about America’s dirty little secrets that America may not want YOU to know.

And I also have a strong feeling that the United States (not America) hires certain foreign visitors to America to tell the American people all the “alleged” horrors they go through in their home country to convince Americans that what the media told you was true. You know the same studios that told you they were in one location in some other country but was really LIVE in studio in front of a green screen? You know, those media formats?)

Here you have the most powerful platform I believe to EVER present itself to humanity — the world wide web (forget the Internet), yet most of MY fellow citizens have no idea about cultures of other countries, can’t speak another languages, afraid of every “immigrant” they come across, blame “globalization” on free trade and losing their jobs, can’t name their state’s capital, or worse can’t name most of the states in America, have the most health epidemics in the world, consume more opiates than any country on Earth, and the BIGGEST OF THEM ALL — still believe that North Korea is an isolated dictatorship because of what the media says.

BUT! Try to express yourself here in this country, and get called out on social media by YOUR OWN CITIZENS for being “unpatriotic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, ant-vexxer, athiest, satanist, Bible thumper, sick —- shall I continue?

Your own citizens even call the FCC and social media to take down extremely offensive videos and content — FROM THE INTERNET OF ALL PLACES PEOPLE!!!!

This article didn’t remind me of North Korea. It didn’t even remind me of the United States government. It sure didn’t remind me of mainstream biased media. There’s nothing wrong with media being biased, it’s their job to present content that their biased audience wants to see so they can generate advertising dollars. that’s business.

This article reminded me that the government don’t need to police or dictate ANYONE. The people do a better job policing, censoring and punishing themselves. Same thing with the constitution; the government and politicians don’t have to violate it, your next door neighbor who calls child protective service on you because they disagree on how you raise your kids do a better job sicking the government on you to do that for them. So since they can’t just take your kids– they just elect politicians to kidnap them legally.

I mentioned earlier how I reverse EVERYTHING any media format throws at me. So, it told me everything that the average United States citizen do to each other, we’ll just call them Kim Jung-ll. Someone’s “magical” to the masses because the camera crew and editors did an outstanding job making your favorite celebrities “magical”, that’s their job, that’s how they sell the product. Their job is to say ‘hey, look over there!’

And God forbid if you don’t listen to it and stay focused on what’s more important in human existence and remind people to do the same, well — you’re everything named in the book if you don’t “look over there”, then there’s laws put in place by your citizens who is looking over there but is being reminded to focus on more important things by you, and here you come along and interrupt their sleep, and now they’re ready to silence you.

Oh yes, the people can silence you, you didn’t know that? They silenced Kennedy (or else we wouldn’t have an IRS or a tax code obeyed), they silenced Martin Luther King Jr. (he reminded people about unconditional love against violence and equality for the entire human race), Princess Diana (for believing in herself and her power from within), Malcolm X (for realizing that love for all humans is superior to believing white people were the devil)—-I can go on and on with how many hit-men and women were hired by the people to silence anyone reminding the masses of the truth. Because when they live in a lie, you must bully and/or silence someone (or country) that’s living in their truth.

If you have a problem with North Korea (including every so-call dictator country your media spoon fed you, that’s including AL-Queda, Taliban, ISIS, etc. that you’ve never heard of until he say, she say told you), then you might be one of those citizens that will silence anyone that present the truth to you. Hey, it might be in your name, but at least your fingerprints isn’t on the weapon. Yeah it might be conspiracy to murder, but that’s what war is for so you can get (and write) off easy. Right?

So what do you do to North Korea? Do you “hate them” because of what they say? Hate, hmm — funny how that word has been extremely profitable.

Or, do you give it a visit and see for yourself how many lies North Koreans are made to believe?

Or you can always ask Dennis Rodman…


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