The welfare system, in theory, is supposed to be temporary and help people when they are down on their luck. But in practice, it has created an entire class of citizens who refuse to work and live off the work of others. In many minority communities, with the number of single-parent households skyrocketing, the state often takes the place of the father.

Watch (below) as Judge Judy takes a “lazy” guy to task for misspending money the government gave him for rent. Because his friend provided him housing, he pocketed the money. And in Barack Obama’s America, it’s clear he had a sense of entitlement to abuse that government program anyway he saw fit.

Judge Judy, as a taxpayer, is not pleased and explains to him where that money (allegedly) comes from(!) She explains the purpose of the program, and is so mad that she promises to send this clip to Congress.


Original article credit: American Journal Review

Not blaming Judge Judy or anyone, but I’m afraid she (along with a lot of taxpayers) might be a little uninformed.

And I’m not defending this kid’s action either.

For the record, I’m not for or against welfare. And no, I don’t have to choose one or the other. I do not have an opinion based on others perception of anything. So I consider myself neutral. You’ll see why later on.

Being “productive in society” may mean something noble to you, but NOT for the powers in government. Not blaming them, but being “productive citizens” is also part of the game and the cog wheel. And Congress is loving it. Why wouldn’t they?

You’ll see why in a minute.

With that being said, let me share THE most SHOCKING news you’ll ever hear in your entire “taxpayer versus welfare recipient” life.

I wanted you to read the paragraphs above without my two cents. However, I did highlight some key words for a reason.

  1. The word “suppose” is an assumption of an action that was designed for a particular purpose based on two or more agreements given to others. For example, tax dollars “supposed” to go towards a certain program but it’s not. Or, you “suppose” to go to work after finishing school, etc. Society put a condition on you that you’re “suppose” to do certain things based on what some politician or group told THEM about the particular action.
  2. The phrase “refuse to work and live off the work of others” is very popular among those who don’t know the game the government’s playing on them. The “refuse to work” is coined because the masses see “work” as a job you go to instead of the inner work of understanding who you are (thyself) without the labels put on you by others in society. But the BIGGEST misconceptions is “live off the work of others” myth. Others work has nothing to do with those on welfare because those who work aren’t paying for welfare recipient at all. Shocked? You’ll see why in a minute.
  3. If “lazy” is such a bad thing, why do most people like to relax in a “lazy” river? Hahaha just joking….on the serious note though, lazy is used as a weapon of words used by those who feel like they’re being financially and legally raped by the government, and throw their venom towards those who’s learning and using the system. You’ll see why in a minute.
  4. The blame game again; it’s all “Obama’s fault” right? His plan was to put as many people on welfare and food stamps right?
  5. The word “entitlement” is another favorite from the “taxpayer’s” venom. They claim that this kid is “abusing” the system by using funds “earmarked” for his rent on something else. And now get angry about it for a long time because they’re “forced” to pay something they don’t want to pay for.
  6. The last part’s my favorite. The author of this article obviously took this news personally based on the exclamation mark, and what most been told without seeing physical evidence or an audit showing how their “taxes” are used. And being “mad” about it definitely keep the fingers pointing and the “divide & conquer” game going.

Believe it or not, this stigma between taxpayers and “welfare recipients” are so profitable because it keeps America divided.

Look at it like this; it’s not the class warfare mentality that’s dividing America, it’s the assumption of where the resources coming from and where it’s going to…that keeps it going.

The best way to understand this game in a kindergarten level is to let Sherry Jackson, former IRS agent explain it to you.

Video source courtesy of bootme21 via YouTube

How you digest this information is totally up to you, it’s neither right or wrong. However the thing that stuck out to me is the division this tax code has created. It’s causing this so-call “United” states to fight among each other for who owes what to whom over SPECULATIONS…….

That word “United” has a funny lingo to it doesn’t it?

References: Grab your copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island Now. And Stop Being A Self Sabotaging PAWN.




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