British Teacher And Students Sends Letters To Syrian “Terrorists”

British Teacher And Students Sends Letters To Syrian “Terrorists”

Teacher “Allegedly” Brainwashes Her Young Students Into Sending These Letters to Syrian Terrorists

A teacher working in a British classroom had pupils send handwritten letters to ‘hero’ Syrian terrorists.

The decorative notes – which include drawings and finger-paintings – were addressed to Al Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra fighters.

The children described their planned recipients as ‘diamonds’, ‘role models’ and ‘brothers’.

It is not known at which school they were written, but are thought to have been penned under the persuasion of the unidentified class teacher.


The pupils were forced to write in both English and Arabic, opening each of their notes: ‘To our brothers in…’

Images of the letters were shared on Twitter by a woman using the handle @irhabiyya_18, which translates to ‘terrorist_18′.

Keeping her identity hidden by choosing not to display her own photograph in her profile picture, the unknown woman uses her social media account to promote the jihad.



She has previously shared extremist views using the account, and boasted to her 500 followers about the content of the letters.

When posting them online, she wrote: ‘lil kids put their heads together to “post” letters to the muhajideen :)’

She followed that up by tweeting: ‘Please encourage these lil enthusiastic daughters of this ummah…they eagerly awaiting a response…’ before adding how particularly fond she was of one of the notes.



That letter has a green hilly scene drawn in crayon with a black ISIS flag flying high above them.

It reads: ‘I am so happy to write to my brothers of the mujahideen in Syria. I think of you all like heroes.’

It then goes on to praise ‘brave’ jihadis and question western rituals.

The letters were discovered online by American think tank The Middle East Media Research Institute.

Haras Rafiq, head of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said: ‘She is clearly brainwashing youngsters. These kids are vulnerable.’

The teacher’s Twitter page also features sickening images of beheading victims.

For the record, I understand the pre-conceived perceptions given to those who fail to think for themselves and are addicted to the constant feeding from mainstream mass media. Most who are easily influenced on the information spoon-fed to them usually have a deep emotional attachment to any news program that mentions anything regarding “Muslims, jihadist, ISIS, al-Quada, Mujahideen, Taliban” and any other group or country considered “terrorists” without doing their own research on the very content producers that present these contents to them. Because they may be reading this also, I have to use extreme caution. For even though we live in a country where the First Amendment defends my freedom of expression and speech WHICH IS A HUMAN RIGHT TO DO SO, not all Americans feel the same way. For those who believe in TRUE FREEDOM, please excuse my intellectual observation regarding the above article.
With all that being said, I understand this allegedly happened in Britain. I say “alleged” because I wasn’t there, I didn’t see it, and there’s a good chance you weren’t there either. All we know is the content creator is saying this is what happened where the only ones in this planet that knows what happened are the kids and teacher in that classroom. Everything else is just speculation. What’s also speculation is WHY they wrote it.
But I want to pick this article for a second and ask these questions;
What is it that this teacher did that most teachers in America DON’T do?
And what is “brainwashing”?
What is “muhajideen”? And what does that mean? According to Wikipedia…
“the term for one engaged in Jihad
Okay, so what is “jihad”? Well again, according to Wikipedia…
“is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning the act of “striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering”
So let’s translate all that in Christian terms. What I’m understanding isMuhajideen sounds like a Crusador for Christ to maintain “the holy war” of God or in Muslim term “jihad”. In other words, why do someone call themselves a Christian?

CHRIST-ians—which looks like they’re attaching their title to Christ.

According to Wiki again regarding muhajideen from what I understand,

A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen

A person engaged in holy war is called a “christian”, the plural of which is christians

God and “Allah” is the same thing speaking one one source. Energy. However, the true name for “God” is “Aaaah–”

Try it next time you meditate.

Have you asked yourself what Allah really mean for your own understanding? Or, are you being spoon-fed by what “religion” is telling you what it is? Only you can answer that. I really hope you consider it, for your answer can determine if innocent blood will continue being shed over a misunderstanding on each other’s “opinions” about God in the name of religion.

So going back to the article. It states that this teacher is “brainwashing” these kids. I don’t think most people know what brainwashing is. So let’s compare, according to Wiki again…

Brainwashing is a theory that human subjects can be indoctrinated in a way that causes “an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values”

What’s “indoctrination”?

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology (see doctrine).[1] Indoctrination is a critical component in the transfer of cultures, customs, and traditions from one generation to the next”.

So let me ask you this; if you’re religious, were you given the freedom to decide what to believe in as a child growing up?

When the military prepare for a mission overseas, do you say ‘God bless our troops?’

Do you or your child have a choice to go to school or not?

The United States is considered a Christian—if not religious—nation. Why then are we the most aggressive war and military power in the world? Why is it that we invade—INVADE–small countries where most are usually—Muslim?

If you don’t believe in the kind of God the Church tells you, are you doomed to go to hell?

Is that brainwashing?

If you don’t support the troops, or even believe they shouldn’t be fighting in wars period, are your freedom of expression rediculed?

Is that our so-call “jihad”?

What if everything mainstream media tells you about these so-call terrorists are actually describing how these countries sees us?

Well why not? Can you picture heavily armed troops from Iran or Iraq bust down your door and order you out of the house so they can search—through YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT—to look for terrorists?

Will you support these “Iraqi” and “Iranian” troops who are fighting for their country?

Who’s human here and who’s not? And where does “human rights” starts and stop?

Going back to this teacher. Automatically, she’s being condemn by a group of people who collectively don’t know what is going on. All they know is what they read, and ran with it. That’s a given, that WILL happen because that’s the name of the majority game who can’t ask critical questions on any topic regardless of what it is.

My suspicion is someone telling me what this woman is thinking in the first place. Without understanding what any of these words means, there are multiple accusations being thrown around here. Then insult the intelligence of these kids making them out to look as though they can’t think for themselves. The biggest mistake I’ve ever seen with grown people is underestimating the power of the mind of a child. Children are not dumb. Adults maybe mentally handicapped on what they see on MSM, but kids are still kids, and to them, there’s no such thing, and there never was a war against NOBODY.

My whole point here is this; I can care less what this woman’s agenda is. It’s not affecting my life. Maybe it’s affecting yours, I dunno. All I know is this; most opinions on everything going on around the world is from those who are getting their info from the most shittiest biased source who’ve never left the front porch. In other words, they never left the region, let along the country, but knows more about someone else culture based on he say/she say instead of asking questions from that one source for their own independent understanding. However what is affecting me is how I think about the world and every human being in this world (YES, including the Taliban, mujahideen, al-Quada, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, ISIS, Neo-Nazis, KKK, Black Panthers, and all in between) I love them all. And I love you too.

We’re all in this world together, we’re all human beings, and we all desire one thing. Love.

It burns me up when grown people inflict their pathetic fear-mongering, sick disgusting biased and racially charged slime on the innocent minds of a child that sees everything beautiful on Mother Earth.

Have that happened to you? When was it the last time you saw the world as a child?

What’s your thoughts?