I just want to share this video first. Then say my peace…


If this is true, congratulations Hillary and Bill Clinton for achieving wealth that MOST people wish they had. But you know, they need a target guys.

Congratulations to ALL wealthy and successful people in the United States, and all over the world.

With that being said; I’m definitely seeing class warfare at work here.

Regardless if it’s Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or any political candidate, I’m trying to figure out what is it that their residence have ANYTHING to do with the campaign or election?

Not trying to play the gender card here, but I’m actually surprised I didn’t hear any of the girls congratulating Hillary for being a powerful woman that achieved success for herself in a male-dominated arena. It would’ve been better than hearing ‘she can’t relate to us’…

Who’s “us?” Better speak for ya’ self…

CREDIT: globalgrind.com


The ONLY thing anyone knows about ANY candidate is what the corporate controlled CIA-backed propaganda mainstream media WANTS YOU TO KNOW. Nothing more.

Not defending either of them, but regardless of how ANYBODY feel about Hillary or Bill, most likely don’t know any of them personally, and probably never met them. And regardless of HOW the Clintons made their money, how certain people feel about them won’t stop them from banking it today, or forever more.

Next, this sounds like pure allegations. I didn’t hear anyone ask for proof, or evidence Hillary own any of those homes (not that it matters by the way). However, what disturbed me was the reaction after the “revealing” of the homes. They suddenly changed their minds with a flick of a switch–ALL BECAUSE she has multiple homes.

OMG they’re changing their vote because of a few extra million dollar cribs!!!!!

Don’t worry about it. It’s not like their vote ACTUALLY COUNT, totally forgot about that Super-delegate move…

CREDIT: knowyourmeme.com

Rather this video was scripted or candid, it also got me wondering if being successful (regardless of profession) has become a negative stigma in America? Did you hear what they said? ‘It seems like she can’t relate to everyday Americans‘……

Really? Well, now I’m wondering what’s an everyday American? I mean I would assume Bill Gates is an everyday American, so is Abigail Johnson (Fidelity Investments). Is being an “everyday American” have some kind of INCOME CAP or something? Is there some kind of bad taste regarding wealth in America these days?

The bottom line? Everybody want the wealth, but hate on the ones who have it. Go figure.

No wonder the wealthy keep to themselves.


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